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Everything posted by JeremiahD

  1. I do, but only started recently. I jumped in to this sport "wrong" and assuming alot, so after being humbled by the 'new guy bad accuracy phase', I had to go back and focus on the basics of shooting as applies to this for awhile. I've only really been putting effort into moving during DF recently. I'm also fighting the technique I have used for long distance running for years: long strides, upright form, mid foot landing, etc. staying low and blasting around on my toes still seems counterintuitive to me
  2. Thank you. The start position works... sort of. Its mostly from a consistency standpoint to index my hands at the same location for the draw. Movement is where I need to put alot of effort in (as you can see) and I've not really done much experimenting with a start position that allows me to move. My draw seems to work better for my with elbows back a bit, but the whole arrangement looks weird from this angle. I've not really found anything to do with my feet other than point them in the direction I want to go, stage permitting. Any suggestion in regards to fixing/tuning start position is appreciated. Now that you pointed out where I drew.. yikes. Duly noted.
  3. They were good hits, 25A 2B 5C. Thanks for the input. I do need to keep moving, especially on close in stuff and open targets. Any idea how to eliminate that hesitation? I cant tell if its me trying to pick up the sights or doublechecking the sight picture or what. its almost like a split sec of "are you sure..?" right after I transition each time
  4. Its kind of like moving into an upscale neighborhood just to hold a garage sale
  5. I've not bothered posting a request for feedback on a vid yet as I have identified plenty of low hanging goals on my own. I wanted to post a stage I felt pretty good about and see what others more knowledgeable than I have to say about where I can improve. (Unfortunately this is the only stage from this match I got on tape, and its not a great view but...) I am a mid-C first year competitor, still realizing how much I have to learn. I have a thick skin and am looking for feedback to apply to dryfire and practice. I appreciate any feedback you have to offer, I do appreciate your time and expertise. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5qCNf6Yn9axWmhCdEpPaU1BX3c
  6. 8/20 Miamisburg match- arrived later than I'd like, was a bit rushed. still walked the stages, brought stage plans, took notes, got on the squad I wanted and was able to learn from some very good shooters. Did less DF than I'd like going into this weekend, but did work on movement quite a bit. Speed is improving noticeably, accuracy isn't suffering correspondingly . Felt like I shot well as it happened and everything came together. Flubbed the classifier with a M/NS penalty and a poor time. First stage had a minor mechanical issue where I couldn't get the slide out of slide lock w/o the release. Had thrown in a shock buff the previous night. My mistake for running with something untested before a match, I know better. Other than that, I had 4 stages where I felt on top of everything, and scoring and times came out very solid. Scoring is still stronger than times for me, I think my biggest gains can still be made improving movement and efficiency. Stage planning is starting to be a factor. 116A, 8B, 36C, 8D, 2M, 1NS Other observations: Hot somewhat humid day, wasn't anticipating that. Forecast was 82 high. Hydrated well, ate, rested still came away with a mild case of heat exhaustion. muscle cramps, headaches, heavy sweating etc. Will dress even lighter. Longer case length helped the FTF issues, still concerned with lack of case expansion, carbon buildup caused 1 FTF on a stage. May just load the next batch 0.1gr over max weight, suspect the Clays loading tables have not been adjusted. Considering simply going back to 230grn if nothing else. Been considering getting someone to help give me some training direction, etc. getting a little burned out on DF not 'really' knowing if or how its helping, or if I'm drilling in something wrong etc. finally made a decision after the match and put out some feelers for training today. Overall, a good day. New match goals: Prepare and get there on time (early). Do your pre-match warmup before you go. Never do or use anything you have not thoroughly tested. DF goals for this week: get at least 30 min of quality, %100 DF on the basics daily on my breaks in the evening PT goals for this week: 1 hour lift in the AM. Takes a concerted effort for me to get up for this, so I'll call it out specifically
  7. First week of early drills, work, classes. having a hard time budgeting my time. may trim PT back a bit, cant afford to trim DF. movement note: . been trying to break runners habits of long stride efficiency and momentum and instead get to short, quick steps. Found out my foot placement is partly whats holding me back. Distance running needs a mid-foot landing, roll, push off using ball and toe/calf muscle. I didn't have time to put on shoes this am did df barefoot, and found if I nearly tapdance across the ground on the balls of my feet, I can move surprisingly fast, change direction at will, and still remain steady, topside. It looks goofy as heck but who cares if it works. Will continue to experiment with this.
