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Everything posted by AustinMike

  1. I'm posting this in the Glock forum because I'm not selling anything, just passing on a good deal. I grabbed a couple of G17's this week from demo stock at GT Dist. I stopped by over lunch today to see if they had anything else and they had a couple of G35's in stock for $420 each. These were Law Enforcement demos. They appeared to be fired a few times, but otherwise in new shape. These are of most interest to the competition crowd. They had some G22's ($360), G21's (can't remember the price) and a few compacts. The ones I bought were unfired and came with 3 mags, but I don't know if they all do. They said they'll ship, so here's their info: www.gtdist.com Physical Address 2545 Brockton Dr. Suite 100 Austin, TX 78758 P.O. Box Address P.O. Box 16080 Austin, TX 78761-6080 Orders only: 800-775-5996 Local: 512-451-8298 Information: 800-443-6283 Fax line: 800-480-5845 Local Fax: 512-453-6149 Again, I am not affiliated with them, just sharing a good deal and hopefully not breaking any forum rules. These won't last long, so if you're interested I'd give 'em a call ASAP. If you're looking to get into limited with a Glock, here's a good chance. Edit to add: You don't have to be a LEO to buy demo or used guns from GT Dist.
  2. Sorry, they're so pretty I think I'm keeping them! I never thought I'd buy a new Glock. There's lots of deals to be had out there, just be patient and look around. Check with police supply places, CDNN, Summit Gun Broker, etc. My first Glock was a factory rebuild that I paid like $350 for.
  3. I already had a good amount of tupperware in the safe, but yeah, my wife thinks you're a bad influence!
  4. I hated the idea of buying a hybrid, but when her Saturn died, my wife was insistent that's what she wanted to replace it. I've grown to really like her Prius. It gets 40-45mpg usually. We've seen up to 50mpg, right up there with my motorcycle! Apart from the decent gas mileage, it's really a well built and reliable car. It's gotten really good ratings just based on that. It really wasn't any more expensive than other cars that I'd consider buying. It ain't for everybody, that's for sure, but if gas hits $4 a gallon I'll appreciate it even more! I take a lot of crap for owning it here in the land of the big ass trucks (and yeah I own a truck too, it is Texas), but I'm happy with the purchase. It's got a lot of zip for a battery powered go-kart (or the car powered by moon beams and unicorn farts, as my co-workers say!)
  5. [beavis mode on]heh...heh....heh...He said pulling your crank...heh...heh...heh...[/beavis mode off]
  6. AustinMike


    I decided that I want to jump into Production as my "home" division this year, after I use up my remaining .40 supplies in Limited. I heard the local police supply place was getting in some Glock demos and I went by, hoping to find a G34. I'm not a cop, but they sell used and demo guns to civilians. They didn't have any G34s, but they did have two G17s "demos" that are brand new! No evidence of having been fired outside of factory test, all factory grease intact, etc. Consecutive serial numbers even! The guy was writing out the price tags when I walked up. $360 each, with 3 mags each. Damn, you can't tempt me like that! I'm still going to get a G34 to compare and see if I like it better, but I just couldn't walk away from a deal like that! I'm usually a day late and a dollar short on things like this, so I guess it was just my lucky day. We all know what they look like, but here they are anyway. Behold the beautiful side of ugly! A little polish, decent sights, some of Eric's tape and they'll be ready for action!
  7. I hate seeing co-workers coming in hacking germs all over the place! I always tell them if they get me sick, I will beat their ass! I stayed home when I had the flu recently, even though we were swamped at work. I didn't get a flu shot, but the doctor said the strain they were vaccinating for wasn't the one I had anyway.
  8. Might want to bring a gun cover and definitely a mag brush. That damn red dirt gets into everything!
  9. Maiden is awesome! They're out on tour right now. Not quite the same as the arena days. The power slave tour was kick ass. Wow...that was like 20 years ago. I feel old now...
  10. That depends. I was previously loading to 1.135" and was ending up with some rounds over 1.140" in my Glock. I'd been having some weird intermitent jams and I'm wondering if maybe some of the rounds were dragging the mag. I realized that the problems started happening about the time I started loading out of my latest batch of PDs. I'll see if my gun runs today now that I've seated further in and backed the powder drop down a bit. I'm wondering if the wide seating range might cause problems for guys running fast powders? I'm no expert though, I just know that I've never seen inconsistencies in bullet shape like this before within the same box. I expect a little variation in OAL due to natural "slop" in the press, but in 15 or so years of reloading I've never seen this much. Edit to add: I'm not trying to bad-mouth PD, just passing on my experience. I shot about 4000 of their .40s last year and I've been shooting their 9mms without any trouble. The problem may be recent, as it only popped up in my last order. So if you buy just be sure to check your batch carefully and check OAL frequently. I've also had about one in a hundred or so have a crunched jacket at the base and have to toss the bullet. YMMV
  11. I loaded some .40 with my current Precision Delta stock last night. Out of the same box, I'm getting about .008" OAL variance and it ain't my press. I cranked the shell plate down as tight as possible and still have it move. Same brass type. It's the bullets. If I look closely, there are subtle differences. The flat point is wider on some, slightly different ogive. Every now and then one has a base with a funked up jacket. I'm seating to 1.130" now, which has kept me at or under 1.135", but some have ended up down to 1.127" I shoot a Glock 24 and a minimal charge of Power Pistol to make major, so I at least feel safe. No more PD after these though!
  12. I got my wife a Prius and I ride a motorcycle most days (Suzuki DL650 - 50-55mpg!) I traded off my Valkyrie a year ago because even that (~30mpg) was getting expensive for trips! I only take the my F-150 pickup when I need it haul something, setup a match, or the weather's real nasty. It's $50 in gas to most matches if I have to take the truck these days. I wouldn't be shooting much if I didn't have the bike right now. I try to only take the truck to my home club's matches, where I feel obligated to help haul stuff around. Even then, I try to get someone to ride with me and split gas costs. Gas and lead prices...damn this sport is getting expensive!
  13. I've seen some big variances in lots of Precision Delta bullets. Last time I ordered, the bullet profile changed over previous lots. I unfortunately didn't take notice until I loaded a couple hundred rounds and found the OAL too long. Even within the same lot, I've been getting more variance in OAL than I should. I think the bullet shaping or ogive just isn't very consistent. I've also caught a number of bullets with the jacketing not being formed well at the base, creating a jagged edge sticking out. I've not had these types of problems with other bullets. I'm going to give Montanna Gold a try after I finish out my current stock. I don't mind paying a little more if it's a quality product.
  14. I have a hard time reaching the stock G17 release. The extended Glock release is much easier. However, it digs into palm, so I don't use it. Practice can overcome the awkward reach!
  15. AustinMike

