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Sean Gaines

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Everything posted by Sean Gaines

  1. I saw Henning make a magnet pouch for a specific stage at texas state limited where you had to grab your gun off a table and reload it and all the mags where on that table, but you could put your extra mags in your mag pouches after the start. He could simply load his gun and then just slap an extra mag onto the magnet. Kind of ingenius. But he did not have to use it but it seemed like it would have made his stage time a little faster if the course was setup where he could use it. But he had it made and was prepared just in case the stage offered that edge to him.
  2. I was having the same problem with factory ammo lengths. You may try all of the above statements. You may also consider getting your barrel throated that could possibly help, and aid in feeding. I have had more success when loading the rounds alot longer. like 1.2 oal in .40 cal, you may try that also. hope this helps PK
  3. good job Sheldon! Why don't you post a pic of your trophy? later Sean
  4. put a pin in the trigger housing thats what I did, now the gun has no pre travel whatsoever. The trigger goes to the reset position when cocked. I also cut the trigger safety down a bit to keep the trigger safety working. I am also using a RS trigger kit. It takes some trial and error, but its well worth it and the housings aren't that expensive.
  5. yes, some of the descriptions have been changed. some of the stages were also changed a little. as we walked through one stage just after registration, the staff realized they had a 34-round stage! more than a few people had already walked it and left. just before we shot stage 13 someone noticed that the clamshell target was available from a different location without activating it. some of us planned to shoot it, but they added a few no-shoots to hide that view (we were the first squad to shoot it). I thought you were not allowed to shoot a clamshell target until it was activated. I thought you got a procedure for that. correct me if I am wrong. Pk
  6. Try spending a couple thousand dollars or more for an STI open or limited gun. you almost have to take it to the gunsmith right after you buy it.
  7. Athena stomped our butts this weekend, and was hanging with the top master class shooters at our local matches, and have been doing it all year round. My vote is Athena.
  8. I had a great time at this match, This was my second major match. I wish I wouldn't of had a couple of brain fades on some of the larger stages, which I think cost me being in the top 10. I guess sh*t does happen. But anyways, I would like to thank the RO's and staff for putting together a fun match. I will definately be there next year. PK
  9. does anyone know what kind of guns that Travis and Taran are using in production?
  10. I call the prizes "cracker jack toys" because if I were to win a frame or slide or whatever, its less than the amount of effort, time and money that has already been spent to get to the level that I am at. dont get me wrong, getting cracker jack toys are nice, but its not the main reason to go to major matches. As far as the 1st c not getting the better pics of the toys, well I think they have already figured that one out. I don't think they are trying to re-invent the wheel. You finish higher than everyone else than you get a better pick at the prize table. Pretty simple. I think we forget sometimes the reason we got into the sport in the first place. FOR FUN! I think going to nationals, world shoot or going to major matches, is for the experiece, excitement and for the love of the sport. When you take a trip to Europe for vacation, you don't go there to expect some material item, you go there for the experience and the thrills. just my .02 cents PK
  11. Nope. Use the same setting on your crimp die. yep thats what I did
  12. From what I have heard Ted is behind by 10 points to max. I hear Phil is shooting really good, and I hear Lee Dimaculagan is not shooting too bad either. Thats all I really have heard, also I heard there was no video coverage (oln) or Saul doing his video thing, which kinda bites. Would kind of liked to have seen that, Oh well PK
  13. what did your wife say when you told her you brought her some identical twins? its all mine, you understand, all mine. nice setup sheldon sean
  14. yeah and my slogan says "run and shoot as if the targets are shooting back" lol I guess they got me this time. I have been shooting them for a while now. Another thing I wanted to say regarding protection. I think hats are another good form of protection, that are not really utilized. I think having a hat on, and getting hit by a sharp frag could utlimately be enough to stop the frag from penetrating your scalp. Just thought I would throw that one in also.
  15. We had a guy at one of the local range shoot himself, apparantly was fixing to get a divorce. Fortunately he waited till closing time to do it and turned his head sideways and pulled the trigger sending the bullet downrange. But that got me thinking about the people who shoot at ranges. I've somewhat compiled a list people who shoot for fun, for the love of shooting. People who are hunters, who are sighting in their gun, or making sure its still shoots straight. People who just bought a new gun, and want to shoot their new toy. People who have had a bad day/week, whatever, and feel like destroying something. People who are up to no good people who feel their life maybe threatend, so they shoot, so they can get prepared. People who want to learn how to shoot. People who rely on their weapon for protection of themselves and others. I am sure their is quite a few more, but my point is that we don't know what the guy next to us, what his objecive is. you maybe next to a guy who is going to drive their truck into Lubby's and shoot everyone inside. After that incident, I have been very observant and cautious of the shooters around me, and prefer to shoot alone if all possible, but if I sense trouble I move somewhere else or leave. Just not worth it.
