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Posts posted by rhgunguy

  1. I have a friend who is gifted with computers who is going to try and build a scoring app for USPSA. We are going to get together this weekend so I can show him ezWin.

    My question for you all is what features would you like to see incorporated?

  2. I'd lean toward the Springfield if you want a 1911. Singlestack is a great division to start out in. You learn to be quick with your reloads, and to plan your reloads. When considering purchase price I would remember that you will want at least 4-6 mag pouches and 6 mags, preferably more.

    Production is also a great division for the same reasons, plus with minor scoring you learn to be accurate and it is dirt cheap to get started in.

    Is there a reason you want the XD-40 rather than the -9? It is cheaper to reload than .40 or .45, which means more practice ammo.

  3. I have a question about what other clubs do, we are a USPSA sanctioned club and occasionally we allow new shooters wives etc, to use a 22 rimfire pistol if it is the first time they are shooting USPSA style shooting. We explain the equipment requirements etc and use it so they get a feel for what it is all about. My question is do other clubs ever do anything like this and we have a young adult who has very little discretionary money and I borrowed him a complete production set up once and he enjoyed it. His problem is starting out early in his career he is struggling to even buy a couple boxes of factory ammo to borrow equipment to shoot and he doesn't like the idea of borrowing stuff over and over anyway. He has asked if he could shoot the course or as much as he can magazine wise with his 22 pistol and just quit where ever he ends up and not turn in his score sheet. Does anyone let new shooters do something like this?

    Why not see if the club officers will "hire" the young man. He does the mowing, helps with set up and tear down and in exchange gets his match fees and ammo from the club. That way he is paying his own way. Good for the club, good for him.

  4. Example:12 round COF, shooter fires 12 rounds-according to the timer-and you find 13 holes downrange, all the same caliber. If the target with 3 holes has them all in the same scoring area-or 2 C and a B-then the score can be determined. If it is 2A, one B no-shoot, there are questionable scoring/penatly hits and a reshoot is ordered.

    Second example:Long field course, say 25 rounds with some steel thrown in. Shooter fires 30 rounds, it is the job of the second RO to keep track of which if any targets the shooter took more than two shots on. Otherwise a shooter could screw up early in the stage and on one of the last targets fire a third shot into the D zone or a no-shoot, claim he fired only 2 and get a reshoot.

  5. Instead of hijacking the slam fire/hammer follow thread during Make Ready, I'm starting up this new thread.

    Consider the following scenarios:

    1) At Make Ready, the shooter inserts a magazine, takes a sight picture, and puts their finger in the trigger guard. (Not a DQ for having finger in the trigger guard while loading because loading action was completed, as I recall.) After the sight picture, the shooter racks the slide, and the gun goes BANG! Is this a DQ?

    I believe this is an AD under 10.4.3 since it is a shot fired during the procedures outlined in Rule 8.3.1.

    2) After the start signal on an unloaded start COF, the shooter inserts a magazine, (forgets to rack the slide), takes aim at a target, tries to pull the trigger, and gun goes CLICK! Is this a DQ for trigger guard while loading since loading is not complete until a round is chambered?

    I may think this funny, but not a DQ for trigger guard under 10.5.9 while loading because loading was complete.

    3) After the start signal on an unloaded start COF, the shooter inserts a magazine, (forgets to rack the slide), takes aim at a target, tries to pull the trigger, gun goes CLICK!, and shooter racks the slide and the gun goes BANG! (Shot hits more than 10 ft away and is not over the berm.) Is this a DQ for an AD while loading?

    Under scenario #2, we (or at least I) contend that the shooter was not loading anymore, so I can't now invoke 10.4.3 for a shot that occurs while loading or reloading.

    Or is this a DQ for an AD during remedial action in the case of a malfunction under 10.4.4? I don't think so because there was no malfunction until the slam fire/hammer follow (except on the part of the shooter's brain forgetting to tell the shooter to chamber a round).

    Or can I because the act of chambering a round is considered loading and therefore grounds for 10.4.3?

