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Everything posted by DarthMuffin

  1. There used to (as recently as last winter I'm sure) be an IDPA club that shot at Sharp Shooting in Spokane. They may have moved to another indoor range across the border in Post Falls.
  2. It was a great match. Some very challenging and varied stages, but they were kept short enough so the match didn't drag on too long, and we had a good squad. I liked the firing through the palette under the car. A port so low you had to cant your rifle on it's side. The shotgun/pistol stage was my other favorite, I just love shotguns. That was pretty amazing when you broke that bolt, but at least it happened at the end of the stage so it didn't cost you a stage. I need to finish my AR build -- my "run what ya brung" PTR 91 is just too much of a tank. Some more rifle practice for myself wouldn't hurt either My only small complaint is that I felt it didn't reward rifle power factor at all. The rifle targets were all steel or hard-covered except for the head.
  3. As I understand it, the reasoning is twofold: 1) In ye olden days of IPSC, chronographs were expensive, few, and far between. To calibrate whether you made major or not, you shot a specific piece of steel and if it swung X inches high you made major. This measures momentum (momentum of the bullet is transferred to the steel), and not energy. 2) Also to do with steel. Momentum is what knocks them down, not energy. A minor load making a specific KE by going very fast with a light bullet might not have the momentum to knock down steel. Measuring momentum and not Kinetic Energy is why USPSA loads tend towards heavy/slow. You're maximizing the momentum while minimizing the KE (and thus recoil).
  4. No, they're thinner (not by much). If you want thicker try the factory rubber grips, I hope they make them for a small frame.
  5. Call EAA about your magazine problem. You can probably get them to fix the mag for you, but you'll have to send it in. I recently bought 4 mags that all had similar problems, as well as an issue with the spring poking out under the front of the follower -- keeping it from compressing in the first place. I took my followers out to compare and found them different too. I suspect they have a bad batch of followers, maybe a new supplier or something. Regarding the lock back or not debate, either way isn't a big deal to me. I think it's a good habit, at least from a tactical-under-pressure perspective, to always do the same motion -- in this case racking the slide. This generally fixes your issue no matter what it was (reload, jam, etc). In addition it's more of a gross motor skill that's easier to do when the adrenaline is flowing.
  6. ... but I forgot to say thanks for the heads up. I got my order for 4 in while they were still cheap
  7. My limited and my wife's witness steel that we just got for her to shoot it Limited. The green grips have transparent tape on them if you can't tell.
  8. Plus, we are still well within the poundage they put on the flat rate boxes. Yup, and that's exactly the angle I'll approach it with when I speak to them tomorrow morning. I didn't get what I paid for. If they complain that the mailman thought they were too heavy, well, *they* made the rules and set the weight limits. I'm not cruel though, I'd certainly help unload if I were here. If he'd have bothered to ring the doorbell my wife would have met him at the curb with our hand truck -- even she can manage to wheel that into the garage.
  9. I just got a "sorry, we couldn't deliver this, you can pick it up at the PO tomorrow" note from the USPS. It says they came by at 8AM and nobody answered, which is BS. My wife works from home with her back to a window literally 2 feet from the door all day. Nobody was here. They're just lazy and don't want to deliver my 4 cases of MG bullets (went in on a bulk order with some friends). Of course their office is "conveniently" open from 8-5, the same hours I work. Grrr. I think I'll register a complain with the postmaster when I go.
  10. As an RO I'd rather give a warning than a DQ, and _definitely_ would rather give a warning than have an actual safety-related accident that could have happened. Not on my watch However, above level I matches I don't think it's appropriate. At a local match I'm happy to get a tip if I were to start to get sloppy somewhere. At a L2 or higher, let me succeed or fail on my own. Of course, if it distracts you as a shooter you can always ask the RO not to give warnings, just to DQ you after the safety violation occurs. Every RO I know would be cool with that, especially since you've made it clear you understand the consequences.
  11. Were you using internet explorer? I don't think their page likes firefox. FWIW, They do great work, and ship promptly, especially if you tell them its for a specific match. That could explain it. I used firefox at home when I last checked Techwear's site, and IE at work when I ordered the shirt.
