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Posts posted by gose

  1. So we punish all the other divisions because the smallest division has a new rule?

    I vote uspsa collects more data before doing anything. You could be fixing a problem that doesn't actually cause an issue.


    Give it some time. USPSA is going to start yanking classifiers because they MIGHT affect a TINY minority of the USPSA membership? Really?

    After this year, if all Revolver shooters are M & GM, then start fixing things. But we all know that won't happen.

    I think it makes perfect sense to yank, or adjust, classifiers based on a rule change that might affect 1% or less of the members.

    After all, revolvers are the future of USPSA. ;)

  2. There has been discussion about doing just this with an online calendar of events at 3GunUSA.COM. It's my understanding that no membership would be required for access. The ability to register and self squad is really nice.

    That would be great. Make it a Google calendar I could add to my phone and it would be easy to plan out........

    I may not be able to get to all I want, but knowing there was something in the area I would happily adjust my travel to go watch and help where I could.

    How about using something that already has all the features needed for calendar, registration, payment, squadding, scoring etc, something like Shoot n Score It (shootnscoreit.com). And its free...

    Or we could re-invent the wheel, or wait another couple of years for Practiscore to add it. :P

  3. Tried some of their 69s and 75s, but couldnt really get them to outshoot my Hornady 55 blaster ammo, so didnt see the point. Granted, I didnt do a lot of testing since I use SMKs for matches and was just looking for something cheaper for practice.

  4. I have been unable to find these in stock. Just been unlucky as far as timing goes. I was able to find them at Shooters Connection today and wanted to pass the info along to anyone else that may be looking. They show 24 units still in stock and are 19.95 each. Hope this helps someone out.

    44mag has them for 18.95 w free shipping and showing 100+ in stock.

  5. LAX airport police officers setup random checkpoints at the main road entrances to the airport. They will have random cars pull over and do searches of them. They randomly pulled me over on Century Blvd. I completely cooperated until the police officer asked me to open the trunk. I said "I'm sorry sir, I'm not willing to allow my car to be unconstitutionally searched. You guys are welcome to look through the windows." He said I had to let them search the vehicle. I asked, is there any law which requires me to allow you to unconstitutionally search my vehicle? He said, TSA policy requires the search. I asked again, is there any law? He again said, TSA policy. He did not work for the TSA. This was not a regularly established TSA security checkpoint, it was operated by airport police. He would not let me use century blvd in order to get to my job at the airport until I allowed them to search the vehicle. I had less of an issue with it when he gave me the option to have the search and continue, or be escorted around and leave the vicinity of the airport without a search.

    Keep in mind, this is in a state where having a loaded handgun in a locked container in the trunk of your vehicle will send you to jail. If the handgun is unregistered because, as an example, you moved here from a state without registration and no one ever informed you registration was required, a loaded handgun will send you to prison and you will lose your chance of leading a good life as a proper American or properly supporting your family.

    That being said, the car was empty. They searched it and I continued to my job at the airport. I have read of other instances where people were arrested at this checkpoint for having firearms in their vehicles. At what point did forced vehicle searches on public roadways become legal in America without any "reasonable suspicion" or "due cause"?

    Havent seen any of those at SFO yet, but I guess it's just matter of time. Not looking forward to that :/

  6. I think it's good as is.

    We have outlaw matches, USPSA matches and 3GN matches, everyone can find something they like.

    Nothing is going to get all, or even most, of the 3 gun matches to line up and adjust their rules so they're all identical. The whole idea that a "governing body" is magically going to get all matches to streamline their rules is flawed and will never happen. Maybe we'll see more USPSA and 3GN matches in the future, but the outlaw matches are going to live on with their own rules sets. There are simply too many people who dont like USPSA and 3GN, so there will always be an audience for outlaw matches.

    Personally, I prefer the outlaw matches because of the different flavors and the extra character the various rules bring to matches. So what if I have to do some minor adjustments to my equipment, its not like the rules are that different.

  7. What is airline status? Mile high club or frequent flier?

    They each have different perks, which to go for depends on amount of luggage and travel companion.

    Lol! Seriously though which program gets you free overweight bags. The problem I'm having is my new Patriot Case has more room than the 50lb limit. It is half empty once I get my guns and a few mags in it. If I could go 70lbs it would be a bear to carry but if have most everything in one place.

