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Everything posted by Jfitz427

  1. Oh damn, that stinks, i bought the 7g2s for 140mm open mags, I didn’t need it to fit the gauge, I could have bought the regular 7gs if I knew this first.
  2. They do, you just can’t push it down all the way. Works fine if you don’t. Some people file it off a little so you can push it down some.
  3. What’s the difference between the 4g vs 4g2? Gen 2?
  4. They work perfect with 40, 21rds reloadable with flawless reliability so far. Only problem is they’re so small they tend to stick out of the feed lips. I can easily pull the follower though. With 9 they stay below the feedlips much better, but the salt shaker happens. Im gonna stick with grams, 23-24rds in a 140 is enough. I have big sticks too.
  5. I was just messing around, not tuning anything, all my mags run well. I have the TTI follower and spring in some 40 mags to get 21rds reloadable. So I was wondering how many I could get in a 9mm 140 with it, since it always seems to add one more round, and it did, actually over a round. I can barely lock the mag in the gun with 24 with grams s&f, with the TTI I could lock it in easier with 25. I do have thd TTI spring and follower in one of my mbx 170s, and I can get 30 s rounds it for starts. No problems with rounds getting under the follower in that mag body.
  6. But the ribs on the gen 2s go basically all the way to the bottom. Hell they go lower then the ribs on the old SV mags. It’s weird though it only happened once, the first time I tried loading them after assembling the mag. Then I took it apart and got the round out and loaded them again and it didn’t happen. I’m gonna load and unload them a few more times and see if it was just a fluke. Cause 25rds reloadable is great, or 24 for easy speed reloads. With the grams follower it’s 23, and not even as easy to reload as 24 was with the TTI.
  7. So just for the hell of it I put the taran follower and spring into my 140mm 9mm sti mags. Same thing happens to me sometimes. A round gets passed the follower and causes a salt shaker. With grams this isn’t a problem and works perfect. It sucks because I can get 25 rounds in the mag reloadable, super easy to reload with 24. Idk why it happens sometimes. If it didn’t, I’d put these in all my 9 mags. I’ve read that taran/bolen followers don’t work well in sti mags without modification.
  8. Jfitz427


    I mean ya it’s small, but not overly small. But normal small for a mouse gun. I have huge hands, so big a normal 2011 grip doesn’t fit. Even with a xl dvc grip and a big hands magwell they’re still to small. So all micro compacts feel small on me. None of them fit right lol. The one that actually does fit pretty well is the shield. I wouldn’t mind if they had some interchangeable palmswells or back straps for it. But the gun is solely for carry, and I’m confident with it, and if I ever needed it.
  9. Jfitz427


