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Posts posted by Covfefe

  1. I just had 5 FTF issues on my shadow 2 during 500 round practice and determined culprit to be this brass.

    Gun stopped out of battery and I had to tap round out of gun from bore. 

    Only CBC brass loaded longer than any of my other range pickup brass. The other brass was consistently 1.090 but cbc came in 1.100+. I went through a couple hundred rounds in my bag and sure enough, all the CBC was 1.100+. Found 26 so I feel confident that it wasn’t random. 

    It was causing bullet to hit rifling, which is a pain to get it out gun. Glad it was practice, as this jam pretty guarantees a zero if it happens on a stage. 


  2. They say that there are no coincidences in politics: 


    Downrange email today had the following section….



    The NROI Discipline Procedure
    Did you know that NROI has a discipline procedure for certified range officials at all levels? You can find the board-approved procedure here, along with many other NROI policies. The Range Officer's Creed is the basic code of conduct for all range officials. Violations of this basic tenet of officiating can land you in the NROI Discipline procedure, but only if someone takes the time to report them officially via an incident report to NROI.  READ MORE

  3. 23 minutes ago, Archer said:

    I’ve only met YML once.


    What I know from that experience is that he is an intelligent and extremely competent man who worked his tail (can’t say butt, right?) off at my state match in unbearably hot conditions for days on end.  

    Deeds, not words.

    Same. Saw him at majors. Enjoyed my walk thru with Metallica and other classic metal. Truly dedicated and solid dude. 

    If this turns out to be termination for using bad words, then our sport officially has a “deep state” and they should stop having “elections” and just anoint the preferred guy. 


  4. This thread begs the question. What is an acceptable light strike rate (if > zero)? 

    My new full Cajun shadow 2 is running 1% light strikes with CCI primers. Granted, I’m doing “practice” ammo QC putting it into a Hundo and tilting for a quick look….I’m not measuring primer depth or yanking ammo that is just flush. 

    I figure I could probably be at 1/150 if I pulled more of the borderline primer seating jobs. 

  5. 13 hours ago, DirtyB said:


    With Patriot defense grips.  Empty nickel mag with Henning basepad, SRO for optic. 


    The solid LokGrips make the gun .2 ounces lighter. 


    Thanks! That’s 55.8 ounces, right? 

  6. 2 hours ago, waktasz said:

    JHP not relevant. Most people are using coated bullets. TC/FP or RN doesn't really matter. 

    Are people using coated options for cost savings alone?

    I see that MG JHP are about a penny and a half more per bullet. 

  7. I just found this on Reddit and don’t know if real.

    Assuming it is and LO happens, how would you see the new % in 3 years? 


    Eyeballing chart: 

    CO 35%

    Lim 20%

    open 14%

    pcc 13%

    prod 12% 

    ss 6%

    revo 1%


    Perhaps quote this and write estimate next to my figures. Also curious if the classifications look accurate. 





  8. 26 minutes ago, Boomstick303 said:

    I will say it is kind of telling it only seems one person's posts get deleted where the thread gets locked directly after the post is deleted. 


    With that said, we are off in the weeds.  Probably should get back on topic of the OP before this thread gets locked up if we want any constructive conversation remaining on the topic.

    I’ll try. What’s the best optionality for someone pivoting to a dot but unsure about which division? 


    I’m thinking of getting a Shadow 2 this year and shooting CO toward end of season.

    I could then convert it to SAO if LO is approved, right? I read that it’s pretty cheap and easy. There is no slide mounted option other than one of those goofy dove tail jobs for Tactical sport as far as I can tell. 

  9. Somber limited shooter here. 

    I just installed a dot on a handgun for first time. 

    Enjoy limited but everyone is bailing, my preferred bullet manufacturers (PD and MG) dont seem to even make JHP 40 anymore and my eyes won’t last forever. May as well jump. 

  10. On 9/17/2021 at 6:16 PM, motosapiens said:

    can't speak on the class, although I have had classes from ben stoeger, tim herron and charlie perez that were all EXTREMELY valuable in my learning curve.


    I think steve's books are good (his 3rd one is *really* good), but I think for me personally his focus on always trying to be faster faster faster led to some sloppiness and unrealistic practice for me. I made a big step up in match performance when I stopped doing his drills by rote and started using my own brain to adapt them to my situation. That probably just means I was doing his drills wrong, lol.


    IMHO, if you are just getting started, you could probably get a big jump by seeing if there's an M or GM near you that shoots the same division, and offering to pay that gay for a couple 2-hr range sessions. All the more better if it's someone you occasionally squad with at local matches who may already have an idea of your strengths and weaknesses.

    agree here. Use the “first 12” drills in Refinement and Repetition to get decent speed but there is a universe of other skills that need reps and attention. Entries and exits, wide transitions, throttle control, footwork, etc. 


    Also, grip and vision are elements that are boring (to many) but require upkeep and respect. Ben talks about this at length whenever he discusses “doubles” or “practical accuracy” drills. 

  11. 52 minutes ago, B_RAD said:

    Shot this one today Limited 

    6 pts down 

    Time 6.48

    HF 12.963



    Awesome job! 


    Was wondering the other day if scores over 100% are in fact part of your average (at 105 or 107, etc) or does it get loaded in as simply 100%. 





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