  12. Thanks for the info all. Techwear didn't have online ordering last time I checked. I'll give that a try.
  13. Does anyone know of any place online to buy techwear/reviwear type shooting shirts? I'm specifically looking for a polo type. I don't want to design a custom shirt and order a dozen, and I don't want to call someone and be asked lots of design questions I don't know the answer to. I just want to click and order a shirt, the design doesn't much matter. Thanks!
  14. Nice bag! I have a fatboy that I use for daily carry. How does it work when you've got your gun belt on? Does it get in the way of the gun or mags and knock them around?
  15. I think I've finally fixed this -- it happened twice more since I posted and thought I "fixed it". Since then I've done 3 matches and about 400 practice rounds with no failures. What was it? A small piece of casting flash at the front left corner of the ejection port. It was poking down and, I think, occasionally causing the barrel to hang up on it and not go into battery. I filed it off and it's been smooth since then.
  16. I never understood that rule. In RO class a DQ was explained as a safety/liability thing: You've proven yourself to be unsafe, and if I let you continue and the problem happens again then the club could be liable since we knew of the danger. That makes sense, but what's the harm in scoring them? Not letting someone score the match "as shot" (0's on the remaining stages of course) seems punitive. A DQ isn't meant to be punishment, it's safety. Can anyone explain why this is?
  17. Heck yeah, 19 is a really good stretch for a cat. That's like 132 is people years Thanks for the wishes everyone. Knowing for a while that this day was coming helps some. We had plenty of time to say our goodbyes, etc. Having two other, younger, cats helps too. I sometimes still expect to hear her "talk" to me when I walk into the bedroom where she usually slept. Just a month ago we had a party and she was out as usual, being party cat and making the rounds. Everyone liked her.
  18. Just got back from Euthanizing our 19 year old tortoise shell tabby cat, Micro. She was in the end stages of kidney failure and didn't have much of a quality of life. But 19 for a cat is a good stretch. She raised my son (or so she thought), who's 21 and in the Army now. She'd wash his face every night before he slept and she'd sleep at the foot of the bed between him and the door. Anyone who came in to disturb him would get a stern talking to by Micro. If there were ever a child in the room, she'd always go on "guard duty" and place herself between the kid and the door. Great mouser, loved people too, gentle, smart (figured out doorknobs), and well behaved around the house. Couldn't ask for more from a cat. She'd been an insulin dependent diabetic for 7 years, which has to be some kind of record. Neither of her vets could believe it. Heck, she outlived one of them.
  19. The shot's not going right, my shots are going right where I want them. It's just when the sight tracks up and back down afterwards, it doesn't come back to the same spot -- ends up a little to the right. I'll try varying the strength of grip in each hand to see what that does.
  20. I find that when I shoot my Tanfoglio, the front sight returns a little to the right after it tracks up and down. Not much, about 3-4" on a target a 20 feet. What does that mean? A grip problem on my part (right handed if it matters)? Spring adjustment needed? Just how the gun is and learn to deal with it?
  21. I haven't used Berry's 155's, but with Rainier 165's (also plated) 4.0gr of titegroup was about the minimum that would cycle my USP reliably. A lighter spring and you could probably go less. I don't know the PF but I'd bet money it's comfortably past minor. So I'd start at 4.0gr and go down .1gr at a time until you either sneak up on the PF limit or the gun stops cycling reliably. I loaded to 1.135 OAL. That's maximum SAAMI length for a .40S&W. If your gun can't handle that long of a load, you'd better talk to Glock Seriously, I have a 1.135OAL 180gr 4.2gr TG load that just makes major PF and I've had plenty of Glock friends use my ammo. Never a problem with that length.
  22. Anyone shoot a match in a kilt? Looks like it might give a lot of freedom of movement. I just don't wanna be behind you when you go prone.
  23. Google for ingrid alarm system. They offer a remote one that I was seriously looking at a few months back. Other stuff came up and it got pushed to the back burner, hopefully it will be a winter project.
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