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Everything posted by TaterHead

  1. Muhammed and Elvis dueling on a stage, and on the prize table! cya there!
  2. As I understand this, it is not up to me to ask for this to be counted for classification or not. We post to USPSA. If it meets their criteria for Gm's to be counted as a 'classified" match, then they will do do. I could be wrong, but I have never asked them to "count this". I f someone has better info, then please advise. Thx, Rod www.stagescore.com
  3. The match results go to USPSA as part of match fees/mission count. So the answer is it's going, regardless of how many GM's sign up. cya
  4. stages are UP at www.rgpsc.com. Ready to Rock and Roll? Oh, yeah: Scoring is electronic on Palm using StageScore!!!
  5. What heat? As I recall, last year the staff were shooting in 30 degree weather, with wind that was blowing away the stages. We stopped shooting on Thursday as it was so miserable, and we finished it all up on Friday. Saturday for the match was perfect. That was very odd weather for NM in June, but it happened. Typical early June weather for Albuquerque is anything but HOT. Anything but Windy. Best time of the year weather-wise is early June, and that's why we do it it then. Do not fear weather. It can't be beat, no matter what. Go for the record, then deal with it! cya in June, In Albquerque
  6. Curious.... What was the deal with the beaming? Is this something that simple instructions will help to avoid future problems for others? Thx, Rod
  7. OK, we're back!!!! June 6-7, 2009 - 5th Annual High Desert Classic at Albuquerque. Hosted by Rio Grande Practical Shooting Club, Albuquerque, NM. Close to 300 rounds, 10 stages, maybe a chrono (you never know). Albuquerque in June is the best! Visit the club website: http://rgpsc.com Application available at www.uspsa2.org (real soon) and www.rgpsc.com as soon as I remember the blasted password! cya in June!
  8. As long as the usage is by shooter, by stage, yes this will work. I don't have a real clear picture of what is being attmpted, but that doesn't matter. One stage, one shooter. If you flip from one stage to another, that will work. If you are running 4 stages within one bay, at the same time, you can likly make it all work, but again, the software records scores by stage, by shooter. gawd, I'm confused. long day
  9. We used the software again today for Caja Del Rio. RGPSC.com and Caja Del Rio have been using it for about six months now, both in testing and production. The savings in manpower and score sheet printing are enormous. Ran into a new twist today that caused us some delay at the end of the match. If you have a shooter sign up for the match in one division (like open), and also sign up as a re-entry for the classifier (like Limited), make sure they are scored the match as Open, and the classifier as Limited. If you do it backwards, you leave little for the stats person do to but record scores and move them around. Doable, but time consuming! The real thing is for the shooter to make sure they are being scored in the correct division if they are shooting in multiple divisions. StageScore records the division and displays it. The shooter needs to make sure they are being scored in the correct division, and/or the RO needs to make sure. On the RO's defense, how are they to know that someone signed up for multiple divisions? Recheck everyone? Likely not. Shooter, help out here. cya Rod
  10. Jim, I'll see what I can do about making the interface come to top, in spite of what other programs are doing. Late arrivals are annoying, Palm software or not. You ever notice it is ALWAYS the same late folks? The software is set for one stage at a time. If you have two stages in one bay, you really have two stages as far as the software is concerned. Scoring is saved "by stage, by shooter". The upload to EzWin is the same. In the scenario you mention, the best result would be 4 palms, one for each stage. As you note there are always work arounds, but the basic is one stage at a time, for one squad at a time. Regardless how it is done, the scoring is by stage, by shooter. Hope that helps. If not, drop me a line and we can try further. Thx Rod
  11. Email me from the contact us on the website. rod@stagescore.com We'll get you squared away. Thx Rod
  12. Uh, the developer was never "at a loss", it just took awhile for me to figure out the Palm desktop was missing, and get the correct version installed.
  13. Time to bring this back up. We announced quite some time a go, but just wanted to bring it up on the radar. We'll get serious about the planning afte the New Year. For now, please keep us in mind. Truly a greate match! Thx
  14. NMCOpen has used this software extensively, and certainly knows all about it. He is a great source for information. Another great source is the "contact us" page at www.stagescore.com if you have any questions, concerns, or comments. We are all just shooters. Some of us also write software. Any ???, just ask, we'll get the answer out right away. Thx Rod
  15. We used it again today at local rgpsc match (www.rgpsc.com). Flawless! Nobody sat in the shed posting scoresheets. Match scoring finished and finals printed before the stuff was even put away. Folks not even familiar with the interface figured it out without with any help! Hey, I may be the author, and may be a little bit involved, but this stuff works! www.stagescore.com. Try the demo, download the free trial. Get the kids out of the stat shack and out shooting! Thx Rod edit for typo
  16. The dates are set for the 5th annual! June 6 and 7, 2009. Staff will shoot the Thursday, Friday prior. The match is rapidly becoming known as one of the best pistol matches in the country. Tentative plans are for 10 stages, mostly high round count. More info down the road, but we wanted to get the dates out now. Mark you calendars, hope to cya there!
  17. You really don't wanna miss this one!! Quality, all around. I've shot this match for several years now, and it simply is one of the best in the Rockies. Great facilities, good hotel accomodations nearby (check Comfort Inn in Pueblo West), staff that knows how to do it, stages that will work your mind, and the friendliest shooters in the game. Be there!
  18. Alright!! Staff got the match in today. Great stages! Weather tomorrow looks warmer, mid 90's. Expect a south breeze 10-20 in the afternoon. South breeze means blowing into the bays; there will be some dust. Bring gun covers! If you havn't heard, and have that wireless at the hotel to read this, range opens at 7am. Shooter's meeting at west ranges at 8, Lighting off about 8:30. gnight
  19. Shooter's meeting at 8:00 am at far west RGPSC equipment sheds. Shooting starts at 8:30. Full schedule available at registration. cya there.
  20. New Mexico's notorious spring winds are usually over in May, but not this year! Stages are all setup, but we have been battling the wind since Tuesday night. Staff tried to shoot today, but the wind and the cold shut us down after 2 1/2 stages. Down coats in June????? Go figure. We'll pick up the staff shooting tomorrow at 7 am. Match days should be sunny, high 80's, South wind at 10-20. That sure beats the 50+ gusts of the last few days. Even saw a house trailer being transported upside down on the side of the road when I was leaving! Looking forward to a great match. cya Rod
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