    We usually fly United and though they dont have an explicit "free overweight" policy we've been through quite a few airports and never had to pay, or even had anyone mention it. Sometimes the scale gets a second look, but so far so good. I dont even think about it anymore, I just throw as much crap as I can fit in there. On the way back from matches I even load up my mags with any left over ammunition...

    Maybe it's our good looks rather than frequent flier status, but if that was the case, you should get paid to check your bags. :P

  8. For me I generally use miles for the ticket but if I paid cash it would be 600 to 800 generally. Hotels are around 100 to 150 a night split that up with one buddy. Rental car for my last trip was $308 split in half. Match fee was $250 or so.

    Total cost if you figure the value of the airline ticket is $1200 give or take and thats not counting ammo and that is just one outside match.

    Having a buddy to share travel expenses really helps. Heck I have every airlines miles credit card and hotel card so I can use points and miles every chance I get.

    To be honest I could not travel to a three gun without a buddy. We have so much gear that you need two people and a luggage cart to move it around the airport, you need someone to watch it while the other guy gets the rental car etc. If i did not have friends to travel with I could not do any outside match. I could but it would be a huge pain in the rear. I can barely wait until I can retire and move down to Texas or Arizona and drive to major three guns.


    Two definitely makes it cheaper and easier, but it's definitely doable by yourself. A 3300 case with all guns and mags + whatever else I can fit in it, one regular suitcase on wheels and my range bag slung over my back as carry-on, is what I use and is not really a big deal to move around airports with.

    I have a large Starlight case that holds the rifle and shotgun anymore and I go over weight. (50 pounds) I have a second pelican case that is what I put the pistol, ammo and all the mags in. Its like the size of a medium sized suitcase. I usually have it right at 50 pounds as well. I have to carry Saiga mags etc so a bit more gear than a tac optics set up. I put my clothes in a suit case an any ammo that would not fit in the other cases. Alaska allows you to fly with 50 pounds of ammunition thankfully and if your a Alaska resident you get 2 bags for free an additional bag costs $20.


    Good point, my case usually weighs in at around 70 lbs. Never had to pay over weight so far, but I guess that's one of the perks of airline status.

  9. CocoBolo, you've been around long enough to know better than to put that junk on an open gun!!!

    Weaver generally makes good stuff, I've shot several truck loads of deer using a Weaver 4x from the 1960's on a 30-06. One of my 3 gun rifles has their 1x3 and it won a 3-Gun match on Saturday and on Sunday in the first stage the lens came lose, it went back and it has been rock solid for 3 years.

    Next up on the Akdal is the EO Tech, I just need to take it off my Rifle put the new Burris MTAC on the Rifle.

    I know you need good stuff, just need to save up some money and do the right thing.

    Both my Akdals have Aimpoint micros on them and so far no issues and the first one has pretty much been turned on since I got it almost two years ago...

    Micros can be found used for ~$450 if you're not in a hurry, and just over 500 new.

  10. Wow, so much misinformation in one thread...

    Vihtavuori was purchased by Nammo (which Lapua is part of) and the acquisition was finalized fairly recently (last few weeks)

    VV powders are being imported and there are no plans to halt this, supply is simply just not keeping up with demand.

    The Quickload data listed as "Dangerous" above has nothing to do with any particular powder being unsafe, but rather the listed amounts will lead to pressures above SAAMI specs.

  11. When I worked up loads in my Czechmate last year, I had no issues with any loads ranging from 115 to 145 pf, all with the factory springs, and I finally settled for a ~135 pf load with a 115gr bullet.

    I did have some issues after switching to the new "enhanced" springs and followers from CZ Custom, but after switching back to the factory stuff its been humming along again, so I'm pretty confident in blaming the new mag parts.. (let me know if you want to buy some cheap ;))

    I didnt really see the need to mess with the springs, as its been working just great with whatever was in it from the factory.

    Welcome to Open ;)

  12. For me I generally use miles for the ticket but if I paid cash it would be 600 to 800 generally. Hotels are around 100 to 150 a night split that up with one buddy. Rental car for my last trip was $308 split in half. Match fee was $250 or so.

