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Posts posted by WFargo

  1. @JonasAberg  it's quite pathetic at the moment...  Actually... it's been this way for over a year, if not longer already.

    We have only two brands of small pistol primers available in the Netherlands which are Fiocchi and Ginex. 

    Fiocchi are € 105 per 1.500 primers and Ginex are € 70,- for 1.000 primers. 

    (so.. they're the same price 7 cents per primer)


    but at least we have some availability, and we can still shoot...  for now....


  2. I live in the Netherlands, and I can reload 9 minor for € 0,20 per round at the moment (Euros and Dollars are very close at the moment)  and factory ammo costs about € 0,30 per round.  But we don't have a lot of choice in factory ammo... so if you buy factory ammo, it's gonna be a bit of a spicy round, which I don't really like. 

    But if I had to start reloading now....   That would not be an easy choice.

  3. Honestly, even though you don't like it. Just occlude the dot for training. You can then train "free" and let go of the thoughts of you constantly having to go back and forth between dot and target focus. 

    I am sure it will help you out a lot. At least it will keep you from worrying about this in training, as it completely takes away your possibility of constantly "going back and forth". 

    It will enable you to push during training without worries. It will "set you free". 😁

  4. Very interesting. 

    And yes, it seems like Grauffel was simply doing the math, carefully calculating how the field was performing and adjusting his pace accordingly. 


    @ Big Panda, weren't you an RO, or in the squad at a stage at a big match once, where Grauffel won the stage and he said it was his 90% or something. And then everybody convinced him to shoot the stage again, because the match was already over, and he did it seconds faster with again a great score! 😁


    This guy is so good that his 90 to 95% is sufficient to win anything. He will calculate, and if he needs to push, he will. The fact that some shooters 'came close' is just because he "let's them"... 😁

  5. There is talk about his dot shifting.   And if that happens during a stage, I can't imagine that he would then make the conscious decision during the stage to look at back-up sights on his gun....  That stage would just be lost and he would switch to his backup gun, which he did.   And by the way, he does not have backup sights on his CO gun. Or, I should say, I never saw any in his youtube videos. 😄

    What I read, was that he saw wide misses on steel and unexpected C's or something during a stage. 

    But he tried to push on the last stage of the last day to try and win it, and that's where he shot the two mikes. 

    He still came very close. If those two Mikes were C's....  who knows...   But yeah, that's the game.  "If's" don't score. 😁

  6. It was great to get constant updates in the Hit Factor Podcast discord ánd on top of that the Casual Shooter Podcast went live on Instagram together with Brian (Hunters HD Gold) for the last stage of the Super Squad with Christian, Jay and Jacob, so I got to actually witness it all play out, as it was still anybody's game at that last stage! (well... for the Americans it was still anybody's game... )


    I think it's awesome that Jay Beal did so well! Freaking 2nd place!.  Such a likable, down to earth guy. I think many were rooting for him, including me.  ( by the way, Jacob seems just as likable and down to earth...  😁 )

  7. That time when Brian from Hunters HD Gold filmed the super squad was awesome!

    I understand it's very difficult to actually get some updates on scores, (or maybe not with practicscore) but the way Brian did it was awesome. And also what Shooting USA did, is great. But that of course takes a lot of editing and means it's not gonna be live....

    Hell, I even enjoyed the USPSA static cameras streaming live at a few nationals....

  8. So Mr. Grauffel and his son are in the States, ready to battle it out at the Carry Optics Nationals against Christian, Nils, Jacob, Mason, Jay and all the other awesome CO shooters in the US...   This could become an EPIC battle....    but we won't know until afterwards... cause it's not gonna be on tv / streamed...   OR IS IT??!!!


    Anybody know of anyone planning to follow the Super Squad and document this epic battle for us to see live, or at least uploaded to Youtube or something???


    It just physically hurts me that this epic battle is gonna take place in the sport that I love.....  and all we're gonna get, is the results afterwards......

  9. I always clean my gun after every training. But I only shoot once a week and the rest is dry fire. 

    I just like clean guns and actually kinda like the process of cleaning. ☺️

    The only thing I'm a bit bothered with is that I have dots on my Shadows, and I really don't want to 'break' the loctite to take off the dots so I can clean the extractor.... So it's compressed air, solvents and lubes until it fails. 😄

  10. On 4/9/2024 at 4:21 PM, shred said:

    If the standing around is the part making you tired, you should be pasting and resetting and RO-ing more :)


    My GPS usually says I walk about a mile per stage at matches.



    yeah, I forgot to mention, I shoot IPSC in the Netherlands (Europe) 

    Shooters don't paste or RO at our matches. 

