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Everything posted by Jfitz427

  1. It says in the description they’re gen 2 sti 140mm 9/38 mags. So I’m wanting to increase with what I already bought. Although I’m thinking about returning them for some mbx mags. I have gen 2 sti 140s for my limited gun and they work perfect. Despite having the stock follower that will lock the slide when empty they cause no problems. But with these for my open gun when the mags empty I cant close the slide, it catches up on the follower, which doesn’t happen with my 40 mags, which are also bone stock. But when I load these up and actually shoot them, they cycle fine. But if I shoot till empty the follower jams up with the slide and the mag won’t drop, it has the be forcefully stripped out. I’m sure grams followers would fix this. But I was kinda hoping they’d work right out of the box. On note anyone ever try using 40 mags for 9mm? Yesterday I loaded up what I thought was one of these new 9mm sti mags. Shot the whole mag, absolutely perfect then when I pulled it out I realized it was actually one of my mbx 40 mags. I couldn’t believe it. So I loaded it up again just to see if maybe I got lucky the first time with it not jamming, and again it ran flawlessly. I didn’t think this was possible?
  2. Thanks, I didn’t even know they made stuff for 2011s. I just looked them up and they come with “inserts” for the sti 38 mags. What’s this insert?
  3. I already regret not buying mbx mags. But like I said, these can go past 140mm. So if there’s a larger base plate I should be able to get more then 23. I haven’t seen anything besides +1 base plates, no +2-3 or anything. Anyone know of the biggest baseplate available?
  4. Hey guys, just got some 140mm gen 2 sti mags in 9/38. I’m thinking grams springs and followers, but which base plate will give the greatest increase in capacity? I’m looking at grams 11mm, the Dawson’s, or the taran 7mm. Beven said his 11mm with the 13 coil would give me 23rds. I’ve read a lot of other threads and they all focus on keeping them at 140mms. These are for open, so it doesn’t matter if they go past 140mm. So what combo will give me the highest capacity? I already have 170s, so these are just for reloads. Just wanna get the max capacity out of these..
  5. Let’s just say it only took about 3 weeks before I bought a 2011 open gun. The plan was to buy the pantera, see if I like the 2011 platform, but keep primarily shooting my open Glock since I shoot like 75% 9mm. I just find the 2011 points more naturally then the Glock. And the trigger is just on another level, and it makes quite a big difference for me. The pantera is a sweet shooter, but it’s also an incredibly well build gun. I don’t know these kind of guns that well, but the fit and finish is better then my sti trubor. And my sti is a really really nice gun, but the sps ever so slightly nicer on the side to frame and barrel fit. Triggers a bit lighter on the trubor, but the break isn’t as crisp as the pantera, which is like a glass rod breaking. Forgive me, I’m still learning the basics on these types of guns, but things like the barrel, slide, thumb safety all have to be hand fit, I think, and those parts are noticeably better with the sps. Just my observations. From what ive read though most of the internal parts are lower quality mim parts that probably won’t last the longest. My trubor will likely go a lot longer before that stuff needs to be replaced. Id like to add a different grip to the pantera, and maybe a flat trigger. Eventually when the integrals wear out I’ll replace them with something nicer, and have someone do a really nice trigger. Although coming from a Glock the stock trigger is just phenomenal.
  6. Glad you liked it. These guns really handle major ammo incredibly well. I got out to shoot my trubor yesterday for the first time and i couldnt believe how flat they shoot. I thought my Glock was a flat shooter, but compared to the 2011 it’s violent. It’s not even close man. The extra weight really helps keep the gun flat. I didnt chrono my loads that make major out of my Glock, I’ll have to check that next week. I think the barrel with threading on my g34 is close to 6 inches, probably a bit under. And the trubor being just 5 inches, will see how much velocity I loose. They felt so soft in the sti though. I can’t wait to get out and shoot it again.
  7. I have 4 of them. Only about a month old now, but I haven’t had any problems yet. Not sure if mine have the upgrade or not, got them from midway so I’d assume a distributor that big probably got the upgrade. I’m really happy with them so far. I’m about to order a second set for my open rig.