    Total cost if you figure the value of the airline ticket is $1200 give or take and thats not counting ammo and that is just one outside match.

    Having a buddy to share travel expenses really helps. Heck I have every airlines miles credit card and hotel card so I can use points and miles every chance I get.

    To be honest I could not travel to a three gun without a buddy. We have so much gear that you need two people and a luggage cart to move it around the airport, you need someone to watch it while the other guy gets the rental car etc. If i did not have friends to travel with I could not do any outside match. I could but it would be a huge pain in the rear. I can barely wait until I can retire and move down to Texas or Arizona and drive to major three guns.


    Two definitely makes it cheaper and easier, but it's definitely doable by yourself. A 3300 case with all guns and mags + whatever else I can fit in it, one regular suitcase on wheels and my range bag slung over my back as carry-on, is what I use and is not really a big deal to move around airports with.

  13. And by the way, before you ask, buying separate parts and building your own gun is also available to the general public, they just may not be capable of doing so. Can you make your own barrel under our rules? Yep! The public can buy the blanks and the lathe... Like I said, we didn't like the phrase "factory configuration" but racked our brains for a better, succinct phrase and failed. We didn't want to spend a paragraph or page or an appendix to make a list of guns and/or parts to more clearly define it, as such a list would be out of date the minute it was written. So, we tried another phrase to do so....

    Buying a block of Aluminum and putting it in your CNC to make a receiver and/or gun is also ok then? After all, blocks of Aluminum, just like barrel blanks, are also available to the public. ;)

    I'm a big proponent of not having rules that arent, or can't be, enforced and this rule, no matter the ruleset, seems to fit that pretty well. AFAIK, no one has ever been turned away from a match for shooting an experimental or non-factory gun, or even bumped to Open. Does anyone really think that gun smiths or manufacturers are going to churn out experimental custom guns that will rule TO if this "restriction" goes away. And if they do so, not offer them to the general public?

    I say remove the wording all together as it only creates confusion. Let the rules about comps, optics, accessories etc decide the division.

  14. It would be nice if targets like MGM Auto-poppers were legal for USPSA.

    They are. Just call it a multigun match.

    A multigun stage can have 1-3 guns, so have a multigun match with 8 1-gun stages :P

    That would work well for any match that has trouble getting volunteers to help set up. An eight stage match where each stage consists of one Auto-Popper.

    Maybe the next month some will help set up (or stay home).

    1 gun, not 1 target.

    Dont think there's anything in the rules that prevents you from arranging a multigun match but not use all three guns.

  15. Carry license ???

    I would love to have the opportunity to pay $200 a year for a carry permit. In California, only personal friends of Dianne Feinstein and movie stars can get carry permits.

    Im in California and I'm not really a friend of Feinstein, nor am I a movie star. There are plenty of counties in California where it's not too hard to get a permit. On paper, my county looks near impossible, as there are only 250 or so permits and a population of 900000+. Though, most people think its impossible, so the SD gets nearly no applications at all.

    Anyway, I still hate the mandatory class and range quals with all the guns I want on my permit, especially since its every two years.

  16. $77 every two years for something that should be considered a basic right. :/

    And that's without counting cost of ammo needed for the range quals.

    Unfortunately $100 every two years isnt enough reason to move...

  17. Thanks trgt. Matt did email me back within 24 hours when I emailed them about a week ago. He told me to call them to place the order...but no return call yet. I've heard great things about them so hopefully they'll still be able to disassemble and ship before the 1st...I emailed them again and will call them later today...

    Remember that they need to be in CA before the 1st, so they need to ship a few days before that.

  18. Respectfully Nik, their score demonstrates their ability. There are no other accurate measures of a shooter's ability.

    How someone performs when they come to the match IS their appropriate classification, not what they think they can do because they did it once in practice or on the ninth reshoot of a stage.

    Just my dickish opinion ;-)


    Depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? If a Master with 5 95% scores, puts up a D class score because they had a squib, I have a hard time calling that shooting the classifier to their ability.....

    Certainly that run counts for match score -- but for classification purposes, it doesn't represent the shooter's ability, unless we're looking for it to represent their skill as a reloader....

    I thought the classification system already took that into account by dropping low scores, but maybe that changed.

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