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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Clay1


    So the IDPA has in effect created a class of competition only holsters defacto. Looks like I'm not the only one the is wound up. This will be an interesting ride.
  2. Clay1


    So I can't legally shoot my equipment this weekend, Saturday is three days from now. That's just plan XXXXX. Self edited to take out profanity.
  3. Clay1


    One more question. Do these rules go into effect now or 12 months from now?
  4. Clay1


    Mark, I have read the old rule book and one of the comments that was always made was the amount of gray in the book instead of black and white. I see the new rule book did firm up some things and that is a step forward. I guess personally I'm bumbed because I paid $85 for a holster and two mag holders about a week and a half ago and not they are both illegal. That just plain sucks! In the old rule book I always thought it was funny that you couldn't put a $5 plastic plug in the grip and now you can. I'm fairly flexible except when it come to my wallet.
  5. Clay1

    Glock DVDs

    Flexmoney, if you haven't even heard of them that is probably not a good sign. Here is the link: http://www.gunvideo.com/search_list.php?searchval=Glock Clay
  6. Clay1


    What does everyone think of the new IDPA rule book and the equipment changes. I'm fairly bumbed in that I just bought a new holster and two mag holders and I think that both are illegal now. What prompted this?
  7. Clay1

    Glock DVDs

    I see that Lenny Magill puts out a bunch of videos on Glocks and wanted some comments on them. The three that I am interested in are the Complete Glock, Glock Magic and Customizing Your Glock. I'm sure that there has to be some overlap of the material in them. For those of you who have seen them, I would like to hear some comments. Thanks
  8. Will have to download as a Word document into my Palm so during the long meetings the boss will think that I am listening intensly
  9. I found out Matt Burkett has been in our area twice while talking to another competitor tonight. I just started this game and that was before my time. I've shot sporting clays in the past and spent more than my fair share on level III instructors fees. It is really nice for a new shooter like me in this type of shooting to learn the right things first. Not too many bad habits to break this way. Learning the right way should pay dividends down the road. Glad to hear that many of you have had good experiences with your classes/coaching sessions.
  10. The reason that I ask about the above is that I have seen some pricing for the 4 day classes that they are basically giving these away. I live in Wisconsin and Firearms Training Associates in LaCrosse, WI has Massad Ayoob's Stress Fire courses. Cost of these instructional classes can cost as much as a full season of ammo for many of us. You have to wonder if these types of classes are worth it or is shooting everything in site and the constant exposure to better shooters the way to go. I know, I know - BOTH.
  11. I stumbled across this site the other day and watched one of their promotional video clips. Has anyone here taken the 4 day handgun course? Is it real training or rather a high pressure, fancy Kirby vaccum salesman type of presentation designed to get you to purchase property at their facility? Could make a vacation for the wife and I this summer??? Clay
  12. Clay1

    Competition sights

    If for no other reason at all, it gives me a confidence level that when the shot breaks it is me that controls the shot and the miss that was just out was my fault and not the sights being off slightly. If it's a just a head game or a confidence builder it is still worth it to me. Like Nik said, just buy something and start there most people change sights from time to time. Clay
  13. Thanks Nik. I didn't mean to waste anyone's time with the same old questions. I did a search under the discussion board "springs" and I did the search under this Glock forum. That's exactly how I found this posting. Appreciate your help though. Clay
  14. Clay1

    Competition sights

    I'm sure that you are right Duane you have alot more experience than I do. So if anyone else is reading this thread don't buy what I did. I'll start with these and struggle along. But from this point forward I won't be worrying about sights - that's behind me now, the decision on the equipment has been made. Now it is more range time and training on the proper techniques. 6ix days with the gun, 500 rounds fired in 3 range sessions. I might never shoot like many of you but I will do my best with what I have to try and get better than I am today. Clay
  15. Ghost 21, so what ISMI spring are you currently shooting in your G34? I am running the stock spring and would like to lighten up some. Thanks for your comments. Clay
  16. Six days later and 500 rounds through the stock trigger and I am much happier. Breaking pretty good about 4 1/2 pounds with no polishing etc. I will still polish, not remove metal just slick her up some and replace two springs: the recoil and the striker springs. Rounds are going down the barrel and my finger is getting more use to the trigger. thanks again.
  17. Clay1

    Competition sights

    Thanks for all of your comments and help for the new guy on the block. It came right down to Bo-mar's or Dawson's. I called Custom Glock Racing a couple of times and didn't recieve an answer - only over a two hour period or so so this is not a cut on him, but rather a comment on my impatients once I made a decision to buy. If he would have answered the phone the Bo-mar rear with the Dawson front would have been ordered. I ended up calling Dawson direct and bought their adjustables. They had them on a small sale right now that paid for shipping. $119 instead of $129. My Wilderness belt just arrived and I have 400 rounds in the shooting bag and am heading to the range. I get to pick up the Pack Mk IV timer tomorrow morning at UPS between 8:30 and 10:00. I couldn't even wait for them to deliver it, I said that I would come and pick it up.
  18. Clay1