  8. In before the lock! DOOD... its works for me.
  9. Interesting. Do you find yourself overtransitioning without the weights, or are you still able to snap right to target during matches?
  10. Canadian. As you said, Australian is no longer available.
  11. parts for the gun came in Saturday, back on a proper DF routine. Practicing reloads on a stock 1911 has improved magwell loads noticeably Ran off and chrono'd a range of loads in Clays, VV N310 and Bullseye. Long story short, my 4.3 Clays load I've been running turned out an average 829.6FPS over 20 rounds with a SD of 26.9. Just slightly above PF. Loads were run indoors, over an Oheler 35P, 2' spacing between screens and incandescent illuminated diffusers Had the overhead lights turned out. Chrono was 10' from bench, 30 from target, and shot from benchrest. I cant get more consistent than that. Wasn't happy with the feel or PF of any of the other 9 loads tested, will play with them but keep what I've been using for now. I may have found that my COAL is contributing to my load failures, rounds are hanging up on the edge of the barrel and indenting the case. May be better off tweaking the length, not the load. case dings: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5qCNf6Yn9axb2JJajBEOUJCRzQ2ek9TX1NqNjFJSlUxdzdB burnt brass: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5qCNf6Yn9axZVduRFNJVWdkODNEajdrNm9sWS1RU0VpOE9j PT progresses, been bad about my runs. Up weights last week, good progress
  12. To summarize every answer to every question I've seen in USPSA so far: 1) consult the rulebook 2) more dryfire According to the appendix in the rulebook, there's a 43oz limit in singlestack for example. The rulebook should tell you the weight limits and anything else you need to know for each division. https://www.uspsa.org/document_library/rules/2014/Feb 2014 Handgun Rules.pdf That said, theres a subjective difference in weight and performance "feel". I shot a commander length 1911 just fine, and when I finally bought a proper 1911, the extra half pound seemed like I was trying to move a '74 Cadillac on transitions. spending the last month dryfiring basics with that gun, and now it feels almost normal. Any new gun will need to be "relearned" I suspect.
  13. DF note- no reason not to practice mag changes while waiting for the parts. worked in an hour of mag changes on the old commander last night. Didn't realize how sloppy I had become until I tried practicing w/o a magwell. I may start doing no-magwell changes in the morning before leaving for matches...
  14. Thanks for the suggestion. I only went with clays to begin with as everyone kept suggesting it as the end-all-be-all of powders. Probably going to move to one of the faster of the Vihtavouri powders, or at worst, back to Bullseye should this next chrono session not work out.
  15. I have, but in less than optimal conditions. Looking to remedy that this week. I'm concerned I'm close to the powder mfg's max load already and may switch
  16. I'll have to check the book when I get home but 200gr plated RN over 4.3gr Clays (Canadian), coal around 1.225, on a CE chrono outside in less than perfect lighting I was getting around 825, but with a considerable deviation, so its right on the bubble. I had been thinking something similar and wanted to test this week when the parts get in. I just finished putting together an Oheler 35P and have run off 20 rounds each of 4.2-4.5 clays to see how they read on a better box. I'm leery of going over the 4.4 max load in the book... I may switch back to Bullseye, unless you can suggest a better powder.
  17. I had switched out the 16# stock spring with a Wolff variable power 15# spring as the gun was ejecting my lighter loads almost on my right foot. It seems to make for better, consistent ejecting, but seems really touchy about how dirty the gun gets. At that point I was only about 250-300 rounds between cleanings. I am getting some blowback from cases not fully expanding so thats not helping the dirt issue. I'm switching back to the the standard 16# spring for now as the short ejecting wasn't causing any FTE issues. may experiment with lighter conventional springs before trying a variable power spring again, and will be doing some load development with a different powder to see if I can find a happy medium where cases seal better yet keeps a reasonable power factor. I keep a spare extractor, set of springs, and firing pin in my kit. recoil spring plug never even occurred to me.... until it sailed off into the distance. A spare has been ordered along with the replacement Good tip on the spare shoes Thanks for all the feedback and advice!
