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Posts posted by texaschase

  1. As others have replied, at the present time NO grip stippling in Production.

    HOWEVER---The proposed 2008 rules, Appendix D4, line 20, specifically allow

    grip stippling and checkering, as well as grip tape and sleeves.

    So unless something changes, wait a few months and then stipple to your hearts content.

    How about that ?!? When exactly should that go through? That's good to hear.

  2. This doesn't surprise me after reading the rule. However... I think the fact that you can add grip tape or a rubber sleeve (which are both ADDITIONS ) but you can't change the texture is somewhat hipocritical IMHO. I don't even want to stiple my gun that bad but that rule is a little off. Does any one else feel this way?

  3. texaschase

    I don't have a good answer for you. I would think that if two loads (with different bullet weights) produced the same power factor; then they would produce the same energy.

    However, I had a hot bowling pin load using a 240 grain bullet and a higher PF than my 200 grain pin load and it felt softer. As the years passed I went to a Precision 225 moly fn bullet and shot it for years. I ran short one night and grabbed some 200 gr. pin loads. I was shocked at the difference in felt recoil.

    My 9 mm load has a much higher PF than Blazers or Winchester White Box and feels much softer.

    As my son says "that's just the way it is". Give it a try and see if it works for you.


    Thanks for the honest response Buddy. I just gotta try it!

  4. Just got a XD 9 Tactical for production and am really enjoying it. The only thing I'm not completely happy with is the trigger. I know most people recommend Canyon Creek or Springer for a work-over, but for now thats out of my budget. Anything I can do to reduce travel, reduce trigger pull (this may be the wrong terminology - lbs. of pull is what I mean), etc. I design and work on prosthetics for a living so I'm somewhat mechanically inclined and fairly comfortable working w/ my hands.

    A formal trigger job by a professional is definitely in the future but for now, is there anything I can do? Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance. Most of the people on this board are always friendly and willing to help. It is much appreciated!

  5. Well Since we have wandered off of the original post, I will post my cart I just finished up tonight. I started out with one of those Muck carts but didn't like the outcome so I changed to this final product. It is an $80 wagon that will hold 800 lbs., if I was able to do my own welding I could have saved some money in the end. I have room for my pistol bag, another bag for rifle/shotgun ammo, a small cooler, and a seat.


    I like your set-up. where did the wagon come from?

  6. After handling both, I went w/ the XD. Nothing against the M&P (except that it didn't feel like it was put together in a good solid fashion), but XD felt good and fit my hand fairly well. Went out and shot it this weekend... very fun. And that's the whole point.

  7. I honestly have to disagree with the suggestions that this possibly new shooter should shoot groups at 50, 35 or even 25 yards. The feedback a new shooter is going to get at that range is not going to be encouraging. At 25 yards you need excellent technique to shoot anything close to a "group", the inherent accuracy of the gun is starting to come into play at that range. Texaschase didn't say what his skill level really is but my guess is a little lower than what you guys are assuming.

    I suggest moving those targets in to say 7 to 15 yards when shooting groups, the feedback on the target will be just as usefull and much more positive.

    I'm not a new shooter... but definitely a new IPSC shooter. I've grown up shooting all my life but IPSC is whole new ball game. So for what its worth, I know my way around most firearms, I've done some practical rifle and shotgun matches, a cowboy action match (w/ my father who loves the stuff), but no real competition pistol shooting. With that being said, feel free to edit or change your suggestions.

  8. I've been to a match or two, read this board daily, researched guns, and finally purchased a XD 9 Tactical. Plan on shooting production. Got XD gear w/ new purchase plus 3 more mag and extra mag pouch - gun/holster, 5 mags, 2 mag pouches, and soon will purchase CR Speed belt.

    Besides practice, do you more experienced guys have any advice for a newbie? Any info on practice drills, drawing, etc.? I have heard a lot about easy trigger jobs on the XD's that make a big difference. Anybody?


  9. 4.3 gr. IMR 4756, 147 grain Zero JHPs and Winchester small pistol primers. This gives me a 130 PF out of my 5" XD-9 Tactical.

    Just got my XD 9 tactical yesterday. Plan on shooting production and reloading so thanks for the info. Any tips for a newbie w/ a stock XD?

  10. Nemo-

    After much research, looking, handling, etc., I decided on the XD Tactical. I have relatively small hands and it just felt the best. Plus I like the fact that it comes w/ holster, mags, etc., in order to get started.

    I've pretty much decided on 9mm also. Since I'll be shooting production AND I reload, it doesn't get any cheaper than that. I can reload if I want to but if I don't feel like it or don't have time, I can still shoot rather cheaply. And cost is a big factor for me.

    Thanks for all the responses w/ great info.

