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Posts posted by gose

  1. I don't think the CRO has made it clear at all, he just yells AS PER RULE 2.5 after 2 or 3 people were DQ'ed

    he would just yell that AS PER RULE 2.5 and some shooters would reply "which is what?" Then it would start all over again.


    It took several minutes of questioning the RO during our walk through to get a clear answer. He wouldn't just come out and say you have to drop the empty mag if the selector wasn't on safe. He just kept referring to the sign in the barrel. Granted this is in the rule book, but it's different from SMM3G rules last year, and different from every other match I've ever shot. A guy on our squad DQ'd for a 2011 locked back on an empty mag not being on safe. Totally messed up rule IMO. Any major variation from past rules should be highlighted IN PLAIN ENGLISH during the match. The high number of DQ's on this stage should be evidence enough that something is wonky.

    Actually, AFAIK, most of the major matches I've shot required the guns to be either on safe or have an empty chamber AND magazine removed.

  2. The big stick holds 30 reloadable with the ten coil spring, haven't had the stones to try it in a match to see how reliable it is though...

    Ive had issues (FTFs) with the CZ Custom follower and spring kits, both in the 140mm and 170mm mags.

  3. It works great in low charge weight 38 special loads, especially heavier bullets. Use CLAYS load data and chrono from there....good stuff!


    Would it work with 148 gr wadcutters? It would be much cleaner than Bullseye or WW 231. And I like it in my 625. Have not tried it in my 1911.

    It works great for 148s. 2.3gr is what I used. Shoots just about an inch at 50 yards.

  4. In 2004 lead was about 20 cents per pound. It has come down recently to 1 dollar a pound. Lead is a commodity and commodities are typically sound markets in terms of how you would normally think of supply and demand. Although there is some environmental compliance interference even internationally.

    Lead would have to be (totally guessing) 50-60 % of the price if bullets? So as the main component goes so does the price. Brass would be the other big component. And I couldn't find a chart of prices, all metals are up over the last few years.

    So - I think it's a bit naive to say companies just charge more because people are buying more. It's true in some cases to an extent but I don't think it is what's going on with ammo

    If you don't think lead prices are up just look at bloomberg or any other commodity tracker.

    I posted this earlier in the thread, but it might have been hard to spot below that big CTD image... :)

    This is spot lead over the last three year. To me it looks like lead is down about 20% over that time and about flat for the last two years.

    Clearly the price of lead is not the source of price increases.

    Here's the 5y spot. There was a sharp increase in -09, but lead price has been pretty flat since August of -09.

    Here's the spot price of copper, which would be the other major component of most bullets and brass. It did increase more than lead bacj in -09 and 10, but even copper has been pretty much flat for the last four years (discounting the peak in -11, which lead had as well)

    Look at lead prices in 2004. I was referencing 10 years. I also mentioned prices were down recently. So we are looking at the same charts.

    I looked at some stock info. Really the first one I found was Olin. It looks like they made about 55 million in profit on around 600 million in sales. That translates to about 8% profit rate. That's not bad but it's not great either. I didn't have time to track down more info. My only point is most manufacturers aren't hoarding huge profits. They provide a decent return to investors.

    Their is an underlying cost to build ammo. Those underlyings are up significantly over a decade ago.

    It would be interesting to baseline peoples understanding of price increases. Over what time frame? What was a box of 9mm ammo from 2004, 2010 and today.

    To hear some describe it, ammo used to be free and now it isn't.

    Increase in ammo prices due to rising commodity prices between until 2009 or so, absolutely, as the increase was pretty steep.

    However, I understood the OP as complaining about price increases in the shorter term (1-3 years) and for that time period there's no real basis to blame price increases due to commodity prices as they have basically been flat for five years.

    Yes, would be interesting to see how the cost of ammo have changed over the last 15 years. Did it follow the price of the underlying commodities back up until 2009 and how much did it change since?

  5. In 2004 lead was about 20 cents per pound. It has come down recently to 1 dollar a pound. Lead is a commodity and commodities are typically sound markets in terms of how you would normally think of supply and demand. Although there is some environmental compliance interference even internationally.

    Lead would have to be (totally guessing) 50-60 % of the price if bullets? So as the main component goes so does the price. Brass would be the other big component. And I couldn't find a chart of prices, all metals are up over the last few years.

    So - I think it's a bit naive to say companies just charge more because people are buying more. It's true in some cases to an extent but I don't think it is what's going on with ammo

    If you don't think lead prices are up just look at bloomberg or any other commodity tracker.

    I posted this earlier in the thread, but it might have been hard to spot below that big CTD image... :)

    This is spot lead over the last three year. To me it looks like lead is down about 20% over that time and about flat for the last two years.

    Clearly the price of lead is not the source of price increases.


    Here's the 5y spot. There was a sharp increase in -09, but lead price has been pretty flat since August of -09.


    Here's the spot price of copper, which would be the other major component of most bullets and brass. It did increase more than lead bacj in -09 and 10, but even copper has been pretty much flat for the last four years (discounting the peak in -11, which lead had as well)


  6. I love it! What's your timeline? I'll be down your way for a few weeks in July and can bring my czechmate. Or better yet, a SP01 shadow that wants to be an open gun -- or both :-)

    We should have a mid-peninsula Czechmate shoot-out, as there are at least three here now ;)

    Belmont, San Carlos and San Mateo...

