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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by tpcdvc

  1. Hmmm....sounds to me like something a scared yankee would say. "Skeered, hell boy if yous skeered say yous skeered". I ain't Skeered...umm scared lol. Guess I'll have to shoot the rifle match here friday, then drive down sat, take that plaque, then drive back home sat night for the sunday shotgun match....should be fun. Well, I'm very new at this talking smack thing but let me give this one a try: Good to hear you are coming. And I'm sure you have heard about southern hospitality, so I will make a point of introducing you to the good ole' southern boy who will really be taking that plaque home. Heck, he will probably let you check out his SS before he whops up on you with it.
  2. C'mon Steve, you can work it out. Just think single stacks everywhere........it's almost heaven.
  3. Wake up hop!!! Wake up!!! You are having that same dream again when you are on top of the podium doing the princess wave and wearing the diamond tiara roses in hand. Dude, what is with this dream?????
  4. The USPSA is us. So who better to have the discussion with?
  5. Perfectly functional Palm IIIEs can be purchased all day long for ten or fifteen bucks apiece on sites like eBay. I know this because I still use them for my work calendar. Won't the scoring software work with those? 10 IIIxe at 39.00 a piece. 2 titaniums at just under 279 a piece plus tax = 306 per unit. All palms totaled 1002. I rounded down. Tim edited to add: the really old palms can work but you need software upgrades to run the system and then they are really slow.
  6. Well, I can only speak for our club. But at say 35 shooters a month the work load is not bad for the score keeper and totally doable. So, for a club that shoots 35 guns a month before I would spend the money on the palms I would probably rather spend it on props, steel, swingers, drop turners ect. The success of a club is really about how good the stages are. Heck the success of a level II or III match is based on how good the stages are. It certainly not about how much time/hassle you save the stats guy. But once you start to triple that amount of shooters at the club level you are going to start to have a real tough time finding a guy to do all that work every month. So that is why it made sense for us. I'm not sure who paid what for ezwin or if it was pro bono. But every club I know uses the program and it is pretty well thought out and easy to use and we didn't have to raise membership fees to pay for it. So to my knowledge it benefited every single club. And if we did pay we are certainly not paying a usage fee for it year after year after year. The USPSA owns it. Also, I think you get a free copy when your club gets its affiliation. But as Nik said at the worst it only cost 25 bucks anyway, and it runs on any pc that practically every member in your club already has. And then there is this. How many people do you know still use a palm pilot? I have not used mine for years. I think they will most assuredly go the way of the cassette tape. While I'm sure we will get many years from ours (buying reconditioned ones on ebay) I wonder how viable that platform will remain. The blackberry and the Iphone has really replaced any need for what the palm was intended. So, why would the USPSA drop that kind of money on a OS system that in all likely hood will be totally unsupported and eventually disappear? Writing this type of program for tablet pcs seems much more viable.
  7. Here is the problem Bret. IMHO it is a bad decision to make everyone contribute to system that will at best be used by a small number of clubs. Even if the software was a so called free down load (we all paid for it) the club still has to buy the palms. In our case the palms cost about 1000.00 dollars. We bought 10 of the 3xes for the stage palms and two titaniums for the master and the back up master. We are now down to 7 3xes and that is why you buy extra stage palms. I was the stats guy for our club until recently and was instrumental bringing them on board and teaching myself how to run them and others as well. We justified the cost because the way our monthly matches are run we sometimes have more that 100 shooters and it took sometimes 4 hours after the match to score. So in our case was a good investment. But the vast majority of clubs in the US have less than 30 shooters per match and this system would not be a good idea for them (IMO). I scored matches for a long time the old way and if we had less than 40 or so competitors I would not have suggested we get the palms. Furthermore, if we were going to charge 15 more dollars to members (AND I AM AGAINST THAT!!) there are many better ways to spend that extra money. For example, the USPSA bought the steel challenge. I think a lot of clubs would like to shoot more steel challenge stages but don't have the funds available to buy the extra steel needed. That would benefit the shooters way more than software that maybe at best 10% of the clubs would even use. But again that is not right for the clubs that already have the steel. Is it?
  8. So am I reading this correctly???? Each member of the USPSA gives 15 dollars? So with 16,000 plus members in the USPSA we are talking about 240,000.00 dollars?
  9. This is how we got the palms up and running: We started with a core group of folks at our club and went over the basics before the first match. Then we squaded that group together and used the palms but did the paper thing as well. By the end of that match we had our squad (8-10) folks comfortable with the palms. It was very easy (Usually after scoring 2 shooters they were rockin' right along). The following month we spread the core group out among the 4 squads and everyone helped new people use them. And abra cadabra we were off and running and have not looked back. NOT A PROBLEM! We love the palms!! The cost is a whole other issue. I would really be interested to hear what peter is thinking these days. I'm not a fan of the original idea which was this.....First giving the software to the USPSA and then they would offer it as a free download to any club that wants it. Then the USPSA would charge all the shooters across the nation who used the software a fee to upload the scores (classifiers) and then pay peter a kind of a royalty. I'm in a business of royalties and I can see no justification for members to pay for the software when by and large it doesn't make things better for the shooter (The product will remain the same). It won't make your stages better. It won't make the match run any smoother for the shooter. And the match fee will reflect the extra cost of the palm upload (level I-III). Now, that being said the scores are done within minutes of the last shot fired, so waiting around for the scores can be greatly reduced. Although most of the waiting around in many cases has nothing to do with the scores being done. Bottom line is that shooters don't really care if some guy or gal is in a trailer pecking away at a keyboard for hours or not. They just want a great match and the software really doesn't help improve the match. I'll be eating my popcorn and watching intently for peters wisdom.
