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Posts posted by kells81

  1. 23 hours ago, B_RAD said:

    It was because of the milling of the slide for the bushing from a "custom shop". 

    You could shoot a regular sp-01 shadow in ESP with full length rail/dust cover . If it's legal in SSP it is/was legal in ESP. 

    The bushing being external and requiring milling from someone other than the factory makes it illegal.   

    If the wording is right now its no longer illegal because you do not have to get to ESP through SSP any longer with the FLDC delete in the rules.   

    Paul the Edge I just sold had a bull/heavy barrel and I am pretty sure its still on the Nogo side of things.  If you have an Edge with a bushing barrel it would fly and possibly make weight.   





  2. Steel FLDC appears to be missing in the new draft.  The thing keeping accu's and targets out were SSP into ESP.  It would appear without the FLDC issue you can go straight to ESP.  

  3. On November 13, 2016 at 8:30 AM, MemphisMechanic said:

    You'll want a 650 within a few months.

    And a 1050 within a few months more.

    Fair warning. ;)

    This is pretty true.  I think I used my 550 a month or so before stepping up to a 650.  I have been on my 650 a few months now and have that 1050 gleam in my eye.  


    To your problem,  Are you seating coated lead by chance?

  4. I have been running into Fed small pistol match primers at Cabelas the last few weeks.  Not a lot but enough to stroll through the isle when I'm there just to see.   Something like 4/5 trips in the last 2 weeks I have left with Fed SP match primer bricks.  

  5. I started out with acme but was constantly fighting seating issues with scraping the coating and not fitting in the case gauge.  I followed a lot of advice in a bunch of threads about a fix and the real way I fixed it was using a 38 super die as my seater.   Anyway the real issue was the Acme bullet size and lack of similar tolerances.   Some bags were good to go.  Some were oversized which is a coating thickness issue I would think.   


    I I posted all that because I like the Acme bullets but I've switched to Extreme just because it's one less headache to deal with. If you can get played for about the same cost then go for it.    

  6. I have stumbled onto several thousand FGMM SPP's at cabelas lately.  Not a lot but the last 4 times going I have come up with 7000 of them.  I normally run CCI and they are everywhere but I prefer fed.   When I order online I order no less than 10k to make the hazmat work out.  

  7. On November 15, 2016 at 9:03 PM, regpark said:

    I would experiment with what you have first, start with HS-6 5.7grs and see how they do.

    My SWC's came in this morning from extreme and I had a chance to throw 100 of them together with this weight and try it. Pretty accurate and pretty mild recoil with easy follow up shots.    I didn't have my Chrono out today though but I will try to get them Chrono'ed to see how slow they are going.   

  8. http://www.idpa.com/misc/Rulebook 2017.pdf



    To: All IDPA Members
    From: Joyce Wilson, Executive Director, IDPA
    Date: Nov. 13, 2016
    Re: Member Feedback Period Opens 

    We are excited to share the news that the preliminary version of the 2017 IDPA Rulebook and Match Administration Guide will soon be available for member feedback. The proposed rulebook, vetted by the IDPA Board of Directors and Legal, will be posted on IDPA.com for member review. Please note that the updated rulebook is preliminarily scheduled to be effective on Jan. 1, 2017.
    The IDPA rulebook feedback period will open on the evening of Nov. 14th and will close on Dec. 3rd to provide current IDPA members ample time to comment. I am again pleased to use this member-focused approach for updates. Collecting member feedback adds a significant amount of time and work to the process, but I believe that it is worth the effort. We will be utilizing a free form email process to collect your thoughts. Without your input, we cannot identify those issues or which you have concerns and thoughtful suggestions, so I encourage every current member to utilize this opportunity to give feedback. 

    The proposed 2017 Rulebook and Match Administration Guide will be posted on the IDPA website under www.idpa.com/misc. The feedback email account will be:

    Your valid IDPA member number must be included in the email subject line for the email to be opened. An automated response will assure you that your comments were received. For suggestions to be considered, they must be constructive and professional.  

    This email option will be the only channel for members to submit feedback on the rulebook. So that we may concentrate on serving our customers and working through the suggestions, HQ staff will not monitor any forums nor accept suggestions or changes made verbally, via telephone or personal email. Only comments made through this address will be considered. 

    Announcement will be made via the IDPA website, eBlast, the Tactical Journal and the IDPA official Facebook page when the final version is released. Updated SO training materials will be available soon after that. Some portions of the new rule book, such as the new classifier, will be released as a separate document at a later date.

    I look forward to receiving your opinions on the IDPA 2017 Rulebook.


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