    KKM barrel

    My KKM barrel works fine with Precision bullets, but I can't remember what they are sized to and I'm at work so I can't check. My LWD doesn't like 'em so much.
  16. I'd better leave my Precision bullets with Universal Clays loads at home or me and the RO won't be able to see or breath in that cave! I was getting complaints about the smoke last weekend with a good breeze blowing!
  17. I love my G17, but I've been thinking of going to a G34. I got to shoot one last weekend and it shot a lot flatter than I thought it would. Compared to a G17, it does seem to feel more balanced in my hands. The longer sight radius is a huge plus, but the slide isn't so long as to slow down draw or transitions, I don't think. I haven't run one in a stage yet though.
  18. I never have chamber checked my Glock ammo. I always figured (stupidly) that if the round went through an undersized seating die and FCD that it must be OK. Last match, I shot the classifier Can You Count. After the last string I went to unload and show clear and the slide was jammed. Not sure if it was fully in battery. It took a whack on the frame to pull the round and the case had some bulge that the sizer had kind of shaved down. I missed it in my visual inspection as I loaded magazines. Wonder what would have happened if Can You Count was 6 shots instead of 5? I'll be chamber checking from now on.
  19. That sounds like a double charge. Titegroup is a fast powder and any other gun probably would have blown to smithereens too. An aftermarket barrel wouldn't have made a difference. Glock is a fine platform, so keep shooting it if you like it. I'd absolutely contact Glock and see what they're willing to do. Can't hurt. FWIW, I use aftermarket barrels in my .40 Glocks. The reason is better case support, because I use brass that I have no idea how many times it has been reloaded. You can only guarantee "once fired" if you yourself did the initial firing. I just inspect cases for any obvious defects and pitch the brands that others have reported problems with like AMERC and PMC. I like KKM barrels myself. They have great support and feed well. The barrel only serves to help prevent blowing out a weak case - very different from the Kaboom you experienced. Blowing out the case head will cause the mag to fly out, but the gun is usually OK. Double charge and...well, you know what happens. I also use a slower powder than most others. I like either Universal Clays or Power Pistol. I like a powder I can see in the case and with Power Pistol a double charge will overflow the case if I recall. It's not as soft as Titegroup, but it's not bad to me. I like the little bit of extra safety margin against setback with the slower powder. Use of the Lee undersize sizing die and factory crimp die is highly recommended to help prevent setback.
  20. I've got two 550 presses, one for large primer and the other for small. I have a toolhead setup for each caliber. I use the Redding competition seater, so changing bullet seating is easy. For powder charge changes, I have a number of small powder bars. I've got one for each charge that I use, plus an extra for experimentation. I've got tool bins labeled for the charge that each bar is set to. When I change calibers or loads, I just empty the powder measure, swap bars, fill the measure, and I'm off and running. I do check the charge for sanity, of course. This is easy to me and a lot less expensive than having a powder measure for each caliber or load. A micrometer adjustable powder bar works too, but to me this is a big time saver since I've got a few loads that I rotate (major/minor, open, production, etc.)
  21. AustinMike


    I missed the TX State Carbine match last weekend because of that crap. Woke up and felt sinus congestion and a headache. Within an hour, I had a fever and chills. Couple hours later and I felt like someone had beat the hell out of me. I had Type B flu. Tamiflu helped with the symptoms and lots of sleep. I was down for about 4 days.
  22. I'd keep it simple and get the G19. You're already set up for it. I like Concealco IWB holsters and his turnaround times aren't bad compared to the other big holster makers. I think the Glock night sights are fine. Check with CDNN or Summit Gun Broker for mags.
  23. I'm so bummed I missed this match! I came down with the flu for the weekend and had to cancel at the last minute. Totally sucks!!! Maybe next year...
  24. You may need to open the bell just a tad so that the case edges don't scrape the coating off. Check your crimp if you adjust. Don't crimp too tight. Never tried WST. I can say that in my gun Universal Clays or Titegroup plus Precision equals enough smoke to give you a case of black lung. Power Pistol works better for me and N320 doesn't look smokey out of other people's guns, but I'm too cheap to buy it.
  25. I don't see any similarities. Speaking as a drummer, guitar solos amount to musical masturbation. In ipsc, we play with our gun..., uh never mind!
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