  10. Those are beautiful!! You just can't have too many 1911's.
  11. North Tennessee Practical Shooters is hosting it's very first annual Hillbilly Classic match. This is a production/Single stack only match. Match is limited to the first 100 shooters. This is a 1 day match with 10 stages & chrono. It is a Cash pay back & trophy match, plus random drawing prize table!!!!!!! Put it on your calender and come enjoy the beautiful October weather in TN! OCT. 10th RO's shoot. OCT 11th every one else. For more info and application you will be able to go to the following in the next day or two as soon as the guys get it on there. http://www.ntps.org or http://www.tnsection.com 2008_TN_Hillbilly_Classic_Registration.pdf
  12. I you wish to discuss pricing, perhaps we can have you open up a new thread with that as the topic. I'm sure you'd get plenty of feedback from those of us with economics and financial backgrounds. Can't wait to see this!
  13. That is the funniest da*n thing I have heard. It broke???
  14. It doesn't matter one way or the other as long as your gun runs. Lock back not lock back who cares. If you are doing your job you will not drop the hammer on an empty chamber. I try to never push a mag, but if I do I'm very conscious of the round count and will reload and rack before the dreaded hammer click. My suggestion is to go one way or the other and stick with it. Tim
  15. +1 Our club has been using nothing but the palm system for a little over a year and it is awesome. Very easy to learn and rock solid. Tim
  16. I just want my real name. I just don't like my screen name. I should have thought more than a tenth of a second when I created it. Oh well.
  17. Nice Blaster tpcdvc Status: Non-Voting Member Thanks Z......I won't let you down. Shirts look great. Who do I send a check to? Tim
  18. Well I want to apply for membership but I'm not sure if I qualify. I shot my SS in L10 for the first whole year in USPSA but then went to limited. But I am the author of this: In the beginning God created the 1911 and he saw that it was good and he was pleased. So, God gave it unto man and commanded that he should go forth and do good works. And man obeyed god and went forth unto all the nations and fought evil wherever god directed. God’s divine creation in the hands of righteous men never failed. But man being born in sin gave into his evil nature and brought forth from the earth iron which he formed into vile creations of his own, mocking God. These creations were mainly of the double action type and particularly the safe-action type. This plague spread throughout the earth leaving in its path devastation to fast and accurate trigger control like the world has never seen. God, while being disappointed with man brought forth an example to show the world the way back to his good graces. He sent forth scores and scores of M and GM’s to witness to the world by example the superiority of the 1911. But Satan in his evil way sent one man to do his bidding. Woe I say unto the beware of the man in the black shirt that cradles mans vile creation in his hands for he is a deceiver and will lull you to believe if he can do it so can you, but he is not of this earth and he will lead you to ruin. So, to all the sections across this righteous land embrace the divine creation and cast away this creation of man’s arrogance. Heed this warning and resist the temptation of the plastic abomination. Does it help. Oh and I have carried nothing but a 1911 for the past 18 years. Does that help? Here is my new SS pics.
  19. Hmmm, I guess I need to go find out what my barrel length is! I also need to go read the rules over at IDPA. It would be a shame if I can't use my actual carry-gun in IDPA. Most all Commander length 1911s are built with a 4.15 or slightly shorter barrel and would be legal for SS competition. I have shot my Kimber pro carry and springfield champion in USPSA competition and both are legal.
  20. That is such great news. I'm about 45 minutes from BG and I will be at the matches. Can't Wait! Tim
  21. I feel your pain. The last two factory guns I bought both had to be returned to get acceptable accuracy. They were both from the same company which will remain nameless but it rhymes with (xxxxx xxxxxx) . Now I will say that my Kimbers both shot good groups right out of the box about 2-3 inches at 25yds.
  22. That's one nice looking blaster Tim. I see you're serious about that upcoming SS / Production match at NTPS. Well I had to do something since I sold you my production gun. Stop me where I'm wrong but... That hammer looks like it belongs to a Brazos trigger group. Dawson Fiber optic front sight. Techwell magwell and grip set. The short curved trigger was probably stock from STI Can't tell for sure but it looks like the whole gun has a custom finish. ION Bond maybe? I'm so jealous. Tony Close. 3 out of 5. The magwell is a Smith & Alexander. And the finish is Rich's Finish at Canyon Creek. I can't wait to shoot it this weekend in Manchester. I plan on putting a ton of ammo through it Sunday!!!
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