  18. 8/6 Oxford match - Fun match, good stages. Good squad, lots of opportunities to learn. Slight rain throughout the match, kept the gun covered, realized I left my jacket on the bike. Did not do written stage plans like Mburg, wish I had. Did not move anywhere near as fast as I would have liked, was even slow on the draw and reloads. Not sure what happened, whole day was like moving through jello. Shot well, watched the sights (with two notable exceptions) and got my points. 92A, 3B, 14C 3D. 3 penalties: 1 mike where I lost focus on the target, worried more about forgetting a different target, and one jamfest of a stage where I spent more time clearing FTF's than I did shooting and eventually switched to worrying about the gun rather than watching the sights. Went through 7 mags on a 32 round course. (More on that in a moment). Long story short, no matter what happens I need to stay focused. There's no reason to press the bang switch if I'm not seeing exactly where that round will land. Shot the classifier well (11A,1C), but in an 'average' time. Need to continue working on draws, transitioning with the eyes, and snapping the gun. After the jamfest, I went to the safe area to wipe down the rails & feed ramp and swap the standard recoil spring back in (once the gun gets seriously dirty, I dont think the 15# spring has enough strength to overcome the added friction and strip the next round..). While I was there I managed to launch the recoil spring retainer into the berm. Packed up and informed the RO I was out for the final stage. Order has been placed for two replacements: one for the gun and one for the toolkit. Lessons learned: No matter how many times something goes wrong in a stage, keep your focus on what you need to do. Spare parts are good. Need to really work on movement. Written stage plan worked, bring it back, every match. PT- continues as written. should add more core, back needs work and I need to lose the gut. DF- until my parts get in and the guns usable, no DF. Spend the time this week working on movement, specifically short bursts from point to point, chop-stepping into position, launching out from a dead stop, etc. By the time the guns back together, I'll try to put accuracy and movement speed together.
  19. when I replaced my front sight recently, I used a benchrest to make sure it was properly adjusted simply to remove a variable. When done, I shot freestyle to see how it was working out, no changes needed, no problems. If nothing else, it was peace of mind.
  20. PT progresses, work on movement. DF is suffering from a lack of focus. No changes to plan, focus on completing each day as planned, giving it 100% attention. Half-assing DF is a sure path to staying in C class. RO class went well, passed the practical just fine. Need to turn in my exam and get my card so I can contribute. was no match sunday, just a single COF. Have a lot more respect for those who take the time to babysit the rest of us as RO's. Either PCSI Saturday or Oxford sunday (or both) on the fence at the moment. I have the opportunity to further my career and return to school weekday evenings from 6-10pm for the next 6 months. this effectively erases any free time I have for anything other than work or school. I am however determined to train and be the best I can be at this and will be up with the sun to do so as its my only time not taken with professional commitments. Will start acclimating myself this week.
  21. They charge tax on online orders if they have a store in your state so either way, The Man gets his cut. too bad they wont let you use "ship-to-store" on primers. Just tried, hoping to get the hazmat fee waived
  22. Interesting... could be the issue I'm having. Just switched to Clays under 200grn proj as folks appear to think that's the end-all of 45 loads, but am finding it slow. I assumed it was the chrono I was using, or something I was doing wrong. noted..
  23. Thanks Ken. I've since moved on to experimenting with Clays and 200grn plated (not sure if I like the lighter rounds), and a proper 5" 1911, but I still have a fair amount of Bullseye left. I'd trust your data over a much more accurate chrono that I have access to (basic CE chrono). My loads that tested in around 170 made almost 187 (yikes...) at a L2 match earlier this year out of that commander. I may work up a few hundred rounds of your recipe and see how it compares.
  24. PT is progressing well! Did not get my sprints in on runs last week. making it a priority this week. Also need to work on short-stepping into position, gun up. The "old" routine is working for me. Need to watch what I'm eating and lose the jiggle without starving the muscle. DF, didn't get the time in as I planned. I did make an effort to get at least :30 of elements in per day to stay on it. live fire Thursday, chrono'd loads and shot dots before working on some transitions. No live/dry fire or PT this weekend, had to get things together for the youngest grandsons first birthday party. Felt rested today on PT, did well. Live fire today out of schedule. Received new Dawson front sight for the 1911 Friday and installed it. chrono'd a few more loads and sighted in from a benchrest before switching to simply blasting away for 100 rounds between two targets and staring at the sight. Man! does that skinny little fiber optic make life easier! benchrest tested for sight picture from 35 and 55 feet, only 1.5" drop, still good groups. shot as fast as I could see, landed pretty much everything in A. side note... I'm suddenly seeing the wisdom in that trigger job. even carefully pressing the trigger on a benchrest, I was moving the sights just a bit to overcome the weight of the trigger. This weekend: Saturday, NROI clinic. Sunday, my first match as RO. Really don't want to screw that up.
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