  16. I was talking to a buddy of mine who happens to be the head Range officer of the biggest shooting facility in Houston, and he was telling me pretty much the same thing. He also brought up a good point about your teeth being vulnerable to taking a blow. Never even thought about it, but you could be standing there and talking with a buddy, and a fragment hit your tooth and break/chip it or possibly the fragment entering the mouth, which could be fatal. I think at the force that this fragment hit me in cheek, if it were to hit a tooth, I think I would have "Summer teeth". some are there some are not. Fortunatly all is good, just a little sore.
  17. Wow, thats what everyone said to, got hit with a frag from a 35 yd popper. I was watching the targets as he shot them, so I know it was from the that one. And actually I was back another 5yds or so, so it was probably more like 40yds you know I didn't even bother to look at the steel, but the steel at this match seems to be high quality. I think I will look at the steel a little closer next time I go, but even if it was cratered i doubt they would do anything about it until the poper breaks or something to that effect.
  18. Today I was shooting a local match and was the first shooter of the first stage. I shot that stage and was reloading for the next stage while watching the following shooter. He shot a 35 yard Popper and all I saw was a bullet fragment flying towards my face. The fragment hit my cheek just right under my eye. It almost reminds me of when you are driving and a bug hits your windshield right in front of you. It startled me because the fragment looked big, almost like the size of a full size bullet. My first thought was, Oh crap I've got a slug in my cheek. I immediately touched the area to find out if that was the case or if there was a fragment there, but nothing except blood. the fragment hit about 1 1/2 inches from my left eye. It just really scared the heck out of me. I think we sometimes take it for granted that we are shooting at a flat peice of steel and riccochet are going to happen and that we need to be prepared for them. Luckily I was wearing wrap around type eye protection, that went over the part were the eye cavity begins and wraps around the eye completly. If I didn't have that I think if that fragment would have hit me a 1/4 to a 1/2 in higher, I think the shape of the eye socket would have guided it into my eye ball. But it made me think that we are shooting steel and there are fragments flying around all the shooters, and because they are moving so fast that we don't see them or notice them until we get hit. I then started looking at other peoples eye wear and noticed that some were using just like regular prescription glases, which would not protect your eye from a side hit. I just feel fortunate that I have an eye left, and I just wanted to post this because I dont want anybody to loose their eye and not to take eye wear for granted, buy the good stuff and have fun. Today could have been a life changer, but thank god it wasn't happy shooting PK
  19. kkm barrels are much tighter than what you will find on your case gauge. I have the same setup and I have the same problem. the rounds that will go in but take a little push, are used for practice. there will be some that you can't get to go into the barrel at all, those get thrown in a coffee can for another .40 that I can shoot them through, granted they will fit into that barrel. the key is you want all your rounds to drop into the barrel nicely, and come out smooth also. If you have to push really hard and the bullet won't go into the barrel. Do not shoot those rounds through your glock, in fact you may not be able to because the slide will not go into battery. When I first started using my kkm barrel I had blown a couple of local matches until I discoverd this problem. I was using the case gauge as the gospel, and if it fit there than it was good to go, thats not the case with the kkm barrel. But other than that you will be please withe accuracy of this barel. Good Luck Sean
  20. thats what I do. As far as Overal length. Measure from the top of the bullet to the bottom of the case were the primer is. Pretty simple.
  21. just use some calipers to measure the crimp.
  22. I sent in my application and it said 23 and 24, I hope that scorch is wrong, because I plan on making arrangements here pretty soon.
  23. I recently orderd some Master blaster bullets and they were tamperd with by the post office, which is a whole different story. But to make a long story short, One of the postal people opened the box and dumped out about 3400 plus or minus bullets from my boxes. I spoke with Tom Stidham(owner of Master Blaster) and he told me he would make it right. In fact, now all his bullets will be shipped in .30cal ammo cans. In fact he made it a point to call me to make sure that I recieved all of my bullets, which they came in with no problems. I guess your packages will come in unopened, when you have postal inspectors watching thier every move. the bullets were as advertised. the bullets smoke a little bit more than the Precision Deltas that I currently shoot, but not that much to make a difference. I can now reload .40 cal for the price that I load 9mm, which is pretty darn cheap. the bullets required less powder to make power factor and also felt soft as far as recoil. Master blaster is a good company who cares about thier customers, and I plan on spending alot more money with them in the future. they will take care of you. thanks for listening PK
  24. how many rounds have you fired with your RS trigger kit?
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