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Posts posted by gose

  1. To be clear I never said that ALL shotgun mags over 5 rounds don't work. The Tooth and Nail mags have a great reputation in the MKA world. Specifically, I was referring to shotguns that use a true AR308 lower. The Akdal-type magazines physically slide into an AR, but were never intended to work in one, so they don't. I don't see the need for another MKA based gun. The guys who have it figured out (Matt, and scarce few others) already have the competition market well covered.

    I finally bought an MKA1919 Match last year after losing patience waiting for an American company to launch one. I must say with 10 round factory mags, it is surprisingly reliable (I bought it expecting a project and was pleasantly surprised.) The only problem is that no one makes a mag larger than 10 rounds that actually works. (I bought a 24 rounder, but could never get it to feed more than 10 rounds...)

    Have you tried the Firebird or Taccom extensions? I haven tried the latter, but Ive had good results with the former.

  2. It seems like almost every part for the MKA 1919 is available in a US made aftermarket part except the barrel, bolt and upper receiver (I'm sure I'm overlooking a few others.)

    At some point I would think even the few parts that must be imported from Turkey will be produced here and then we will have a made and manufactured mag-fed shotgun.

    The sooner the better.

    FB makes uppers, though they're Tac12 and not compatible with the factory lowers (AFAIK)

  3. I was noticing that none of shotguns look like they have interchangeable chokes. Maybe I'm just being premature on this, but it seems like something very needful especially with the short barrels they're using. Also $999 is a whole lot more doable than $2695.

    About 1:50 into the first SKO video they mention it has screw in chokes.

    Wonder if having the top rail attached to the barrel is going to do anything to change slug zero after a few mags.

  4. I can tell you from experience, the magazines will be the rise or fall of these guns. We have had a DPMS .308 lower based shotgun running for 18 months. The variability of existing magazines was the only thing holding back its launch. We finally started making our own Aluminum magazines in-house, because it was the only way to be sure they worked. Unfortunately the mags take 2 hours EACH to machine, so they have become the manufacturing bottleneck on our shotgun. It uses a Benelli M2 type inertia system instead of a finicky gas system. We launched it at SHOT last year, but my health problems over this last year have really slowed our ability to produce numbers. Hopefully I will get my Robo-hip installed in the near future so I can go back to productive 16 hour days.

    Notes on the three above:

    1 and 2 actually share very little true modularity with the AR10 or DPMS platforms. More like the MK1919, there is a deliberate resemblance but operationally quite different. Neither one is shown firing.

    3- I noticed when watching the video that they NEVER show continuous footage of more than 5 rounds being fired, in spite of talking about larger magazine capacity. All the 6 round strings are after reloads with one in the pipe. This is significant, because we discovered that with a magazine that will accept 3 inch shells, 5 rounds was the most we were able to get to feed reliably through the straight vertical mag well of the AR type receiver. If you reduce the shell requirement to 2-3/4 shells, you can accommodate some of the curve required to feed rimmed rounds within the confines of the existing mag well.

    The Rhino also was functional a couple years ago, and I was told they just didn't have a reliable magazine design at the time. Now the company is having some struggles, so the shotgun was mothballed. I truly believe there will be an arms race on the AR shotgun concept in the very near future. Prize will go to the ones that make sure theirs is 100% reliable before they develop a reputation like the Saiga. That is why we have with-held a large volume launch of the COMP-12 until we trusted the magazines.

    There are some live fire videos of the SKO-12 from SHOT range day, but like you said, it's all 5 round mags.

    But yes, nothing more than some resemblance with an AR, but lacking a "real" AR10 upper/shotgun, I'd still take that over a Saiga or VEPR.

    Personally, I never shoot 3" shells anyway, so I could care less if it only took 2 3/4 ones and I'm guessing most competitive shooters are the same. The general tactical crowd might be different though.

  5. I have already voiced my support and reasoning in the other threads. I would also add that I hope it will grow to achieve participation levels that justify dedicated PCC-only matches... this would be a true win-win.

    Dont be all exclusive by not letting the handgun guys shoot the PCC match. Who knows, they might even appreciate the challenge of having to aim for once ;)

  6. Had my hopes up for Rhino, but it seems like the vaporware they announced some time back is gone for good. Heard it wasnt even in their Shot booth this year.

