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Posts posted by aceinyerface

  1. Class with Ben Stoeger.

    I'm not using enough pressure in my left hand and using too much right hand. That is going to suck to correct since I have been doing it wrong since forever.

    I've been stacking instead of sweeping through the trigger, that is screwing me.

    I am alternately either not using the sights or using the sights too much.

    I learned plenty of good stuff, but mostly that it is not acceptable for me to be shooting at less than a GM level. This "pissed off at myself" attitude is going to drive me to do all the things necessary to get better.

  2. It's bothers me to see so many seemingly like minded individuals throwing around pejoratives like "hoarder", "flipper" and the like; what's the difference between a "flipper" and the owner of your local gun store? both purchase inventory with the intent of reselling it at a profit don't they? why then is one the pillar of the community and the other the scum of the earth?

    Those who use laws and threats of force to manipulate markets are the enemies of consumers, not market actors engaging in voluntary commerce :cheers:

    A flipper is the same as a scalper. They are part of the black market, not subject to regulation or taxation. They are parasitic opportunists who decrease supply in the market only when they identify demand is high in order to derive an unreasonably high rate of return from desperate buyers.

    Your LGS is a legitimate market actor, fully licensed, regulated and taxed. As long term players in the market, they must respond to market forces like customer loyalty and return business, they cannot ask unreasonable prices for scarce goods as their return business will suffer.

    Scum and pillar of the community defined.

  3. Brianenos.com> go to Dillon Precision> go to EZ buy packages and decide how much you want to spend.

    I didn't need the handle. DO NOT get the beam scale, or the bench wrench (just get a real wrench)

    I got the 550b

    Strong Mount

    Bullet tray

    Get the primer tubes

    Don't buy any of the wrenches or the wrench stand, they suck and you can use Craftsman.

    You can also call.

  4. 100%, get these-

    Henning XL Firing Pin, clip one coil off the firing pin spring

    13 lb hammer spring

    As preference dictates get these-

    Stock front sight with a dot of Orange nail polish on it. I tried Dawson and the damned thing keeps getting loose.

    The older wood grips with the checkering all over (I know Gump has some extra he'd probably sell you)

    Click Pen spring mod in the plunger

    I have a 6lb 10lb and stock recoil spring, the 6 seems to cycle the gun a little slow sometimes, I am still playing with this

    A sheet of 1000 grit sandpaper to do the Kneeling Atlas CZ tuneup http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=191773

  5. The non-greedy bastard new price of $950 would be pretty decent since you can rarely find them.

    Dealer price is close to $900, so I think it's fair to say that you are not going to see them for $950. The only way you are going to see the price come down is if the availability increases, which isn't going to happen anytime soon.

    I bought mine for under $950 several months ago when the last shipment from EAA came in. I had several others from different dealers that I could choose from for about the same. It is all about the timing.

    This is exactly how I got mine-

    Google "witness 600605" every day and check all the dealers in the results. When the next shipment comes in, you will score.

    They go quick so have your money in the bank ready to go. The shipment seems to come in every 2-3 months (I talked to a dealer and got the scoop),

    EDIT>> I got mine in late August, so I would estimate late November for the next shipment. I would start googling now.

  6. i shot a relatively clean match. I was trying to watch the sights lift, I'd be lying if I said I was entirely successful.

    I bobbled the mag change on the classifier.

    I made a bad stage plan favoring a hard lean instead of taking an extra shooting position.

    2 Mikes on single shot targets, I am sensing a pattern since I suck on steel worse than paper.

    I got video of 2 stages, I look slow even though I feel like I'm shooting fast. I need to get some better practice.

  7. Match today, I wasn't feeling very good.

    My first 2 stages were pretty decent.

    I missed a mandatory reload for 2 shots on the next stage, and it was all downhill from there. I need to do more visualization of the stage before I shoot it. I hit 2 no shoots.

    One stage had soft cover to shoot through and a bunch of no shoots to work around. I shot one target twice and FTE another, dammit! The zebra effect made me lose track of what I was doing. The Polish Plate rack started ok, but once it started moving, that was it. I hit 2 no shoots

    The classifier sucked. The fake playing cards BS gets on my nerves, it doesn't have anything to do with the practice I've been doing. I didn't get my points because I was staying away from the no shoots. I should have shot the damned thing from a seated position.

    It didn't help that 70% of the paper targets at this match were obscured by no shoots. Hitting a no shoot and not making it up will ruin you, you drop 20 points per shot. This is a repeating occurrence with this particular match, the no shoot behind the texas star last time was especially hateful. Until I get my skill level up, I have to skip this particular match in favor of another a little further away. The increased difficulty makes it hard to attempt the things I am working on. I can't work on not pausing after getting a sight picture when every shot is a tight one.