    But we see the same thing...  persons being out of breath after shooting a long course which took them 24 seconds and included one semi-sprint....   and on top of that, being tired from just standing around for a few hours... 

    Physical condition is definitely an issue but even more so in the US, from what I can tell from match footage on youtube...  


  11. Very recognizable, man...

    I had a similar experience. 

    I'm in the situation that when the kids and wife are not in the living room, I use that for dry fire. (about three times a week for about 15 to 20 minutes... wish it was daily, but I'm too lazy for that....)

    I use IPSC mini and micro targets (IPSC rifle targets) and I have a black paster in the middle of every a-zone. 

    I create 'stages' and do different drills with my dot occluded. So not just targets on a wall in front of me, but targets throughout the living room where I actually have to move to see them. (enabling me to also incorporate drills with extensive movements)

    Been doing that for approximately 1.5 months and it "seems" to be getting better...  

    when I live fire, I do not occlude the dot, and I feel more comfortable with it. Accuracy is okay, at least not worse, and I 'believe' I am actually looking at the center of the A zone, although it remains challenging. 

    I believe just "sticking with it" will eventually make it better and ingrain it as your (and my) "default setting".

    I think I will incorporate the occlusion during live fire every now and then as well... because things are different when an explosion goes off in front of your face...

  12. It's because "we" have interesting stages in IPSC and not those "USPSA Hose fests" where you need a gun with a lot of boolits. 😄  Hahahaha!   No, sorry, just kidding guys. 

    I actually don't know why production remains so popular in IPSC.....  

    Here in the Netherlands, we can just as easily buy a Standard (limited) gun or Open gun, or PO gun.......

    I honestly couldn't tell you why Production is still going strong....


    I posted the registration for another match earlier, showing quite a few production shooters, and here is another registration that just opened a couple days ago, where Production Division is even larger than at the other match. 




  13. Here in the Netherlands we see that production optics and PCC (registered as 'Modified') is definitely growing in numbers, but production remains just as popular. 

    (below the summary for an upcoming match overhere)

    I don't think IPSC production will suffer very much....  
    It is still very popular in the rest of the world, I believe. 




  14. I run the stock thick buffer in my S2 as well and have an SRO direct milled on the slide, but I shoot reloads just above minor power factor. The buffer has no damage after approx 10.000 rounds. 

    I keep the buffer in so I hopefully never wreck the SRO as it is the same price as the Shadow 2 here in the Netherlands... hahahaha!! 😄

    Never had a single malfunction with this pistol, by the way. 

  15. I just bought a like-new STI Edge and a Holosun 507Comp and paid my favorite gunsmith to cut the slide to fit the Holosun.....   just to find out that IPSC has NO INTENTIONS to also implement a provisional "Standard Optics" division...

    ☺️    ( additional info:   I'm from the Netherlands)


    I was convinced that even after the rejected first proposal from region 'Brazil' for a provisional "Standard Optics" division, it was just going to be a matter of time before another proposal would come and would be voted in.... 


    With the immense popularity of the 2011 platform with a slide-mounted dot in the US, the Limited Optics division is a logical evolution.

    Unfortunately, we don't see that same popularity in Europe (I would not know about the rest of the world)


    So... now I'll just have to play with it in Open... 😁



  16. Yeah, me too. I just bought a 507 Comp from Holosun directly for € 469,-  which is way better than the € 1.000,- I paid for a Trijicon SRO! 😁    The SRO has been great on my Shadow 2, but man.... that's serious money. 

    I really hope the 507 Comp lives up to it's reputation albeit a short one....  cause it's half the price of the SRO... My God.....

  17. Welcome, fellow shooter! 


    Just curious, what are gun laws like in Australia at the moment? 

    Are all IPSC divisions available to you? 

    Or more precise...  no problem to own pistols / revolvers / semi auto rifles & shotguns for sport shooters? 



  18. If I were you, I would stay away from the platform, then. 


    Unless you have the opportunity to thoroughly test fire a gun with YOUR ammo to ensure it is 100% reliable with all magazines provided. 


    Successful 1911 / 2011 shooting requires exactly what you state you don't have / desire. 


    (in my very humble opinion. ☺️ ) 

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