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Posts posted by kells81

  1. I spend enough that I wish I could find a way to write it off on my taxes..    

    I just bought the stuff to switch to Revo next year in IDPA.  

    Gun- $800

    Holster and 4 pouches- $200

    XL-650 conversion to 38- $335

    1k brass- $80x2/monthx12=$1920

    1k bullets- $110x2x12=$2640

    1k Fed primers-$32x2x12=$768

    1# Powder-$25x2x12=$600

    Minimum 6 matches a month @average $20/match-$120x12=$1440

    1440+600+768+2640+1920=$7368 not counting the Dillon parts, gun, speed loaders, holsters, gas, food, and days I take off work.  I shot an average of 3k rounds a month this year and some months I made 12 matches.  

    I started out with an Ed Brown 1911 then went to a Glock 34 to a S&W Pro to a CZ SP-01.  Each time involved mags, holster, some mag pouches crossed over, and kept the 9mm all the way across except the Ed Brown when I first started but I was shooting factory 45 there.   



  2. I have actually killed a pin in mine dry firing it.  Luckily I was cleaning it the morning before heading out to a match and noticed the firing pin was stuck forward.  It took a lot of force to get it to push back into the slide.  I would like to think that it would have hung on the case rim when loaded but it may have also had just been a runaway.  




  3. I bought a Edge a while back and I cannot get used to the grip.  Is there a grip that feels/works better?   I think the grip on it is too square and blocky.   Is there anything smaller? I have seen some of the metal grips out there.  Are they any smaller as far as round size?  I know they used to sell a single stack conversion grip but I have not seen one of those in forever.   The DVC grips look like they are smaller but only because they have been stippled so I think it would actually be just a different feel.   

    I hate to give up on it. I had wood for an STI edge for a while until I actually got my hands on  one.   


  4. I can push out 100 rounds in 9 minutes (fill primer thingy and bullet feeder Jr included.)  Reloading on my 650 cost me about half as much as factory.  I payed for my 550 based off savings on reloads.  I sold it and pushed that into a 650 which has long payed for itself based off basically saving $0.10/round.    I had been shooting 3k rounds a month which meant I had a lot of time pulling the handle but the money saved was worth it.  


    When I was working overseas full time I preferred to buy it then reload.  Now I have time so reloading is nothing.  

  5. When I started up loading 9m earlier this year I bought a bunch of Acme bullets.  I had a little issue with shaving on my 550 and had some real issues when I moved to a 650.  I ended up using a 38S die to seat 9mm because the Redding and Dillon dies I have seem to try to close the case prior to a full seat.   After digging into it a little more I found that digging 20 bullets out of the bucket that acme was all over the place on size.   My next order will be either plated or the blues.  

  6.    I didn't really start to gain anything until I started having my daughter film me.  I then started to notice I would lift my head almost every shot.   You might consider setting up something/someone to film you from the side.  It has helped my ground game a LOT because I was doing things that I didn't really know I was doing. 

  7. I have some hard wood for a hard chrome with polished flats SP-01 shadow.   Not sure why but I ran across a picture of one somewhere online and man it looked sweet.  


    I have had a couple of 1911's HC'ed.  I used Fords.  On one of them I had to kinda break it back in because it wasn't 100% functional when I received it back.   After a few hundred rounds and working the slide a bit it was ball bearing smooth and reliable.   

  8. I received mine and installed it. It was a real PITA to get the factory one out but some souther lovin got it. The new one kinda slipped right in. It is a hair tighter than the original one. To me though the Cajun one seems like it will not wear as long as the factory one. It almost feels like it is made of aluminum but sticks to a magnet. My gun seems equally as accurate before and after.

  9. Good on you for being responsible! I'm also very impressed that you went from a 6-7k gun to a 1k gun, but I also assume that's out of necessity. A lot of the guys I know in this game can't make the switch to a "cheaper" gun once they've tasted high end. Good luck with your endeavors, though!

    I bought some really high end precision rifles when I was working in Iraq and Afg. I have had to sell them here and there for this and that and not being able to justify having $7000-$10,000 in a rifle/optic setup. Since then I really don't care for rifles much because I have had the best. The rest is just kinda meh. I think it would be like going from a high end hooker to the chick over in the trailer park. Luckily I have kept my handgun ambitions to a minimum. My biggest ambition at this point is a shadow 2. It used to be an Eagle but after getting one I decided that I preferred the single stack 1911 platform.

    Good luck OP. All I can say is you will most likely sit and want for another Infinity. Kinda like the old people you hear these days that say they wish they still had this or that car.

  10. I just set my FIL with a green. I have tried green without much luck.

    As far as the bloom. I like a mid sized dot and it takes a few tries to get it right. He has a Dawson front sight on his and when I installed the green I made it a little larger than the recess. It was like night and day for him but he is old.

  11. I started out trying to shoot accurately and would end up near the top accuracy wise at matches. It wasn't until I had my daughter start recording my runs that I noticed things that I was not aware I was doing. Looking over the sights after a shot was the biggest time killer I had. My best match to date is after I was having an eye issue and went ahead and competed. I couldn't focus on the sights so I just let the bullets run. Its the only time I have ever finished 2nd on a stage. I have only been doing IDPA 7 months now and I am staying around the middle of the pack for the most part. I am still trying to find a good medium of accuracy and speed though. If I hurry I make huge mistakes which make me slower on paper.

    I guess my point is if you don't have game film you might get some from another persons view. That has helped me the most because I didn't notice I was doing some things.

  12. that's ok, just a pet peeve of mine so i never miss a chance to spout off about it. please forgive.

    i still hope you get it fixed soon and enjoy your CZ!

    I am pretty new to it and take all the advice I can get. The slide stops are something that for some reason just don't work well for me in the normal locations. I think you should be able to hit with your support hand but I haven't been able to figure out that one yet.

  13. Slamming home might be a bit of an exaggeration but I am a bigger fellow and I am sure there was some horsepower being applied. Usually on guns that won't release themselves I reach over the top and pull the slide back to let it go. The only time I use the mag release is on the unload and show clear.

    Idescribe- You would most likely be correct. The only thing I can think of is I didn't get it seated properly.

  14. I am pretty sure the failure is 99% user error but still an odd showstopper. I guess I whacked the mag in on the reload hard enough to fold up the Mag break in there. It wouldn't fire at this point and couldn't get the mag out. Had to rack them out one at a time and bag it up. I didn't have any tools to see what was really wrong with it. I finished the match with my old M&P which will soon be another CZ because I really like this thing. I have around 600-700 rounds on it so far. I am hoping to catch a shadow or Orange for the next CZ I get.

    I bought this weapon Saturday after searching long and hard to find a SP-01 that I could feel up before buying.

    Installed a CGW defensive kit thingy. I guess when I put it back together I didn't get something in the right place (user error 1). User error 2 is I was trying to do it like I Was doing my M&P and slam the mag home in hopes the slide would drop itself. When I was taking it apart and putting it together I kept wondering what purpose that piece of flat spring steel was really for. :ph34r:





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