    My accuracy at speed has gone down. I have been working the dot drill exclusively, I think I need to mix it up so that no one skill suffers.

    I was moving my feet better.

    I think I need to see my sights better, I've been getting fast sight pictures that are not very good. Sometimes, I just see the front sight only.

  8. The Dot Drill is still beating me. My groups are getting smaller and I had 4/6 dots on a page with 6 holes on the dot, once. But still no success.

    I need to order more 147g's, those things sure get used up fast around here.

  9. Boozed up ramblings...

    I can't help but compare shooting with the martial arts I used to do. It kind of fits, action pistol is the modern martial art.

    Particularly, I notice the connection between kata and dry fire. In martial arts kata (and I'm talking Judo, Tomiki aikido, and iaido), one goal is to eliminate inefficiencies, particularly movements that take excessive time or effort.

    Dry fire equals uchikomi, which is repeated movements up to but not including the execution of the technique. I am intimately familiar with the benefits of this as my first judo ippon was with a tai otoshi I smoothed out doing uchikomis on a folding chair.

    Kata is a prearranged set of movements designed to perfectly practice a certain skill. It seems, for me at least, I am doing uchikomis in order to create my own kata. Everytime I do dry fire, I am attempting to eliminate inefficiencies and figure out the best (fastest) way to practice.

    I notice that people like Ben Stoeger do sick amounts of dry fire and this corresponds with my recollections of Olympic caliber judoka doing nonstop uchikomis while the rest of us wusses were resting and BSing.

    So, I am drawing from my martial arts training, I am the carpenter, I am trying to create my own kata, and I am doing my uchikomis.

  10. I'm constantly trying different nuances to see what is faster.

    I notice when I reload, if I keep the pistol at eye level and bring it back to about a foot from my face, I only have to move my eyes to find the mag well. I am able to make the reload more controlled and quick like that.

    As a result of this minor change, I was able to catch the 3.2 second advanced par time for single target gun handling out of Stoeger's 2nd book.

  11. Working the Dot Drill again, this time I hit six in the dot 9 out of 54 times.

    My work on my grip seems to have some validity, I'll keep working it.

    I shot a particularly good group and it felt so clear and "right" while I was doing it. One of those mushin moments. I need more of those. When I can do that all the time, I may get somewhere,

  12. This is for a CZ75 but someone did a great job on this one.


    Curious why the firing pin is marked as a lubrication(it's yellow) point?

    I come from the Glock world where lubrication in the striker channel is an absolute no-no... Wonder why you would want to lube the firing pin in a CZ... Seems like the same situation...

    Do you guys lube the firing pin in your CZ's or Tanfos?

    I just happened to be searching for something else and read this. I actually have an answer for you.

    The Glock has a plastic sleeve in the firing pin channel that acts as a bearing, so oil is not needed. Many other firearms do not, so metal rubbing on metal requires the oil/ grease.

  13. Range trip working the Dot Drill, I put six on the dot 3 out of 42 times.

    The lines on the dots were thin, when I focused on the front sight I lost the target. I took a sharpie to the targets and darkened the lines. That made a world of difference.

    I noticed some grip nuances I want to explore and a mental/ tension thing that I need to mess with.

  14. Working dry fire, I can hit the .9 second mark on the draw but only if everything goes well, and my weak hand grip is not as firm as I'd like. I think I need to start at the beginning and get that weak hand straight,

    My reloads are around 1.3 seconds but again with the weak hand.

    I think I just need to retool the entire thing to be more proper, then start chasing the timer again.

    I'm thinking maybe the grip needs to reach max pressure a split second before the shot or right as the shot is being fired. I'll need to mess with it.

  15. The Match was fun, it didn't hit the 90's until we were almost done.

    My first couple of stages were horrible. I hit some no shoots on the first stage. The second stage was 7 heads, one shot each reload and repeat Virginia. Yeah... I started double tapping those bad boys then realized I was messing up. Penalties galore.

    Then I got a Rectal Craniotomy and tightened up.

    I only threw 3 extra shots at the Texas Star with the swinging no shoot behind it.

    I had a number of close C's on the classifier.

    I had one stage where I actually felt like I was doing well. I was shooting fast and accurate, running and reloading well. I think that is some progress.

    My recurring problem is being so wrapped up in trying to do the small stuff right that I completely brain-fart on the stage directions. More dryfire will tighten up the small things. When I get to the point where I don't have to think about those things, I'll quit making mental mistakes.

    I need to work the Dot Drill hard.

    More practice needed.

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