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Everything posted by CrashDodson

  1. I really dont think most IDPA shooters feel they are training to be called up to join an SF team...so whats your point? Where have you seen "real defensive shooting sport" on the IDPA site or literature? "simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters" - key word being simulates. It does seem they might be trying to slow the game down so more people can be competitive (One of the unique facets of this sport is that it is geared toward the new or average shooter, yet is fun, challenging and rewarding for the experienced shooter - IDPA.com). The best shooters will still win, as has already been said, repeatedly. They might should allow you to drop a classification with the new scoring system....or wipe the slate clean and make everyone reclassify. That way everyone is competing on a more level playing field with the new point system. Perhaps they should use a scoring system more like USPSA or golf. That way your classified based on performance and your competing with those in your level. Makes more sense to me then the current classifier system which only has to be shot yearly.
  2. Thanks Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  3. 9 times....I cant hold that many shells. Do you have a chest rig, multiple caddies and some in your pocket or what?
  4. I run a FN SLP comp with a +4 extension. So I have a 12 round tube. In tac ops you can only start with 8+1. Last month on one stage I loaded 4 at the buzzer and went from there. This month the first string needed 8 shots so I chose to start shooting rather than start loading. Anyone else running an extension in anything but Open? Do you load first or just let it depend on the stage?
  5. Awesome...now i just patiently wait until feburary
  6. This was my first match using the match saver. I had seen others use them but just never got one. I practiced loading it until I was comfortable....and it did come in usefull. It would have been hard to pull 4 off my vest and load just one so the match saver saved me time. I ran the shotgun dry and used the match saver on my first string....I moved to the second position loading 12, but I fumbled a few shells and got frustrated. I ended up at the next position not completly sure how many I had in my gun. I shot 10 more and rather than risk running dry again I loaded 4 more, which ended up being a waste of time since I had enough in the gun. I need to count my loads as well as count my shots. I keep track of my shots in my head and I have my reloads planned out....when I fumble two quads and only load six I get all messed up as far as how many are in the gun. Its funny how quickly my planning and my loading practice goes out the window when the buzzer goes off.
  7. Every time you use the phrase 'real world' in conjunction with IDPA, god kills a kitten. Haha good to know
  8. Where can I get one of these spring loaded vests?
  9. There is a local ex-SEAL who has started up a training company and I have considered taking a course from him to see what its like.
  10. Guess im not in the know about the kittens...
  11. I went ahead and booked the course
  12. Because IDPA promoted itself as such. Still on their homepage, they infer that they are: "The International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is the governing body of a shooting sport that simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters." Some IDPA shooters will tout that they are defensively trained...which they are not... and will say that IDPA is NOT a game...which it is...hence the comment you ask about throughout the shooting community. While any shooting competitor is better off than someone just punching holes in paper once a month, and it will help with your gun handling skills, it is NOT defensive training. I guess I have never met anyone at the range that was shooting IDPA as tactical defensive training. I shoot to play the game. But over and over on forums I see comments about it. I never paid attention to the wording you quoted from IDPA and didnt realize that IDPA was promoting themselves as such. I am shooting my first two santioned matches this next month so it will be interesting to see the type of people that show up. I would imagine its mostly people there to play the game.
  13. I dont see how this discussion is not related but feel free to delete it if its not allowed. I am more interested in why IDPA shooters feel that IDPA "training" is not applicable to the real world.
  14. I agree that not missing would be the optimal outcome...my guess would just be I was trying to push too fast. I spun one plate but it did not fall. Then after moving I had a failure to eject...which has never happend with my slp before.
  15. I see frequent comments about how IDPA is not real world...blah blah....if you encoutered a real life defense situation and IDPA was your training you would be dead...blah blah. Now, I was never in the military, Im not LEO and I have never had any formal firearms training of any sort (IDPA SO class is the only firearm related class ive ever taken). With that said, I think people that participate in IDPA are leaps and bounds more capable of defending themselves in a gunfight than the majority of CHL holders that punch holes in paper MAYBE once a month. Your repeatedly practicing drawing your firearm (under light stress), getting rounds on target and reloading your firearm. Some light moving while shooting and all that stuff. I should be well prepared for any altercation at a poker table...Ha. I also think that a frequent IDPA shooter is more prepared than most criminals would be. This is assuming your not going up against a gang of bank robing ex-SF guys. So....why do so many comment about how IDPA is usless as defensive training? I understand its not "training", but I assume they would at least agree its better than not practicing at all. What would be the proper civilian training to prepare yourself for a real world gunfight?
  16. That makes sense. I guess my problem was my first string was exactly 8 targets and i failed to knock down one...I guess I should have either loaded to 12 at the start or loaded one right after the miss.
  17. I never thought about trying that. But that might be the best way to keep me on track. I unless have my tacom quad load on my chest and I have some load 2's on my belt. I suppose if I fubared a shot I could just grab two from the belt, load one and toss the other. I have a 12 round tube, with 8+1 at the start I am wondering if on big stages I should just load 4 right from the start rather than plan a 8 round string then reload. That way I can count shots and a miss wont be as critical.
  18. It was definitley fumbling my reloads after the miss that messed me up. I know I was frustrated and trying to push to fast on the reloads. Its like after I ran dry, which wasnt supposed to happen, I lost track of everything else. I couldnt remember how many more targets I had vs rounds in the gun.
  19. A FTN at our 3 gun matches are +10 on steel. But I understand what you mean. I just need to find a way to keep up with the amount of shells I still have after I mess up.
  20. Thanks. I received an outline of the course and I think I can benefit. Definitley no GM.
  21. $750 would be a stretch for me. I am trying to find out more of what is covered in his competition fundamentals class before I commit. They sell out fast though.
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