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Posts posted by h2osport

  1. I like the zip line into the neighbors pool while shooting targets. Not sure how the neighbor would feel, but seems like a great idea to me!

    They probably already have an opinion about your activities. Couldn't hurt

    to ask. Probably go one of two ways---zip line party or restraining order. :roflol:

    I live by the rule " it is better to ask forgiveness, than to ask for permission"


  2. I think most of the problems people have had with the Dillons is related to running them too long. I believe Dillon recommends running them no longer than 2 hours. There really is no need to run them any longer than that as my brass comes out like new in about 1.5 hours.

    Yup. That must be it, I must have run mine 2.1 hours right before it quit. :):roflol:

    Thread drift on:

    I have no idea how you ran your tumbler. :huh: I only know how mine have run. I also referenced "most problems" I have read about on this forum. Your experience with the Dillon tumblers has been different than mine! :D

    From th Dillon Manual

    6. Normal run time is one to one and a half hours or

    until the desired effect is achieved.

    Thread drift off.

    Lots of different experiences with tumblers given in this thread. Maybe we need a poll. Any of the tumblers will clean the brass. Pick the one that fits your needs as far as capacity and cleanliness.


  3. What is forward? :huh: I keep a junk email address for registering on websites where I know I will get a bunch of spam. Luckily I do not need to give out my email very much and do not get very much of the junk that is forwarded around the internet. My wife on the otherhand has an uncle that forwards lotttss of stuff to her email address. I just do not have the time to read all of that stuff.


  4. Go to www.bspsc.org and then click on the link to pictures in the middle of the home page. Browse through the 3 gun pictures and you will see a couple of pictures of the ones we use. They were made out of plywood, 2x4's and some hinges and some carpet. They have enough room to store all three guns. They fold flat for storage.

    You can not see the front of them, but they are basically split in two down the middle so you can store 2 long guns(rifle and shotgun). The pocket on one side has a 2x4 about 16" from the top angling up at a 45degree angle for the pistol. Along the bottom they have a bout 6" of thin plywood to keep the barrels from sliding up and out.

    Kinda hard to explain, but from the picture you can get an idea of what they are.


    p.s. The pictures are in some flashplayer format, so I could not figure out how to post them.

  5. I had to run my FA tumbler for about 6 hours to get the brass as clean as my FL2000's do in 2 hours. I think most of the problems people have had with the Dillons is related to running them too long. I believe Dillon recommends running them no longer than 2 hours. There really is no need to run them any longer than that as my brass comes out like new in about 1.5 hours.

    Somebody mentioned earlier in this thread that you might want to take into consideration your volume of brass to be cleaned. I would also suggest that you consider how clean and shiny you want your brass. I like mine shiny like new, and the big Dillon is the one for me. If you just want your brass knocked clean then maybe a cheaper tumbler will do the job.


  6. Thanks for all the kind words! Everyone is doing awesome. We took her on her 1st road trip this weekend to the lake. When she was 3 days old she was hanging out on the dock at Flathead Lake MT. What a life!





  7. My new baby girl was born yesterday June 30, 2009. :) I do not mind to say that she is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. :wub: She is our second daughter, and big sister is wired. We just got home from the hospital at 6:30 tonight(25 hours after birth). Mom and baby are doing great. :cheers: What an unbelieveably wonderful thing to witness the birth of a child. :bow:

    Pictures of Lindsay Marie Stemple 7lbs 4 oz 20"




  8. If you want real temporary, I would look at the telescoping wall poles and visqueen or sheet plastic.


    You will still get light transmitted through clear plastic, and it would come down and store really compact.


    After thinking about this a little more, you could do the same thing with the plastic and some 2x4's use the 2x4 to hold the plastic to the ceiling via screws.


  9. I voted Arredondo. I had an older one that I added the muzzle platform to. They also sent me the upgrade on the trigger gaurd hook. The gun is not comming out of this holster while it is locked!!! I have the option of the retention draw or the speed draw. I just really like the options available, without the worry of the gun falling out when I am not shooting. The more I use it, the more I like it.

    Limited/L10: Arredondo

    Production: Blade tech doh

    Single Stack: Uncle mikes

    Revolver: ComTac and CR Speed


    edited to add my other holsters

  10. Man, I did not know that USPSA was going to be such a philosophical study.

    At this point for me I am just trying to simplify everything into "doing". No questioning! This includes no second guessing, no yielding to possible negative outcomes, no self imposed limits.

    When I started shooting USPSA, I wanted to shoot fast like all of the people I watched. I did not have the speed and accuracy to do this resulting in lots of mikes. Then I wanted to have mike free matches. As I have developed I can see my abilities more clearly. I find that I do not question my ability and therefore my stage plans seem to flow more. A course of fire is a thing that needs to be done. It is one thing, and I want to do that one thing in its entirety. I want one plan for that course of fire with one beginning, one middle(doing) and one end. The more beginnings, middles and ends, the more time it will take.

    As simple of a plan as my brain can come up with, but it is working for me at this time.


  11. Not sure if it is what you are talking about, but my service truck has some stickers on the dash. The plate that light switch components are mounted in has a carbon fiber look sticker applied to it. I purchased the truck used, and it was on there when I got it. It does not look terrible, but you can see the edges comming up a bit. If you really spent the time to do a quality job it may look alright depending on the look you want. If this was in my other truck, it would drive me nuts. I give the service truck some latitude since it was purchased to be used hard.


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