    4) After the start signal of El Pres, the shooter turns, draws the gun, builds his grip, disengages the safety (before the gun is up to the target), and the gun goes BANG! (Shot hits more than 10 ft away and is not over the berm.) Is this a DQ for an AD?

    I don't think this is a DQ for an AD because none of the conditions in 10.4 are met as best as I can tell.

    5) After the start signal of Mini-Mart, the shooter picks up the loaded gun, builds his grip, aims at target (forgetting to disengage safety), tries to pull trigger, disengages safety, does the first part of "tap-rack" by tapping the magazine in, and the gun goes BANG! because of an old sear spring letting the hammer fall. (Shot hits more than 10 ft away and is not over the berm.) Is this a DQ for an AD?

    Is this a DQ for an AD during remedial action in the case of a malfunction under 10.4.4? I don't think so because there was no malfunction until the sear slipped (except on the part of the shooter's brain forgetting to tell the shooter to disengage the safety).

    I thought that loading was completed after the insertion of the magazine was completed? Or does it depend? Remember the full auto thread? It seems there that the gun going full auto not considered an AD because reloading was completed when a magazine in put in. Or was that only an DNROI opinion and not a ruling? Also remember the steel challenge/loaded sight picture thread? I thought that the conclusion from that thread was that loading was an action that could be interrupted and the next action (of taking a sight picture and putting the finger in the trigger guard) is not considered to be loading anymore.

    1)AD under 10.4.3

    2)The glossary(appendix A3) defines a loaded gun as having a round in the chamber/cylinder/mag so the gun is loaded when the mag is seated. No AD

    3)No, the gun was already loaded as defined by Appendix A3

    4)No, this is a so-called "safe" AD.

    5)If it looks like a duck it is a duck. That scenario looks like an AD during remedial action. Besides as RO I would have to have pretty compelling proof that the round did not leave the range in order for me to not call it an AD during remidial action(try the scenario you mention at home with an empty gun and see where the muzzle is pointed).

  6. I've had my CZ Shadow Custom for 5 months now and for the first four I was doing exceptionaly well. I think it came down to the fact that for the first time I had a gun I was confident in. Then last week I went to a friends house and we set up the classifier we were going to shoot. I did realy well. Then we took a break and ran his plate rail at 12 yards. That is when the problems started. Clean miss after clean miss and then a hit on the far left of the plate. I adjust and run the rail aiming for the right side of the plate. I made a mental note to adjust my sights and get out to the range to sight it in, that didn't end up happening. Fast-forward to yesterday's match. Nevermind that the sights have been off the same amount from day-one and I have been doing great with it, I was still aiming to the right, my accuracy was horrible, my times were crap for me and I was so distracted I got my first procedural in 4 years!

    Oh, and that classifier I practiced before I "knew" I had a problem? Time was about the same, but my I had 5 Cs, and a D while I was averaging 3 Cs in practice.

  7. Moral of the story:Tonight I caught the ball 17 years to late and didn't hold onto it, but I did get to see boobs.

    Thank you for the big belly laugh this gave me.. it has been a while since I did that! :cheers:

    Mission accomplished!

  8. Tonight I went to my wife's company outing at the minor league baseball game. Like every boy in America I wanted to catch a fly ball. Not wanted, needed. At 10 years old, catching that ball is more important than seeing your first boob. Now, at almost 27 I have seen a few, but have not gotten a single fly ball. Until tonight. Damn thing hit the bleachers 3 yards to my left, bounced and almost spilled my beer-if I hadn't caught it. Then I saw a 10 year old kid running towards me with a mit on and in less than a split on a point-blank target I decided to flip him the ball. The owner of my wife's company came over and clapped me on the shoulder and said, "Nice play". My wife also knew how much I wanted to catch a fly ball and asked me why I didn't keep it. I told her my priorities have changed.

    Moral of the story:Tonight I caught the ball 17 years to late and didn't hold onto it, but I did get to see boobs.

