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Sean Gaines

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Everything posted by Sean Gaines

  1. or is there such a thing. I am looking for a finish that will not wear when put in a kydex type holster. Is hard chrome the way to go. I have a nice 1911, blued gun that I know will look awful if drawn and holstered a few times, which finish is the way to go. PK
  2. I will be shooting production here pretty soon and would like to get some load data. I did a search and the only thing I could find was either 9major loads or 9mm loads with 147grain bullets. I have some 124grain precision Deltas on its way. I plan on using titegroup powder, since I use it for my .40 load and would like to keep the same powder. Also will be using Federal small pistol primers. I will be shooting it through a glock 34 with a kkm barrel. I guess what I need to know is: How much powder are you using for your minor loads? and what is your oal, crimp etc. Of course I understand to load below and work my way up, but need a good starting point. Thanks PK
  3. Don't worry it will probably still get inputed into the system, unless uspsa updated the way they score the classifers. Twice I have shot a classifier that was deleted or outdated and not on the uspsa website and it still got inputed into the system at my suprise. there was a front site article about it, a couple of issues ago regarding this problem. I guess they keep the old classifiers on record and I think that they rely on club officials to keep track of what has been deleted and what has not.
  4. I believe a rule of thumb with most guns if you are pointing the gun at the target most pins/sights get pushed let to right. As far as the sights, you might try a sight pusher that might help, before you go and file. If the sight pusher doesnt work then you may resort to taking a little material off and see if you can get them on.
  5. Looked at my classifiers today and I noticed I am ranked 14th in A class. Its kind of an honor to be on the same screen with some of the great shooters in the sport, but its not if your goal is to be higher than that. I am .88 away from Master. I posted this topic in the accomplishment catagory because I have been shooting this sport for just a little over a year now, and I feel that I have come along way, in just a short amount of time. I have been fortunate to shoot with some really good shooters, and have learned alot from other shooters, especially Chad Folger, we both have fed off each other as far as ideas, and concepts of what it takes to be succesful at this sport. It has really has taken my game alot further than I expected. Thanks to All PK
  6. boo This is a good post! I was thinking of doing one similiar to it. I have been shooting for a little over a year now also. My wife and I just had our first child about 6 weeks ago. I feel you. In order to get good at the sport and to excell you need to practice and you need spend money(matches, ammo, gear, repairs,GAS, etc) and you need to be away from the family(when shooting matches or live fire practice)unless you get the family involved in shooting (which won't be in my case).Sometimes the above is not kosher with the significant other. Couple that with work, and life in general it can pose a real challenge. I think alot of good shooters have been lost due to this delema. Unfortunately this sport requires alot of dedication on your part to achieve the goals that you have set forth, plus no money to recoupe in return. Unless you are a professional shooter, who gets paid to shoot and teach, sponsorships etc. I was telling a shooting buddy of mine, every match we go to he will win than I will win, than back and fourth. Its kinda like when you played poker with your buddies. One night he takes you for $100, than the following week you take him for $100 and back and forth, back and forth. It gets to the point where it gets boring, for me at least. Thats why I have starting shooting different divisions, just to do something different, so that I am not expected to win, so I just have fun, and shoot. So what do you do? drop the practice and spend more time with family?Probably. But not all together, I think there has to be a happy medium that you will have to find (You can keep up with dry fire, skip some matches spend time with the famiy etc), . I think sometimes our drive to succed superseeds (sp?) the reason we got into the sport from the begining. Remember your first match, you probably were not expecting to win, seeing all these guys shooting really fast and accurate, but you shot, got the adrenaline going and it felt good, maybe didn't come in last but had a good time doing it. I think mabye we are adrenaline junkies. But I believe there has to be balance in life, if not something will give. Another thing to note, if you ever make it to master or Gm, just think of how much more time you will need to spend practicing to be competitive at that level. Its a never ending cycle, but there must be balance. just my .02 cents PK
  7. If shooting reloads, you may want to consider a kkm drop in barrel. As far as gear, I like CR-Speed, for the holster and the mag pouches. Of course with a CR-Speed belt. Everyone above pretty much described what I use. Hope that helps
  8. all the glocks I have shot for the exception of one has shot to the left. I would say go adjustable sights. Adjustst them to hit a nats a$$ at 15yds and dont look back.
