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Posts posted by ard212

  1. On 3/4/2020 at 11:28 AM, Schutzenmeister said:

    As a side note, and not to hijack the thread, anyone thinking of shooting the World Shoot PCC championship next year should note: IPSC rules do restrict magazine capacity (along with some other differences.) If you have no interest in the world championship, cool ... Don't worry about it!  If you're considering it, you may want to review the differences so you're not surprised.

    Sorry for bumping kind of an old thread, but this question has been bugging me for a few weeks, what's magazine capacity limit for PCC ? And for which kind of matches does it apply ?


    Thanks !!!

  2. I know this may be a stupid question, but I got my MPX a few months ago, ranges are only recently starting to open back up where I'm from (Argentina), and I'm looking into setting up for PCC, don't know if the news in the US talk much about the economic situation of Argentina, but, let me tell you, it's not pretty, dollars are not easy to come by, and they're not cheap, because of this, I don't want to buy more equipment than necesary, I have enough mags, but if I'm not going to run them on my belt, then I don't think I need pouches for all them.


    I'm interested in hearing how many pouches do you guys normally run on your belt.


    Thanks and, again, sorry if this question is kinda dumb.

  3. 8 hours ago, obsessiveshooter said:

    If a first time shooter looked like they were just shooting in the general direction of targets, like they didn't understand how to use their sights, and it seemed like they were unconcerned about where those bullets were flying, I feel it's a matter of time till they send one over the berm. As an RO, I'd be watching carefully for an opportunity to yell "stop". Hopefully there would be an opportunity beforehand to give them some advice to slow down, see their sights and take it serious.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

    Nonono, none of my bullets were "Flying" anywhere, my misses were mostly to the side of the target, I mean, yeah, I missed, but not by much, also, I'm a first time shooter, at least for IPSC, I have put more than 3000 rounds through this pistol, I might not be a perfect shot, but I know how to align my sights. I always kept my gun pointing down range and my finger off the trigger while I wasn't engaging any targets.


    10 hours ago, Zincwarrior said:

    So to be clear, if you missed the target you were warned and could be DQ'd?  If thats correct, is this a magical place where shooters don't miss?  IN Texas we have a whole shooting group named Alpha Mike...

    That was my issue with the situation, I'm a new shooter, I'm going to miss, this was the 8th stage, I had maybe 10 misses during the entire match, and I had shot more thatn 100 rounds.


    Also, before this gets any more out of control, I've made up my mind, I'm going to talk to the same RM, and I'm going to ask him for advice on how to properly avoid this in the future, not going to hold a grudge against neither him nor the RO, it was a hot day, he was also shooting, things happen, no reason to ruin my entire shooting experience because of this.


    Thanks for all the comments and suggestion, definitely will be sticking around.

  4. 8 hours ago, Cardinal said:


    Normally the RO writes down the exact rules which was broken and lead to the DQ on score sheet. And informs the RM/area RM.

    So the competitor should have a clear answer to why they were DQ, even if they dont agree with it.



    As perttime mentions missing a target on its own isnt a DQ under IPSC. But there are sometimes range restrictions and violating those can lead to a DQ. As an example we have had rifle matches on a military range where pointing the barrel over the berm is a violation. Reason being the range is situated under the approach and departure lanes to Norway's largest airport and also population in the area behind the berms. Military ranges also often have less than 180 deg fire angles. In such cases it must clearly be mentioned in the WSB and also ahead of the match.



    I think I'm gonna ask for that report this  Wednesday  when the range opens. I'm gonna have to wait one or two months before giving it another go, the heat is just too f*#king much during our summer.

  5. 37 minutes ago, waktasz said:

    How many clubs are there down there? I'd consider not going to this one anymore until your skills improve, and then return and lay waste to the entire place, and have them declare you their king. 

    Only good range in the entire country, not really interested in going pro, I just want to relax and do some shooting, problem is, I'm waiting for an MPX that should be here before the end of March, and sadly, only place where I'm allowed to shoot it is IPSC.

  6. 1 minute ago, ima45dv8 said:

    I'm not familiar with any DQ reporting requirements or protocols in IPSC. 

    For now, I wouldn't ask for it. Just ask around for clarification on this "rule". As was already suggested, it may be a in-house range rule.

    Roger that, if I get told that such "Rule" doesn't exist, even for that particular range, do you have any suggestions on how to go about it ?

  7. 5 minutes ago, bdpaz said:

    I would ask other IPSC shooters at that range if a miss is typically considered Unsafe Gun Handling. If they say it is, they may be able to explain why and how shooters are supposed to know about it. I don't believe that it is standard IPSC practice so perhaps is is a local range restriction that "everyone just knows" - except when they don't. ;) 

    If that was the case, one would think when they give you the class they would mention it, I'm trying to look for the path of least resistance right here, I could just take the class and go to the next match, but if I don't at least ask for clarification from someone in the range, another RO maybe, I think that might signal that basically "Everything goes" as long as they say it does, don't get me wrong, I recognize both RO and RM respective authority right here, but at the same time, I'm looking at the rules and this is just not there.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Out of Ammo said:

    Never heard of this in USPSA.

    I honestly think this was one of those situations where "Guy doesn't like other guy" sadly sounds like a plausible explanation.


    My only concern is, should I take the class and try again on the next match ? If I get the same RO, and I miss on a similar situation, I might DQ'd again, and at that point I would be just wasting time and ammo.

  9. 24 minutes ago, toothandnail said:

    I don't shoot IDPA, but if missing a target - unless you were shooting way high - is a BS call.
    They placed the target there, a miss is not unsafe, unless, like I said you were missing by many, many feet.

    It was an IPSC match, I missed by a few inches tops, and it wasn't high.

  10. Hi, this is my first time posting in this forum, from the start I want to apologize if my english is not 100 % clear, not my native language.


    I'm kind of a "New" gun owner, been shooting for a few months, decided to get into IPSC, took a class, signed up for a match in order to get "Certified", both RO teaching the class were very clear that my objective on this match shouldn't be to win or to get a high score, but to not get DQ'd, so, during the match, I wasn't focusing on hitting perfect shots, I was just trying to meet the required number of shots and mantain proper weapon handling.


    While running the penultimate stage, I got stopped by the RO, asked to clear my weapon, and he gave me a DQ for "Unsafe Gun Handling", turns out that while engaging a target, I had a double miss, and well, I missed, bullets didn't hit the target, they hit the wall behind it, this had already happened once 2 stages before, I got a warning then, I didn't agree with the RO's logic, but I didn't want to make a fuss about it since it was just a warning.


    My problem is, that was a safe direction for me to shoot, I was actively engaging the target, yes, the bullets missed the wooden plank behind the target, but the wooden plank was basically the same size as the target, if I were to miss, I was going to hit the wall, with that logic, the only targets that were "Safe" to miss where those at the back of the stage.


    I contested the decision, RO called RM, he begrudgely agreed with him, I kept pushing the issue (Respectfuly) because I really didn't agree with their logic, but I was unable to convince them to change their mind.


    I'm not really angry because I got DQ'd, I'm angry because this was something I wasn't told during my classes, and that I also don't seem to see in the rules, I'm not planning to re-visit that disagreement with neither the RO or the RM, and I also know it probably would be pointless, even if it turns out I'm the right, I just want to know for sure so that I don't make the same mistake again.


    Thanks !

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