    Damn, i told my wife, an myself the p365 would be the last carry gun I’d ever buy. It just doesn’t get any better then 12+1 in this small, but very shootable and utterly reliagle package. But I also always thought if Glock did the same thing I’d be all over it. Maybe I’ll give her the sig, so I can buy the Glock. I’m not a big fan of sigs and their quality in the last 10-15 years, but my 365 has been perfect.
  10. Looks super flat. I talked to Don before Christmas about what I want to do to my trubor. He’s got my business for sure. He took like 45 mins to go though everything and answered all my questions. Whenever I have a custom gun built from scratch it’s gonna be from him. Gonna send him my open gun probably this coming week. Super excited.
  11. It’s really that simple. I just bought one, they’re 154 bucks and it dropped right it. The break is very crisp, strong reset, no overtravel. Mine breaks at 1.5lbs, I did nothing but dropped it in. You can bend the sear spring a bit more of you want it a little heavier. I read a ton of reviews before and most people get around a 2-2.5lb break out of the box. I guess I got extra lucky, I like them at 1.5. Some people have to do a little fitting to the lug on the thumb safety, but again I didn’t. Seems like half the people who buy it have to do it, the other half don’t. It’s a great buy, soon as I have some more extra money I’ll buy a second for my limited gun.
  12. This is what I found. They look to be the easiest, most potable and cheapest option around. 15 bucks per stand, and as low as 15 per steel target depending on what size you buy. I’m gonna buy 6, then by more as time goes on. They also make a hanger that hooks to a t post, like they use for fences in gardens. They’re about 15 bucks then you buy the fence post and the steel target.
  13. Ya idk the model, are you in the US? I think years ago SPS imported some other models, as today it’s only the Pantera and vista. Looks good though. Mine has been utterly reliable. And accurate as hell.
  14. Mine has also been flawless. I run mbx, , sti gen 2 and the sps mags that came with it, and they all run perfectly. Surpisingly the cheap sps mags were the only ones with feed lips in spec. I put some taran followers and springs and Dawson ispc wedge basepads and get 18rds in those little sps 120s. I wanted to be able to atleast practice with them. But you have an evo grip on your Pantera? Can you post a pic of it? I’d love to see how it looks. I’m gonna put a DVC grip on mine, only cause the PT is to expensive. I bet that looks badass. Sps makes some awesome guns.
  15. I just put the same setup in my open gun, except my trigger is a little lighter around 1.5lbs. But 17lb main with Dawson extended firing pin. Before with whatever mainspring came with it I’d get light strikes with Winchester primers. Only federal would work, even with the Dawson extended. I really think it was the main spring. Im guessing it was a 15lb, and a worn one at that. I’m hoping I’ll have the same good results as you. I haven’t messed with the recoil spring in it yet. I think it’s a big over spung. Gonna pickup a new one probably a 7 or 8lb. Just put a 12lb wolf variable in my limited gun and it made a big difference in how the gun tracked.
  16. I’ve ran them through close to 5000 rounds. Never had a single problem. They couldn’t be any better. I was just wondering if there was any reason to adjust the feedlips to the correct dimensions. Even though for them to run this well, they must be “in spec” somewhat.
  17. I’d put a good 300-500rds though if first to break it in before worrying about messing with anything. But you can test the extractor. Go on YouTube and search extractor tension test or something. You slide the round up under the extractor against the break face, with the slide off. It should hold it there and you should be able to move the slide back and fort, not violently but just smooth back and forth and the round should stay put. If it doesn’t then it needs a bit more tension.
  18. I’m testing different ones now. My open gun came with what felt like a very light main spring, and it wouldn’t reliably ignite anything but fed primers. I just dropped a 17 in it, but haven’t tested it with Anything but fed. I think it had a 15lb in it, to light imo. My other gun for limited seems to have a really heavy main spring straight from the factory. Once I see how the 17 works in my open gun and if it will light off harder primers, if so I’ll put the same in my limited gun. If it still doesn’t ignite harder primers I’ll go to a 19. Won’t go any higher then that though.
  19. I’m not sure tempature is the only factor. When I look at my 9 major load, I’m a full grain less then some people in different parts of the country. I’ll be loading say 7.3 for a 124 and they’ll be using 8.3+ for same power factor. I’m in Nc, and it’s hot, but it’s just as hot in Arizona, Nevada, Texas etc. all over the country the loads seem to vary a lot, but Pf is the same. If I was shooting minor, I’d probably set my loads up to be a good 10pf+ more then minor just to be safe. Still super soft shooting.
  20. Ya, that’s what I figured. Probably going to leave the rest alone. If they ever start giving me problems then I’ll mess with them. You’re right though, they can’t be made any better then they already are. Messing them up is a possibility if I mess with them.
  21. I have an sps Pantera. The is gun is unbelievable, a real piece of art. The thing is basically as reliably as my glocks, but it’s tighter and nicer then my custom built sti open gun, and my sti is an incredibly nice gun. I guess it’s because they’re assembled in the phillipenes, where the cost of labor is dramatically cheaper, so they can afford to have people hand fit each part of the gun. Whereas here in the states we can’t afford to do that and rely on machines.
  22. It won’t leave me alone. It’s relentless lol. I adjusted one, and I’ll test it out at the range next time. Not gonna touch the other 3 quite yet. I’d be really pissed off if I adjusted them and they started giving me problems. Then have to attempt to put them back to how they were. Its interesting that my cheap sps mags were the only ones in spec. I set one sti mag to .385 rear, .390 front. My snap rig pliers worked perfectly for this. They work the same way as what Dawson sells.
  23. Hello all, I know this topic has been talked about at length. But one question I haven’t seen answered is what if your feed lips are out of spec, but the mags have run 110% though 4000 rounds? I realized last night I’ve never really checked the dimensions of my 40 mags, both sti and mbx and sps. And to my surprise the only ones that are close to in spec are the SPS. Both my mbx and sti mags are more narrow in the front then the back, something like .372 front, back .380. So they’re opposite of how they should be, as they’re narrow in the front and wide in the back, in But not only that, they’re the dimensions are way off. I’ll go though the dimensions below sti gen 2 mags 1) .380 rear, .372, front -so front should be opened out to .385-390 mag 2) .385 rear, .380 front-again front is to narrow mbx mags 1) .387 rear .379 front, this one could probably use the rear closed to .385-.383 and front opened up to .385-.390 2) .378 rear, .374 front. Both here need to be opened up. Then my two sps mags that came with the gun are basically perfect. They start at .385 in the back and go to .390 in the front. So my question is, Should I adjust these? Even if they haven’t caused a single malfunction in 4000+ rounds? I like the saying if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. There’s no way to make these more reliable. I’ve had the gun though 4000 rounds and it’s never has a single hiccup. But I like to tinker. What do y’all think? It doesn’t seem like it really matters very much. Maybe if they were more out of spec then this. But everyone seems to put an emphasis on proper dimensions. Again. I like to tinker, so maybe I’ll adjust one and see if it causes any problems.
  24. Were having the exact opposite experience. The tti follower works much better in 9mm mags then it does 40 mags. I’m almost considering changing all my 9 mags to this follower and spring.
  25. For a 40 mag I believe they are .385-.390. Tapering from a bit more narrow in the back, to open in the front so the round points up. So you’d try and set them at .385 in the back and .390 in the front.
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