  8. I’ve been shooting glocks for years, love them. But I just recently bought a cheaper 2011 limited gun (sps pantera) to get my feet wet and see if I like the platform. Was planning on still shooting my open Glock, as I shoot 75% or more 9mm. Only took a few weeks before I wanted a 2011 open gun. The triggers really are just that much better. And my Glock has a great trigger for a Glock, breaking right around 2lbs. I find the 2011 points just a bit more naturally. Im not looking forward to not being able to do work on my own gun. With my Glock there isn’t anything I can’t do. I love it. I have a massive box of extra glocks parts so the gun is never down for more then 10 mins. Will see if I feel like y’all in a year or two and come back to glocks. plus, who doesn’t love 20 dollar new mags that run right out of the box and are the most rugged and durable on the planet. I bougght 2 mbx 40 mags the other day, for almost 300 bucks and I couldn’t stop thinking i could be buying 15 Glock mags for the same price.
  9. Exactly why I 9. I’m not thrilled mine is coming in 38, it I got a really good deal on it so I’m gonna order a 9mm barrel soon and have it fitted. You’ll have to let us know how it shoots.
  10. Damn dude, that’s one nice looking gun. My trubor, well it’s a trubor slide and barrel on a PT frame should be here tomorrow. Is that in 9mm or 38 super? I had like 5 offers for open guns, all 38s, not a single 9. So mine is a 38. I’m probably gonna get a 9mm barrel for it. But I bought a case of 38 super ammo so I can atleast take it to the range a few times before sending it off to the smith. If you don’t mind sharing, what did you pay for it? I just looked up the thunder open guns and they’re pricey brand new.
  11. Gonna pick up a second 170. Something could easily happen to the first one and then I’d be screwed. Always good to have a back up. Then I’d have 2 170s anc 2 140s. I’m also looking at the sps mags for practice. 55 bucks for a 140 that holds 23rds, much like the mbx 140s. Now I’m sure the quality is no where near as good, but then I don’t have to worry about messing up my good ones practicing. But the 170 sps aren’t even worth it? 80 bucks vs 100 for an sti that we know is good quality and will work for many years. But the 140s ars a good deal. I have 2 126s that run reliably though my sps pantera. So if the 9mm are as good as those they should be great practice/backup mags.
  12. That’s a good point. Where were you 2 days ago when everyone was saying get the 140s? And no I usually have 1 mag in the gun and 3 on my belt. So the thinking is, 1 170, plus 1 140 should for any stage, but I always have a few extras on my belt. But you’re right if the gun jams up right away and I have to drop the 170, I’m gonna need another. Maybe I’ll pick up another 170. So I’d have two 170s, and 2 140s between my gun and belt.
  13. I decide on the 140 sti mags. They’re just so much cheaper then the Mbx mags. I might add a bass plate and grams guts to one. But they hold 20rds stock, I can’t imagine I’ll reallg need 23, when I’ll always start with 30 in the gun with my mbx big stick. Reloading to a stock 20rd 140 should be plenty. ive been looking at some cheap SPS mags for practice. Anyone have experice with them for 9/38? I have two that cane with my pantera in 40, and they feed reliably. Thinking about picking up a 170mm and a 140. They’re quite a bit cheaper then sti or mbx mags, so they could be good practice mags. And who knows, they may even been good for matches. There 140 says it holds 23, and is just over 50 bucks.
  14. So I ran my mbx mags this weekend and they worked great. I got them I think Wednesday, loaded them up and let them sit till Sunday when I went to the range and they ran flawlessly. So so now I’ve had great luck with both the gen 2 sti mags and the mbx mags right out of the box. I think the mbx have a slight advantage for competition because they come holding 20-21rds. For the sti you pay 75, then If you want to make them competitive you pay 32 for base plates and another 20 for spring and follower, so it comes out to the same 130 bucks that the mbx cost. And the mbx are ready out of the box. But if you weren’t planning on messing with them and are ok with 18rds, you can’t beat the sti for the price.
  15. I have a 170 mbx coming with the gun so I’m good there. I’m thinking the same thing you are, if I start with a 170 with 30 rounds in the gun, with stages having a 32rd max, with make up shots that’s 8-12more rounds I’ll need. So id still have some to spare. A 140mm sti will be fine. Do you need spacers for the Sti gen 2 mags for 9mm? I know you don’t with the mbx which makes them very attractive. But double the price of a sti mag.
