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Brian Payne

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Everything posted by Brian Payne

  1. Extra length can come in very handy at some of the matches. Some matches will only allow a 9 round max in the gun (8+1), at those matches just throw in a plug.
  2. I never thought to add that to my post. Carlson extended chokes are what I use also. Shooting the FN SLP shotgun.
  3. Andy, Tyler and I plan on being down there early Thursday morning. Are we allowed to watch some of the stages being shot by RO's? Also, will there be an area for checking zero on our weapons?
  4. Get the Federal 00Buck with "flight control" wad. I used that at the High Plains Shotgun Challenge out of a LM choke and had good results.
  5. I have been going to a local gym for a while at my oldest son's request. He has been doing the MMA for about 2 1/2 yrs. now and thought that I might be interested. I have got to say that I have been having a blast. The first class was spent getting past the "lets kick the fat old cops ass" syndrome and we were good to go, great bunch of guys actually. I am getting a lot more flexible and the cardio work is awesome. I can't get rid of the old, but the fat is starting to melt. MMA seems to me to be the 3-gunnin' of the martial arts world. Boxing (rifle), BJJ (handgun, the toughest to learn), ground and pound (shotgun, reload as fast as you can and let'er buck). Good fun!
  6. 55fmj - Is your Winchester Practical the 3" version or the 2 3/4"? I test fired my Winchester with the same ammo that you use (Remington Nitro 27), I also just picked up a case of Remington ammo. that is one notch higher on the power scale at 1300 fps, 1 1/8 oz. I can't remember what it is called, but it has the same Gold hull.
  7. If you watched me shoot shotgun you really would not care about any sort of high speed low drag type modifications I make to my weapons. Because they really don't seem to be working all that well. I will try to get photo's in the future though.
  8. Took the new Winchester out to run through its paces. Flawless. Even with the ammo that was causing the FN to malfunction. I fired it canted to the right, left, and upside down, plus one handed, not a burp. Cleaning the weapon afterwards I noted that the bolt and carrier on the Winchester is very well finished, with no machining marks. The bolt/carrier on the FN looks much rougher. I don't think the FN bolt is so rough it would cause function problems, just more confidence inspiring looking at the Winchester bolt. Took two hours with the dremel and files on the receiver and forarm to get the loading area big enough, then another hour with the soldering iron to texture the forarm and pistol grip area and Voila', it is ready.
  9. Have Benny build you a 6". You will be very happy. Then have Benny build you an M2 Benelli and an AR-15. Get into 3-gunnin'. Three times the fun at three times the money.
  10. Checking the two guns out, I noticed a few minor differences. The FN has two gas pistons, one for over 1 1/2 oz loads and one for under 1 1/2 oz loads. The Winchester has two gas pistons, one for over 1 1/4 loads and one for under 1 1/4 loads and low recoil. The mag tube is identical. Both are blue with the brass ring at the gas port area. If I hand cycle the FN very slowly, the bolt will stop just shy of lockup and need a nudge to get to full lockup. It has done this since new. With the Winchester, no matter how slowly I hand cycle the bolt, I can't get it to stop before full lockup. Maybe the recoil spring is stronger? When looking at the shotgun with the loading gate facing up. The FN lift gate sits a little crooked in the receiver and has been this way since new, I assumed it was just the way they are built. The Winchester lift gate sits square in the receiver. I will ship out my FN today for some work, and shoot the crap out of the Winchester for the next couple of weeks. I will hopefully have two perfectly functioning shotguns prior to the BRM3G. Ken, what gas piston are you running in yours?
  11. I see you are shooting Tac Ops. In that case - shoot the single stack. I am looking for any advantage I can get. Seriously though, the higher capacity 9mm would be an advantage.