  7. Well, crap. It just gets muddier and muddier. The Link I provide said it was current as of 2 days ago. I was under the impression they were using the "SAW" list as the definition for sporting purposes for import qualification in spite of the crime bill going away. As in, not illegal to own if made here anymore, but can't be imported. I wish I had asked the guys at the ATF booth when I was at the SHOT show. Didn't look like they were too busy. Matter of fact from the way traffic around their booth you woulda thought they had the measles! :goof:

    Well, I guess technically it is current as the definition itself is still valid, its just not used anywhere in the code :)

    Without asking ATF, its currently impossible to clearly know if a shotgun is sporting or non-sporting. How ATF can get away with this is a bit of a mystery to me, but the benefits to them are nice:

    a ) they can pretty much do whatever they want

    b ) no risk of importers and manufacturers getting all smart and building/importing stuff that follows the letter of the law/regulation

  8. OK guys, I did some diligent research, and here is where it is coming from. There is no issue with the Stoeger AS SOLD FROM THE FACTORY because total capacity does not exceed 5 rounds. It only gets interesting when we put the big mag tubes on. In that case, it could fall under the current definition of a (semiautomatic assault weapon "SAW") if it ALSO includes one other feature from a list. This Link is to the actual Federal codes and regulations website if you want to read the whole boring thing. But I cut and pasted the part that applies to Shotguns specifically as pertaining to 922r.


    Unfortunately I dont fully agree with your assessment...

    Non-sporting and semi automatic assault rifles/shotguns are different things. Importability and sporting/non-sporting classification is determined by a non-published subjective ATF procedure, partly explained here: http://www.atf.gov/content/firearms/firearms-industry/guides/import-requirements-for-firearms-and-ammunition

    They make it pretty clear that the list in non-exhaustive and subjective. A 5+ round tube is something I've also seen used as an "evil" feature banning something from importation, though not listed on that page.

    The link you provided is a definition of terms, any references to that definition in the actual code were removed after the -94 ban expired. The non-sporting criteria came with the -89 import ban and has always been separated from the -94 ban, both in wording and in practice.

    Nowhere do they say, or list, that non-sporting is equated with the definition of an assault weapon . It's therefor possible that putting an extension on a Stoeger would indeed make it non-sporting and violate 922®.

  9. Just looked at the 3GN regional results and the positioning of the scrollbar is just horrendous. To see the individual stage results I have to scroll down to the bottom, scroll to the right, scroll back up again, and then try to find the right row with no reference to row number or shooter name?

    Look at the attached screenshot, how is anyone supposed to be able to identify anything here?

    Scrolling has to be made in context, or there has to be some reference to row # or shooter name (preferred).


  10. On paper the Barnes sounds just right, and you have the option of an 18" or a 16". Wish I knew about them before I built mine, although learning to build my own AR was part of the fun.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I spoke to them at BRM3G last year, great guys and big sponsors. If they only made a rifle length 18"... :/

    They do!

    Then they need to add it to their web site, as they only list one 18" and its mid length... ;)

  11. On paper the Barnes sounds just right, and you have the option of an 18" or a 16". Wish I knew about them before I built mine, although learning to build my own AR was part of the fun.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I spoke to them at BRM3G last year, great guys and big sponsors. If they only made a rifle length 18"... :/

  12. But, if using USPSA rules and "time plus" scoring (as has been used at the last couple of USPSA MG Nationals), then (USPSA MG rules) penalizes 10 seconds for a missed clay, and penalizes an additional 5 seconds if the clay wasn't shot at. Also, 8.3.4 allows disappearing targets to be designated as "bonus" targets - which would be worth a reduction in stage time, and wouldn't be subject to a FTE (failure to engage) penalty. With the penalties (or the bonus), very few competitors would choose not to shoot at thrown clays. USPSA rules do allow stage designers to incorporate thrown clays in such a way that they are not useless or being wasted.

    I dont mind flying birds, but a 10s penalty is, IMHO, way too harsh when you consider the often erratic throwers because of placement, wind or other factors.

    Penalizing missing a small flying bird the same way we do for a big static steel popper just doesnt seem right, especially if you have them on a short 20-30s stage.

    A 3s bonus or 5s penalty (which I guess you cant do in USPSA) seems more appropriate.

  13. Wow this is great stuff and very timely for me as I got my 550 this week and am trying to work up a load with MG 124 JHP. At OAL 1.100 the bullet still touches the rifling, but not at 1.090 (CZ SP01 Shadow Custom).

    I will have to go throuth the OAL measuring procedure reccomended above.



    Seems to mimic what I see in my Tactical Sport and Czechmate with the MG 115 JHPs. I start hitting the rifling at 1.098 and I load to 1.088.

  14. Man, you're opening a can of worms!

    My idea- 9 stages, 2 1/2 days, all three guns on all stages, slung rifle starts, 240 second time outs, rifle out to 400, pistol out to 100, shooting in and out of vehicles, rickety barricades, props to climb over, around, under, shoot off the top of...

    You just want to shoot BRM3G twice :P

    Anyhoo, most of this has been said before..

    At least two guns / stage

    No bonus targets

    Choice targets that can be shot with any gun (or at least choose between two)

    A few stages with decently long rifle shots (preferably separated by a couple of stages to minimize potential weather impact between days)

    Quality over quantity. I'd rather shoot a great match with awesome stages every other year, than a dumbed down (to allow more shooters) every year.

    Half day format preferred

    9-10 stages

    More technical than hoser

  15. I would definitely say the the 2014 RM3G is the one that can claim the "World 3Gun" title.

    The person who wins the Peacemaker match would be a World Champion all-around shooter. There is cowboy, F class, bullseye, etc. Not 3 gun, more than 12 guns with those guns and ammo supplied. Epic I tell you!

    What about between RM3G and the Surefire Match?

    Personally I agree with Jessie, they should just make the RM3G the intergalactic championships.

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