  16. If im starting with a 170 mbx mag, which gives me about 30rds. Is there any reason I’d need an mbx 140 or 155 that holds 23-25rds? If I reloaded to a stock sti gen 2 mag that holds 20rds, won’t that be plenty for basically any stage? It’s just the sti mags are much much cheaper, 75 bucks vs 130-145 for the mbx. 50rds of ammo should be plenty for any stage with 32rd max? I’m trying to save some money here.
  17. That’s what I was thinking. I’ll skip the 140s and get the 155s.
  18. Ya, I agree, I have mbxs for 40, and will have one 170 for 9mm. That’s what I’ll start with always, so I was thinking for reloads to get the 170 Sti since they’re pretty cheap and just leave them stock. 26rds is plenty of after the 29-30rd mbx id start with. The mbx 155s will hold about the same, for 45 bucks more a piece. The question is how much faster is the reload with the 140, or 155. The general consensus is it’s faster. So I’ll probably go with the mbx 155. But my gen 2 sti 40 mags have been flawless. And they’re much cheaper.
  19. I could consider a sti 170. Only 99 bucks. I just can’t afford to buy more mbx 170s, I will have one. So that should be enough. But the sti 170 is actually significantly cheaper then the mbx 140 or 155. And I’ve had great luck with my sti gen 2 mags working great right out of the box. Just don’t know if it will slow my down vs a 140 or 155. Since I’m gonna be shooting 38 super for a little while, but then to 9mm after I get a new barrel the MBX ars attractive as they don’t need any tuning, spacers or special oal to run 9mm reliably.
  20. So I need some mags, I have one 170mm mbx coming with the gun I bought, so I won’t be buying another of those for a while. But I do need some mags to reload to. Trying to decide between the 140 and 155. I’ve read people saying the 155s are just as fast on the reload compared to the 140. Plus you get a few more rounds. What would you guys suggest? The gun is in 38 super which I’ll shoot for a little while, but will be rebarreling it to 9mm sooner rather then later. So the mbx are attractive as they don’t need the spacer. And I won’t have to add springs followers and base plates to get max capacity. So 140s, or 155s? Thanks, john
  21. One of my favorite loads, ridiculously light recoiling and still cycles a g34 with stock recoil spring. 147g blue bullet 2.9g titegroup 1.145 Out of my g34 before the adding the comp it was like shooting a 22. Great for my wife too. She Didn’t like 9mm, but with this load it was less snappy by far then her factory 380 loads. Makes minor pf too.
  22. I’m loading those right now. Well not this minute but that’s my current stash. Also for an open Glock but with a s3f barrel, carver comp. I load them long for major, 1.15-1.165. I can’t imagine why your having issues. I’ve ran 1000s of these with great success. By far my favorite bullet. The lot in currently loading is the new ones. I like that they don’t get my fingers as blue lol. But I haven’t noticed any difference in performance. Im actually having problems with the blue 180g 40 bullets not passing the plunk test in another gun. No issues with Berry’s plated 180g. It’s weird. I got 800 of them loaded up and half fail the plunk test.
  23. I’m in the processing of buying a trubor from a member here myself, and likely retiring my open Glock. I’m excited. I’m gonna keep my glock though, for backup since the parts on a 2011 aren’t plug and play like out glocks. So if something breaks, it’ll likely have to go to a gun smith for repair and Ill be without a gun. I’m hoping I can learn to work on these guns like I’ve learned glocks inside and out. At my club matches (not uspsa) Ive been shooting my sps limited gun faster then my Glock open gun, that’s when I knew it was time to move on. The trigger makes such a huge difference in split times. The local gm I know says the same, he runs .10s with his 2011s, and at best runs .25s with glocks, which over a stage adds up to quite a bit of time.
  24. I just put a jager in mine this week. With a 4lb striker spring it lit off both win and cci primers. Before this with the stock striker I’d only get maybe 50% reliability with those brands, I had to use strictly federal. So I’m happy.
  25. But I shoot coated (blues) for major. Haven’t noticed any excess build up.
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