    The good news is that there are three manufacturers that are a little closer to getting a US made gun out this year

    UTAS UTX/XTR-12 (


    Standard Manufacturing SKO-12 (http://www.guns.com/2016/01/29/3016521/)

    Genesis Arms: (http://www.genesisarms.com/#!products/cajj)

    All three seem to have working prototypes, but when/if they'll hit the streets remains to be seen. Keeping my fingers crossed...

  7. I'd also leave a match that has hands on the gun for an uprange start. There are too many unsafe people here as it is. It's why I don't go to multi-gun matches here.

    I hope you dont live in a shall issue state. Average Joe with a loaded gun in public is way scarier than anything Ive ever seen at a match ;)

  8. Why the hell would they have non capped turrets?

    Not many if any dial for 3gun type targets.

    Not good for barrel dumps in 3gun.

    I will stay with my 1x6 Vortex Razor.

    Had they used something like the Ballistic Plex E1 FFP Varmint reticle (in mils) inside the illuminated circle, I probably would have bought one to check out.

    Current reticle, not interested.

  9. Re comment on 15 rnd vs 10. With 15 you now have to have 2 divisions: one with 15 and one with 10. Otherwise, states with 10 capacity restrictions are left out. Might not be a bad idea to do that. Then maybe people would start voting the idiots out of office and start doing away with stupid laws.

    no, states with 10 round capacity restriction will just go to 10 rounds. there's already a rule for that.

    Except that won't work where grandfathered magazines are allowed :)

    Another 1.5y and it will work just fine in CA ;)

  10. IDPA is a sport based on concealed carry and defensive shooting. Concealed carry is basic principle, so no - it is never going away.

    If you want to game - wear a vest. They provide several advantages.

    If you want to shoot what you carry and wear, then do so. Many shooters do.

    I usually carry AIWB, which isnt allowed, so to shoot IDPA I'd have to adopt a different way of carrying than what I do off range. I understand the reasoning behind it, but not allowing me to shoot and carry the way I normally do defeats the purpose of IDPA for me and I might as well just shoot USPSA instead.

  11. In my experience, Privi 75g "Match" bullets are complete junk compared to most anything else out there in terms of accuracy I have not tried any of their factory loaded ammo. Remember that there is no stanrard for "Match" or "Match grade" and there is a reason that good bullets cost more.

    When I tried the PRVI 75s, they performed worse than my handloaded 55gr "hoser" ammo at 200y.

    That was factory ammo though, didnt bother trying to load with them.

  12. I did well with my old 4x Meopta at both Iron Man and Blue Ridge, so I dont really see a a great need for anything beyond 4x.

    However, if you can have more power and it's not really costing you anything (except money), why not?

    Im extremely happy with everything about my Z6is and until I see something that has the same quality glass, reticle dot brightness and overall quality, Im not going to move to an 8x. In addition, I'd also like an 8x to have a SFP dot and FFP reticle and so far I havent seen any options on the market that fulfill all my requirements.

  13. I think the idea is that PCC would simply be another division shooting the same courses of fire as pistols. The whole point is to broaden the audience for EXISTING matches without having to do any extra setup work, and perhaps to add a spark for folks who may be a little bored/burned out with pistol. With this in mind, it makes no sense to push the distances out beyond what is reasonable for pistol shooters, who will continue to be the main consumers. If MDs want to do that, they can run a separate PCC-only match, as one of our matches does... pistol in the morning, carbine in the afternoon.

    I'd love for this to happen, at least as a provisional division, but fear it might not because USPSA is so pistol-centric, hidebound and risk-averse. :mellow:

    If you have the berms/bays, it wouldnt be too hard to throw in an extra target/steel at a little more distance here and there for the PCC guys, if you wanted.

  14. Don‘t discount a tube gun loading with Tec loaders. If you are proficient with you tube loading technique you are not ata disadvantage.

    For most stages I agree with you. However, on a long stage I can reload to a new 15/18 round mag in 2s, give or take. I doubt you can find anyone who can get two tec loaders into a tube gun in 2s.

    Major disadvantage, no, but there will be some.

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