  12. At the High Plains Shotgun Challenge, while using Federal low recoil 00Buck and low recoil TruBall slugs, the last three stages I had several jams where the shotgun would fire, eject, and I would click the trigger on an empty chamber. When I racked the bolt I did see the next shell sitting on the lifter. The ejected cases were only a a foot or so away from me. The normal birdshot cases are ejected six or more feet out. I have also had several times where the shell would be partially fed into the chamber but the bolt would stop about half way to lockup. This has happened with ammo that normally never caused me a problem in the past. The malfunction is cleared by just pulling the bolt back slightly, then letting it go and it slams forward with authority. I should just break down and shoot the Benelli but I really like the way these shotguns feel and shoot. I will be picking up the Winchester Practical later today. I see that the Winchester actually has two different versions of the Winchester Practical MK1 (they also have a MKII). One version is an older one that has the 3" chamber and only has one gas piston, the one that I am picking up is the newer version that has the 2 3/4" chamber and has two gas pistons. I will be interested to see what other differences there are between the two weapons.
  13. I have been shooting the FN SLP MK1 and like it so much I have purchased a Winchester Practical as a backup. Basically the same weapon but the Win. is 2 3/4" only while the FN is 3". They both come with two gas pistons. I got the Winchester as a backup because I have been having some odd jams from the FN. The jams are being caused by pilot error I think. I lube the gun the same way I lube my AR and my old Rem. 1100. If the gun fires and oil splatters my glasses and shirt, it might have enough oil. This much oil on the FN gas piston might be slowing it down enough to be causing my problems. How are you oiling the FN's and Winchesters? Do you oil the gas piston? Also, what other differences are there between the FN and the Winchester Practical? The photo I looked at showed the Winchester had a chrome or stainless mag tube, where the FN's is blue. I also see the two gas pistons for each weapon are rated differently. The FN is being sent off to SRM Performance later this week. They "seal" the gas system and install the surecycle recoil system, hopefully reducing the malfunctions.
  14. Got back to MN at 0300 hrs. this morning. Tyler, Steph, and I had a great time and learned a lot. Thanks to all on squad #3 for all of the help. It never fails to amaze me how the best shooters in the world will still take the time out from shooting an important match to help others, wether it is with advice or weapons parts from their stash of spare parts.
  15. I woke up to 18 degrees this morning. Leaving MN at 1000 hrs. Can't wait
  16. "A golf course is a waste of a perfectly good shooting range".
  17. A "Good" shooter is one who can give you much needed advice while still helping you paste targets and reset steel.
  18. I hunt, have butchered and eaten many animals, and I have numerous scars with stories to go with. I also wear pink and purple shirts when shooting 3-gun. Mainly just to make the other shooters "Deal with it". I can get away with doing that because of the only time in my life that I have ever cried. I was 4 yrs. old, doing my relieving business behind the barn like all manly animals do (we don't squat to do that) and I accidentally zipped up the frank and beans in the zipper. Still makes me a little misty when I think about it.
  19. I don't know about the barrels, but the extension you can get from Nordic. Good stuff. The Mk2 version seems to be bringing more money than the Mk1 version. Maybe you could work a trade or sell what you have and pickup what you need. Might be the cheaper/better alternative. OK scratch that idea. I just checked Gunbroker.com and there is no SLP's for sale. Tough weapon to come by for some reason.
  20. I wouldn't care what the scoring is. I just want to get out of this Minnesota cold and snow for a while. I can't make this match, will have to wait for Trapr and Kurt's shotgun match. Speaking of screwy scoring, at the shotgun match they are going to have you actually shooting targets with shot that have a no-shoot in front of them. You know what that means --- you will actually have to slow down and aim. That is just sick!
  21. When I am on duty and bad guys pull guns on me, I run just like that. Generally screaming like a girl also. On a more serious note, I love the trigger finger placement. THAT is good training. "I am the only one professional enough in this room to use a Glock 40" comes to mind. That one didn't make us look too good.
  22. I didn't vote. Couldn't say that one match was higher on the list than another. They each are unique in their own way, making it impossible for me to decide. I also haven't shot the Fort Benning 3-gun. This is kind of like trying to decide which of your children is your favorite.
  23. I just ordered mine today. 3-4 week estimate on delivery.
  24. I use four 4-rd Progressive Machine and Tool holders on a Mark Otto chest rig, then three 6-rd PMT holders on the belt. I did have to modify the clips on these to raise the holders up so that I could bend over normally, otherwise they would get in the way. I also have an 8-rd arm band I can put on if needed.
  25. 24" on mine. Nordic tube that holds nine rounds is about even with the end of the barrel.
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