  9. I believe glockmeister does offer this service, you probably need to call them though to get the specifics.
  10. I feel your pain, in fact I feel your pain right now. I think I got the pain in my elbow from hitting stakes in the ground with a small sledge hammer for our local club. I think all that impact from that sledge screwed my elbow up. Now I have a major match in 3 weeks and its hard to even dry fire right now. I have tried heat, ice. I keep getting conflicting stories, on what I should do for my elbow. I have had this pain for over a month now. Even after I shoot a stage, my elbow feels like hell. In fact shot today and noticed my grip had changed due to the pain. I guess I will just have to fight through the pain. good luck paperkiller (wish it was painkiller)
  11. http://www.precisiondelta.com/ http://www.montanagoldbullet.com/ berry's ???? oops, mg is bullets@montanagoldbullet.com <bullets@montanagoldbullet.com> didn't see one for precision delta....Tel: (800) 337-3621
  12. http://www.precisiondelta.com/ http://www.montanagoldbullet.com/ berry's ????
  13. precision delta+1 they almost have the same profile as the montana gold hp. but they do have lead exposure on the bottom of the bullet. they recently went up in price but still a good deal, if you start buying more than 2k rounds they start giving you discounts. the price on thier website is the cost shipped. Have shot quite a few of these bullets and don't really forsee myself switching any time soon. hope this helps
  14. If you have a factory glock barrel I would agree, but with an aftermarket barrel like kkm, you definately want a U die or Factory crimp. KKm barrels have a tighter chamber. I barrel check my ammo and sometimes I will get rounds that will not barrel check even using the U die, those rounds get shot through my para which will shoot anything. As far as the brass, alot of times we are reloading and have no clue what gun or how many guns the brass has been fired through. Just inspect the brass carefully, and play it safe.
  15. I am looking for 140's and it seems no one has them. SV said they would have them in a couple of weeks, but who knows. As far a ssi, they are out also. But I am in no rush.
  16. Does anyone here no where I can get some 140mm tubes or complete sv mags for 38 super. It seems like I have called and looked everywhere and with no luck. If anyone knows where I can get them please let me know. Thanks PK
  17. chuck is at shootersconnection.com by the way
  18. where is the best place to get it?
  19. Thanks for all the input. You guys are great. The reason I brought up this topic was because I thought something didn't seem right. I have always knew when relaoding for open guns you wanted a slower to medium burning powders to efficiantly work the compensator and decrease the pressure. But knowing the guy, he seems pretty happy with the load, and I don't think anything I say or anybody says will change his mind. Pk
  20. I just got back from the range and we chronod his rounds. We used a Pro chrono, his load was 5.6 grains of TG. It was chronoing at 1336. I saw it with my own eyes. he said that the pro chrono, that you need to add about 10fps to it. I said he may want to increase the load just a hair to make sure. But he is fine with the load. There was no pressure signs on the case or the primers. the cases looked fine, the primers were not flatened, there was no flow. Its a pretty sweet load that doesnt rattle your teeth
  21. Roby your boss is the person I am talking about. He seems pretty excited about his load. I shot the gun and it didn't really feel that snappy to me, but then what do I know. I am shooting a limited gun, where I am used to some sort of kick.
  22. I am not at an open shooter, but I got a chance to shoot a buddy of mine's shorty 9 major custom open gun and it was pretty sweet. He is the head Range Officer at the local gun range. I asked him what his load was and he said he was using the following: 5.7 grains of titegroup federal pistol primers mixed headstamp brass 124 grain montana gold hollowpoints his oal is 1.145 He said he used a ced chronograph and was making 168pf out of his gun. I guess my question is has anyone used titegroup for open? I always figured that when using powder for a 38 super or supercomp, or 9major, you wanted to use a slow burning powder to take advantage of the compensation system. titegroup being a fast buring powder seems to be the exact opposite of what the consensus does. I noticed while shooting the gun, the recoil was very soft and didn't have that rattle of the teeth, or concusive blast that I have felt while shooting a .38 super, or supercomp. Does this sound right? If so I maybe switching over to open
  23. Wasn't the gsr's having problems with thier extractror's breaking? I have 2 buddies that have gone through 2 extractors each, with low miles on their gun. But they do look sweet, but wont get one till they get that problem fixed. sorry for thread drift.
  24. Lucky you Josh. I guess that means some more rounds to put downrange. I always wondered what kind of deals you ran across at Pruetts. Apparently some pretty good ones.
  25. I can't believe I have to prove myself. This is rediculous. Everyone else get's "nice blaster" comments, I get "prove it". Thanks to all the believers. The nay-sayers owe an appology. LMAO
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