  9. So according to Front Sight N320 is reverse sensitive because the cold makes the grains brittle and they break, creating more surface area for a faster burn. Now if your ammo is subject to the cold and then warmed up, will it retain its faster than normal burn rate? Has anyone frozen some ammo, warmed it up, then cronographed them against a control batch? If not I might have to give it a try.

  10. My aunt's full maiden name is Sherri Louanne Olive Bxxxxx. Initials:SLOB. Apparently my dear mother gave her quite a hard time about it in school.

  11. One good reason not to:the 'smith in question built a normal 18.9 for limited minor and I have never seen it run right. Sometimes its a mag problem, sometimes its a gun problem, sometimes it doesn't like the reloads, most times its a combo of 2 or more things.

  12. I think the reason "no one can agree on this" is that people are coming from three different levels of experience in the matter.

    (1) They "know" that firing lead through a stock Glock barrel is dangerous. They've never actually done it themselves, mind you - because who would ever do something so dangerous - and sternly warn you away from the practice. "Keeping all my fingers is important to me," and so forth.

    (2) They've done it but clean the barrel religiously after every shooting session - because why take chances?

    (3) They've fired thousands, if not tens of thousands, of rounds of hard cast lead through standard Glock barrels without cleaning without a single problem.

    Which group do you think has the greater knowledge and experience base to have a valid opinion on the topic?


    (4) They have shot lead through their Glock barrel and it leaded up like crazy.

    (5) They blew up their Glock shooting lead. :devil:

  13. Ok, I have a used Witness match that has had some work done and it is a sweet gun. But I am thinking of selling it to buy a limited gun to replace my G35. My question is which better overall, the Limited or the TS? I am looking at all angles so I am also considering keeping the Match and upgrading it.

    What is the best option as far as which is the best gun and which is the most economical for a full set-up.

  14. I guess that must be the less lethal model :D

    Don't mean to nitpick, but could it be that she has her mags "jungle clipped" together(with the spare facing backwards) and you just can't see in the picture?

  15. Vonce you go Glock you never go bock!

    Glocks never need cleaning. Ever.

    Glocks never jam. Ever.

    Rather be tried by 12 than carried by six.(the reason he didn't want to get his CCW)

    AKs never need cleaning. Ever.

    AKs never jam. Ever.

    Clerk to a female customer looking at a Glock:Yeah, just load it and stick it in you purse and forget about it.

    Me to both:Great idea, up until you lipstick decides to diguise itself as your trigger finger.

    There is no such thing as a one shot stop.

    Caliber XYZ will stop anyone with one shot.

    The AR-15 is for sissys.

    You got room on those rails for your iPod?

    The 9mm is for sissys.

  16. I am just getting started reloading and since 9mm is so hard to come by I figured I would start with that. As of now all I have is a bunch of Winchester brass and a ton of remington #1 1/2 small pistol primers.

    ANy suggestions for a good bullet/powder combo?

    Thanks in advance.

  17. Let me clairfy, I consider the RRAs cost to be huge for something I just put money on the table for. If I break even or come out a little behind I consider it worth the money because I am learning and doing. I will have something that I put together with my hands rather than just paying for.

  18. So I shot a RRA 1911 and was amazed by the accuracy and handling but alarmed by the cost. Then I got the bright idea to try and build my own 1911 for a fun project and to learn some gunsmithing. Now I am mechanicaly inclined but I have no idea as to how to assemble a 1911 of the quality I want.

    My questions are:

    1)Are there any resources as to gunsmithing techniques that I can get such as books or DVDs?

    2)What mfr makes the kind of quality components that I am looking for?

    Thanks in advance!

  19. All I went into the gunstore for were glock decal grips, honest! But I walked out with a like new Witness Match and I need to fin mags for it. Basepads will be next. What I would like to know is if the mags at Hennings will fit my Witness. Do his pads require a mag funnel?

    Also, down the road i would like to do some slide lightening. Who does that kind of work on Witnesses?

    Thanks in advance!

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