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Posts posted by Malarky112

  1. On 10/10/2020 at 3:39 AM, Sarge said:

    Within reason as long as the WSB spells out one per shot then it is what it is.

    I wish I had a copy of the matchbook because I don't remember reading it in there (I know it could've changed from printing to the day of the match).  I think I'll start taking pics of the WSB's at big matches.

  2. On 10/10/2020 at 6:30 PM, Chutist said:

    Sorry you had that happen.  😐

    If it's any consolation, I think myself and many here learned from it. 😉

    Thanks man.  In the end thats all I can hope for and I'm happy about that.  
     If I had read/seen  something like this before the match, I might've been more conscious of it before the stage.


    On 10/10/2020 at 6:54 PM, llamasabound said:

    Hey OP:


    here’s the funny run I described with my left hand across my body keeping it in the holster. The procedural from the ballot ejection was the difference between me and my division/class win.



    Ouch bro! Such a dumb thing, and to cost you the win, that hurts!  


  3. 13 hours ago, waktasz said:

    Interested to see the WSB for this. It was only one procedural if you didn't put the thing in the thing? I wouldn't even have bothered

    Our RO's told us it was a procedural for every shot fired if we skipped the "thing" all together.  I'm not wise to the rules as much as I should be but he said many ppl had tried to argue and lost the argument.

  4. So I know lots of people are saying dump the holster, its definitely an option.  But other than getting a 3 gun holster, what are my options?  Many competitors I've spoken with, some with way more experience then me, have said that the majority of USPSA holsters would not hold a gun in this situation. 


    Thinking back, in my 4 or so years of USPSA, this is the 1st time I have ever encountered a stage with movement with a loaded gun in holster.  


    I am def going to grab my heat gun and see if I can tighten the retention up some with some reworking.


    And I agree this was not a smart stage design.  Gun on barrel or table would've accomplished the same thing without the risk.  But the stage was the same for everyone, so I can't argue it wasn't fair.

  5. 42 minutes ago, llamasabound said:

    Hey, I shot that on Thursday. I got to the stage (big heavy CZ in an RHT), looked at the RO, and said, "when I grab that ballot off of the post, my gun is going flying." It was the walk through, so I ran it full speed. I grabbed the ballot of the post and my pistol went flying, deep into the sand. RO cleared the gun, I called for the RM and arranged to swap pistols to my backup gun. 


    When I got back from switching guns I was up. I ran the stage from the start box with my left hand crossing my body holding the gun in the holster. My time was about 1.25 seconds behind Max Michel, but I think most of that was during the shooting, not the getting to the area. 


    Incidentally, my ballot bounced out of the box, giving me a procedural on the day. I hadn't shot chrono yet, so they had to run my sandy gun too. First shot (barrel full of sand) was 50fps off the pace, but surprisingly it still worked. I had to completely strip the gun to get the sand out of some nooks and crannies.


    Rough luck, but I've had both my RHTs dump CZs on walk through. If you dryfire a lot, its pretty much guaranteed to happen. If I suspect it might, I do it during the walk through. (Full speed, sudden direction changes, etc). 

    Wow, lesson learned on my part.  I've got less than a year with the CZ and CO.  I shot my Glock in production last year.  
    I didn't even realize they can give procedurals for a non-shooting action like that.  It was pretty silly to put it politely.


  6. Update:


    I did end up sending it back to Glock. They were great to deal with and it was only 11 days from the day I shipped it to the day I had it back In my hands. 

    Work order says they replaced the trigger and bar. Looking closely there is def a visible difference between the original and the new one. The forward extension of cruciform sear plate is now tapered. 
    I’m guessing it’s an updated part. I’ll test fire it later this week. 

  7. I found out today (and saw the video) that another shooter was victim of the same issue, almost the exact same spot, metal CZ with a RHT holster.  
    I also had emailed the MD with my polite feedback of the stage, she said that the strong hand was handed in an attempt to keep people from sweeping themselves while placing the ballot in the bucket, but obviously that had its own issues and they would avoid it next year.

    I also saw that when Max Michel shot it he drew, switched the gun to his weak hand, did the ballot thing, then switched the gun back to strong hand.  HIs many years of experience obviously alerted him to the issue and he worked around it.  Something I won't forget thats for sure.

