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Posts posted by aceinyerface

  1. The Stock 1 is The red headed stepchild of the group.

    The upper is the same as the Stock 2 but with a different sight, and every bit as accurate.

    The lower feels like a CZ and has all the same trigger internals of the Stock 2, less the ambi safety (which is useless anyway) and extended mag release.

    It is like a budget Stock 2 that you can actually find for about $200 cheaper.

  2. You will probably see them trickle onto dealer's websites as they process their shipments, maybe for the next week, then they will be out of stock for 3 months.

    If I needed another, I would search dealer websites all day tomorrow.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess we will see some Stock 2 Xtremes from this shipment, since the estimate they gave was June.

    You would want to google "Witness xtreme 610605".

    People of outstanding moral character will be buying them up, sitting on them for 2 months and selling them for double the street price now. So, get ready for that awesomeness.

    Just keep in mind, every 3 months like clockwork, the same thing happens.

  3. Very productive range trip.

    I hit several 2 sec bill drills. I hit a handful of draws in the .90's best was .86. I was seeing the sights really well, I knew when I had misses.

    With my retooled grip, I am more accurate and am getting faster.

  4. The more I look at it the more I see monkeyed with. The extractor has the finish polished off of it, and obviously the rear sight has been ground down. I'm scared of what you might find done to the trigger bar and hammer.

    The good news is all of that can be replaced.

  5. New gear...

    Xtreme trigger and front sight

    Bought another Stock 2. I am not looking forward to taking it apart to polish and respring. Actually I have to take apart the Stock 1 to steal the springs.

    I hate working on guns. I need a squire to do all of that.

  6. This post told me a shipment came in and that I can find other S2's out there.

    I did, I bought one for under $950.

    Savvy buyers will be able to find others as dealers update their websites.

    Google "Witness 600605" and open every link that looks gun related. I'd do it twice a day.

    Oh, get your money in the bank NOW, you will lose it if you don't have your ducks in a row.

  7. Gunbot is too slow to update, it can't be trusted. I ordered a case of Federal primers from one joint before Gunbot even had them listed.

    HP38 is EXACTLY the same product as 231 according to Chris Hodgdon.

    I got bit by unavailable components once. I now stay considerably ahead on my inventory.

  8. I think I solved the mystery of the grip.

    Don't squeeze with EITHER hand.

    Imagine a bottle opener. The weak hand is the bottle opener and the gun hand is the bottle.

    This fixes my accuracy problem, fixes my index, fixes my weak hand chasing the gun. It fixes everything.

    EDIT- I realized this is what the Japanese call okuden, a hidden teaching. I am removing the specifics of this technique.

  9. My accuracy went radically up, I guess something is paying off.

    I've been doing a lot of dryfire and tweaking my grip.

    I hit a 1.86 Bill Drill. Most of the time it was 2-2.25 with some trigger freeze issues.

  10. I read people talking about the grip, percentages and the like. What I am noticing is if I squeeze with the strong hand then the trigger gets slow. So I am trying a trick I learned in martial arts. Don't grasp, hook.

    I don't squeeze at all with the strong hand, I take all of the slack out and freeze the fingers(except the trigger finger) and wrists into that position. The other side of that is the weak hand, I squeeze as hard as humanly possible.

    If I do all of that, I can hit a bill drill at 1.6 easily in dry fire.

    Now, that is all theory until I can actually shoot it.

  11. Unfocused to start my range trip. It wasn't until half way through that I realized I wasn't even looking for the sights.

    Damn it!

    Well I got 100 rounds of actual practice and 200 rounds of wasting loading components.

    When I got my head out of my outbound oriface, I was able to get mostly As. I was able to use what I learned off Ben Stoeger's new DVD to help with the shot calling.

    I need to make another trip tomorrow, but being Mother's Day, it seems unlikely.

  12. The training log is working well. It makes me accountable, sucks to see the dates not matching up. I'm also able to track the drill and how many good reps I do.

    I've been working "Reloads" out of Ben Stoeger's dryfire book. I got 10 clean one day then 20 clean the next (45 min), then today 20 clean in 15 min.

  13. An easy paced draw is a 1 sec A @ 5yds. I am regularly between .85 and .95. My best was a .77.

    2 points that seem to make it more accurate while still being fast. Hand touches stomach and trigger finger stretches away when establishing the grip.

    The hand to stomach lets it get it's grip sooner.

    The finger stretch helps me get the pull straight back.

    I need more consistency.

  14. I don't care for the prominent logo, which is also why I don't care for Grauffel's grips.

    I'd be a buyer for some G10 grips at around $60. I bought Tactical Solutions Ruger aluminum grips for $85 and I thought that was too high.

  15. Shot my G43, not too bad. I'm guessing a 6-7 lb trigger, I'll need to look at improving that.

    Shooting doubles with the S2, I was consistently hitting A's @ .9. I hit a .85 A zone hit at 7 yds. I got a C @ .82

    I did notice that when I get my left hand to my abdomen (touch my stomach) on the draw, I get A's. I guess I get the full grip earlier and the shot is under control more.

    I started just focusing on moving that left hand and I started burning it up. I need to dryfire on it.

    Bullshitting at the range interferes with my practice. The guy just admired my shooting and wanted me to give my approval to his reloads and talk a little shop, I couldn't say no. Nice guy, I guess I need to not be a dick so much.

  16. I shot the Accelerator from Ben Stoeger's book with my Glock, because it is similar to 5 O'Glock from the GSSF match.

    At 25 yds my shot drops 8-10 inches. I need some sights that shoot closer to POA.

  17. I got a bump to C class, they had to throw out two of my classifiers (61% and 58%) because they were more than 15% over my current class. Not bad for 9 months in the USPSA.

    I am not getting my weak hand to the gun fast enough on my draw, so working on that. .8 draws are pretty standard, I hit some .7's too but they are likely out of control. I need to live fire more draws.

    The more I use the Stock 1, the more I like it. I can switch off equally between S1 and S2 and there is absolutely no difference.

    I am #2 on the list for a Blue Label G43, It will probably come in when I am out of town on business and they'll kick me off the list, that is Murphy's Law.

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