  11. Have been learning, researching, went to a local match, and now... I'm jumping in!

    Have decided on pistol to purchase and now would like to know 2 things.

    1. Trying to decide on 9mm or .40. I know I can buy 9mm in bulk and get it for about $0.15/round. (Can anybody get it better than that? If so, where?) However, I also reload - only rifle for now but could get into .40. So... my question is what do you think is more economical: buying 9mm in bulk or reloading .40 in my basement? I could go either way, just looking for opinions and suggestions. (preferrably from those w/ a little more experience than myself)

    2. What kind of belt do you guys use? Full size pistol on one side and 4 fully loaded mags on the other, those have to be some heavy duty belts. What do you use? Where did you get it? How much was it?

    Thanks for entertaining some newbie questions. Hopefully, I can share this w/ another newbie some day.

    Lets go about this from a different angle. Which division you plan to shoot in can determine caliber and equipment so decide that first. If you are going with the 9MM then you probably want to shoot Production since everyone is scored the same even if they use a 40 short & weak. In Production all equipment must be behind the foremost point of the hip which eliminates the magazine on the zipper. The cheapest way to start is with a kydex holster & mag pouches & an 1 1/2 duty belt from a police supply & 4 belt keepers. Put the mags & holster on the belt & use the keepers, USPSA requires at least 3 or the velcro belt system. This way you can hook the belt in front like normal & it would still be usable in IDPA. The disadvantage of the velcro system is that every place that there is equipment there is a loss of adhesion so I wind up adding extra velcro. I use a velcro belt for L10 but for PSSD & Production I use the method I described.

    Actually reloading your own ammo is the best regardless of caliber because you can taylor it to your gun. Since you already reload my choice would be the 9MM & 147gr Precision bullets with a slower powder that you could scoop with a Lee powder scoop or make your own as I did when loading 3gr of Bullseye in a 38 Spec.

    Yep, I'm shooting production.

    I'm sorry but... belt keepers? What are they? What do they do?

    Again, thanks for entertaining my questions.

    As far as question one goes I'm not the best source of info since I don't reload.....

    If you don't mind me asking, why don't you reload? Just looking for as most info as possible.

    Mostly just because my job requires me to travel a good bit so my time at home is limited. When I'm home I tend to stick to items on my wife's honey-do list along with getting out to do other things (like shoot). If I really wanted to I'm sure I could set aside the time and it would save some money in the long run. As odd as this may sound I just don't feel like it's worth my time/effort to save what I'd save by reloading. If things ever change which let me put more rounds down range I'll dive into reloading but until then it's reloaded ammo from the likes of Miwall, Precision Delta, Atlanta A&A, etc.

    How much are getting ammo for from those places?

    And you said its "reloaded"?

  12. Chase,

    What type of matches are you going to be shooting?

    IDPA & USPSA have different rules as they relate to equipment, especially belts & holsters.

    The 2 piece belt is designed so that the outer belt can be made very stiff and rigid but attach to the more flexible inner belt by velcro. Otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to thread through belt loops on your pants and get the holster / mag pouches on. This way, you don't have to change your set up every time you take it off and on.

    I like the Safariland belt but there are those who swear by the CR. Both are good but only legal for USPSA competitions.

    As far as ammo, if you do this more than once a month, you will want to reload. Many benifits to reloading regardless of the caliber.

    First off, thanks. I really appreciate the info on the 2 piece belt - makes sense.

    I'll probably be shooting mostly USPSA but am definitely interested in IDPA in the future also. I'm fairly aware of the USPSA rules but not so much IDPA. Can you tell me more?

    Thanks again.

  13. As far as question one goes I'm not the best source of info since I don't reload for a number of reasons, so on to question two. The CR Speed belt is hands down the best one of the market IMO. It's a little pricey at around $50 but it's well worth it. I started out with other belts but nothing is a stiff or stable as the CR belt IMO.

    If you don't mind me asking, why don't you reload? Just looking for as most info as possible.

  14. Have been learning, researching, went to a local match, and now... I'm jumping in!

    Have decided on pistol to purchase and now would like to know 2 things.

    1. Trying to decide on 9mm or .40. I know I can buy 9mm in bulk and get it for about $0.15/round. (Can anybody get it better than that? If so, where?) However, I also reload - only rifle for now but could get into .40. So... my question is what do you think is more economical: buying 9mm in bulk or reloading .40 in my basement? I could go either way, just looking for opinions and suggestions. (preferrably from those w/ a little more experience than myself)

    2. What kind of belt do you guys use? Full size pistol on one side and 4 fully loaded mags on the other, those have to be some heavy duty belts. What do you use? Where did you get it? How much was it?

    Thanks for entertaining some newbie questions. Hopefully, I can share this w/ another newbie some day.

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