  8. 7 hours ago, LuvDog said:

    When you contacted RHT, did you include the video?  Did they offer to take it back in exchange or to form it to fit better?

    Yes I included the video and my comments about how it never really “clicked” in. 
    They offered me to send it back for them to “take a look at”. 

  9. 7 hours ago, racerba said:

    def wallet was heavy enough to bump the gun up...you can see that the gun was not completely out...but with with the movement...it equals the perfect storm.  Stage requirements are not "dumb"...this was just a bad situation that nobody could have ever predicted.  hard to say if holster is as tight as it could have been from the video.  i just check my RHT - it clicks and holds well:

    Yup mine def doesn't do that and hasn't since day one.  I even contacted RHT tactical and they said it never really clicks with a shadow, obviously yours does.  I'm not bashing on them, they're a great company and support the sport, but I think my holster needs to be redone.  I'm not 100% sure it would've helped, but it certainly couldn't have hurt.


    For those saying it was a dumb stage, I obviously agree but didn't think much of it until after this happened of course.  What exactly was the purpose of saying "strong hand"?  I wonder if it was a left over stage from the LFOD IDPA Championship that was supposed to happen at the same club but was cancelled.  It originally called for curtains to be hung as well but I guess they ditched that idea.

  10. My wallet was in my pocket and I can ensure you it wasn't heavy!  I did suspect it hit it but after slowing down the vid even more I think the wallet swung in front of the holster...but who knows.



    2 hours ago, rowdyb said:

    As the ballot required just one hand most shooters I saw drew with one hand and did the ballot with the other. 

    Rowdy they required you to grab the ballot with strong hand...that was in the stage description.

  11. I'm having trouble processing what went wrong, would like some opinions here.  I linked the youtube vid.


    Stage required you use strong hand to grab the "ballot" and put it in the bucket.  

    I know the tension knobs on my holster were just about as tight as I could get them by hand.  We had taken a wagon ride to get from one side of the club to the other just the stage before and I didn't want my gun falling out while sitting in the wagon so I had tightened them.  

    I know I pushed my gun into my holster after make ready.  

    This is a RHT holster and its never had a solid "click" like my glocks.  RHT and a few other shooters say its normal on the CZ.  

    Lots of people have commented how it was a pretty dumb start for a USPSA stage, it seemed like and IDPA stage.  Only 3 shooters were DQ'd entire match so Im guessing it wasnt an issue for others.  

    Im trying to figure out how to prevent it in the future, although I am guessing I won't see too many stage starts like that.  

    What do you guys think?

    3rd stage of my day and I won the 1st two stages that I did shoot (in my class) so I am still pretty bummed.  On the bright side I did save on ammo.



  12. 20 minutes ago, phoenixsomd said:

    At Area 8 this year I was asked to provide an already loaded mag to the CRO running chrono to use. They only weighed one bullet and I got 7 rounds back in the bag we filled on the 1st stage.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

    Same here.  I submitted 5 at the start of the match but Chrono guy asked for a mag off my belt.  I was using Syntech and asked to declare it at the beginning of the match.  They didn't know what I was talking about and just said "oh that stuff will pass".   
    They couldn't really do the "grab rounds out of a dropped mag" thing cuz I think I only had to reload 3 times the entire match.  :)


  13. How would you mount it on the S1?  Dovetail mounted optics IMO are silly.  Puts the dot up high and adds stress to the dot (i have no actual data to back that up though).


    Have you shot an S2 before?  Its a significant difference.  A lot of people like it better, but some don't.

  14. Ive got enough for this years matches, its next year Im worried about.

    I shot with a PCC guy in my squad last weekend, 1st time using it.  1st two stages were a dumpster fire.  He decided to stop and drop out so he didn't waste anymore of his ammo.


    Ive read a lot about the ammo shortage and two things I didn't see mentioned here.  Raw materials...mining operations were hit hard by covid and stuff like lead and copper has been harder to get and more expensive.  Trucking/transportation is another issue, the trucking industry has been shorthanded for years and only getting worse.  They are having troubles moving supplies around, especailly if they have to choose between what they deem "necessary items" and ammo components.

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