    Competition sights

    Bluntly I don't have enough experience with this type of shooting to say what I want and that is why I am asking the more experienced on this site for some guidance. Being the novice speed shooter, but not a novice shooter I have history to deal with. Non-adjustables in my very limited experience would not give you the ability to do just that - adjust the sites for different ammo and different loads. You guys with the fixed sites what do you do when you change from shooting 115 fmj Blazer practice rounds to something like a 147? The point of impact must be different. Might oneday shoot some very light 60/90 grain super high velocity, again point of impact must be different. At "in side of the house ranges" and front site acquisition or just point shooting I'm sure that is not a concern but at 40 yard shots you have to be off target. Lawman at what range is there no change in impact? I'm just playing devils advocate here because I don't have the answer. I see that the Heinies are very popular and wouldn't mind shooting them. One thing that you keep bring up is the price difference. Where I have been looking on the web, CGR, the price is within $5. If you buy stock Heinie's and have them cut you are still going to be in the $130 + category after a nice front sight like a Dawson or Brazos. If there is somewhere else to buy them at a much reduced price don't hold out on me brother! Guys I'm just try to work this out so that I feel comfortable with my decision. One of the things that I have learned about myself over time is that if I skimp and don't buy what I deam to be the right product to begin with, I will probably by the cheaper one and within a couple of months buy the more expensive one. That is no way to save money for me. Do it right, do it the first time and then forget about the sights and shoot. Sincerely thanks for all of the great input. Clay
  19. Clay1

    Competition sights

    So the Slant Pros are NOT adjustable. OK then, we are down to the Meprolights adjustables, the Dawson adj or the Bo-mars. Another simple questions for the gamers among us. Can I shoot the Bo-mars in IDPA SSP? I see where Custom Glock Racing has the Bo-mars for $95 which have a wider cut rear and then you can buy a Dawson .105 front that is suppose to be cut for the bo-mar rears for $38 or something close. That's not much more expensive then the Dawson adjustables at $130. I can buy the std Bo-mar rear for $68 through Brownells. I do kind of like the concept of the longer sight radius - yes, call me gamer. I also like that there are no other dots of marks on the rear sightf so all of the focus is on the front sight.
  20. Clay1

    Competition sights

    Newbie goofy question. Are the slant pro's adjustable or fixed? And yes, I do want to just put on the sights and pull the trigger. Just picked up tonight 50 IDPA targets, will make stands tomorrow. Off to the farm for a few days of shooting. I just picked up another 1000 rounds today and the mail man delivered Matt Burkett's Winning IDPA volume #5, Brian Enos's book and 3 more Glock 17 round mags. I'm still waiting for the timer to arrive and a Wilderness instructors belt. The sights and some trigger work are it. First tourney is Jan 8th and have been really looking forward to it. Thanks guys for the tips. You can talk this game all you want but those that do better are those that actually shoot once in a while Clay
  21. Rob, I see that many are shooting Ti strikers, but I also see where some discourage the ti products because they break at the most inopportune times. For a target gun that is one thing for a defensive piece that is quite a different story.
  22. Clay1

    Competition sights

    SRT, I don't know what I really expected as an answer. If someone came on and said that I have to shoot this, this and this and there is no other; I would know that person is full of it. I just want something that is correct for competition, but not so delicate as to break when it is used for a real defensive situation. The Heinie slant pro straight 8s seem to be very nice for both applications. The Bo-mars are very nice, but seem to be shaped as a target sight even if the corners are cut at 45 degrees. Novaks seem great, but I want an adjustable sight. Like you said, most people change sites anyhow from time to time. I just know that I have to get something on the gun besides the std adjustable that came with the G34. I went out yesterday with another competitor and his Dawsons were far and away superior to my stock sights. If for no other reason than having more available light on each side of the front sight. Thanks for your comments - I guess that I will just jump with two feet and see where I land. Clay
  23. Clay1

    Competition sights

    I have done many searches and read many threads on this board about sights. They all have some good information in them but I am still not getting the answers that I need. I've looked at most of the sights made for the Glock: Dawson, Heinie, Bo-mar, Ameriglow, Mepro, Trijicon etc. I read that many IPSC race run shooters are running these Brazos micro-dots for a front sight too. I'm looking for two things out of my sights. Yes, I want to compete in IDPA, SSP class; but I also want to be able to use the gun for home selfdefense. I'm shooting a G34. I see where the Brazos are .90 and the Dawsons run .10, .105, .110 etc. The Brazos front, the lightening bolt dot is very round since you are looking through a drilled hole instead of the melted piece of plastic. Do they even make Brazos for Glocks first off? Secondly what should I be shooting for rears? Heinie race cuts, Bomars or Dawsons with or without the fiber optics. Thanks for the push in the right direction. Also can a relatively handy guy put these in themselves or do I have to have a gunsmith install them. Thanks in advance for an answer to well worn question. Clay
  24. The use of a trigger scale on a Glock takes some technique to get repeatable readings. First the scale must be placed on the trigger in the same location from reading to reading. Since the trigger safety must be depressed I start with the scale almost at a 45 degree angle to the bore. As pressure is applied and the trigger moves rearward you can change the angle of the trigger scale to parrallel with the bore. Make sure the scale does not contact the trigger guard or the grip at any time. The stroke on the scale in smooth and slow. With this technique I can get very repeatable readings. I recently purchased a G34 and was quite concerned with the 6# 14 ounce let off out of the box. After about 500 rounds through the gun the trigger is now breaking at 4# 4 ounces. Nothing has been done to the trigger at this point except shooting the gun. The trigger is grittier than I am use to and I will polish up the internals soon. Take your scale and use it over and over until you can get repeatable readings. Just like we are picky on many of the technique we use to fire the weapons that we choose, we should be picky in how we use other tools of the trade. By being diligent in our use of whatever scale we use we will have more consistant results. Clay
  25. Wow, now that is what I was looking for. Ask a question past midnight and by 3:30 am have a whole bunch of responses. Do you guys do anything but shoot and talk shooting? No one sleeps - cool. Thanks for putting the thread in the right place. Clay
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