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Posts posted by Mousekiller

  1. :surprise: Ya know sometimes it's the simplest of things that just jump up and getcha.. Dropped the crimp down to .419-.418 and now they seem to drop just fine. Although the Molly MB's seem to need just a slightly tighter crimp then the copper.. now to work on loads..



  2. Kind of a strange question, but can the crimp you put on a case affect wether or not it will seat completley. I know if you bell the case and don't crimp it at all it does :) but if you put a moderate .421+- on a 40 case can that affect the round seating all the way?.

    I have a new 1911 40 and i'm having a heck of a time getting the round to drop in the barrel, i think it's more the size of the shoulder of the bullet then anything but.. just checking.

    Winchester white box seat no problem 165 grain.. shoulder on those are about .397 anything bigger and you have to push on it to seat it seems.. tried MB 180 tc's, PD 180 RNFP and Frontier 180's RNFP.. all of those are .398 or bigger at the shoulder of the bullet.

    thanks for any info. suggestions.


  3. Personally i think this whole idea sounds great.. How many of you guys have bowled in a Mens League? or at the City and State tournaments.. There's more money won and lost on all the side bet's and pools and boards then they ever pay out through normal channels... A lot of the men's leagues pay out more the $1500 per person for the winning team and a lot of them should be considered "pro's".. Like a lot of folks they just can't afford to pay for all the ancillary stuff, food, lodging, travel..

    So if nothing else..get the side boards up, pools.. you'd be surprised at how many folks will put up to see if they have what it takes.. I've watched guys walk away with several hundred dollars in one night at bowling..

    I'd work a match to watch the top guys shoot it out for a good size prize table.. but you better have some darn good Range officers.. cause there's going to be a lot of challenges to scoring..

    Love to see it..


  4. This was my first Florida Open.. overall I liked the match.. I shot on Friday so it was an all day event.. The setup was different then most matches i've shot i.e. the longer shots on most stage, no swingers, drop turners, clamshells... didn't miss the NO shoots to much :)

    I would have liked to have seen a few more swingers etc.. didn't mind the classic targets at all..

    We didn't wait between stages on Friday more then a couple of minutes actually, so i can't comment on how it would be on Saturday and Sunday..

    Was not quite as prepared for this type of match with the longer shots, but this trip for me was also a family visiting trip and i did have fun..

    Was dissapointed about not being able to get a shirt or something for the $$ entry fee, matter of fact I didn't even know you had to pre order them.. when i got there and asked the nice young lady she said there were not really any "extra" shirts.. in retrospect like most matches i should have "known" they needed to be ordered ahead of time..

    Prize table? where was that? oh you got to see that if you shot well... hmm.. I'd be just as happy if you cut the prize table down some and lowered the entry fee..

    The RO staff was great, even though it rained all Friday Morning.. RO'ng in the rain is not fun..

    Overall though I Can't say that i'll make the trip again, match is a tad pricey.. great experience but economically i'll have to see..


    Jeff B.

  5. For my 35 i load to 1.135 .. never had a problem with that oal.. i tried to go to 1.15+ and started having feeding problems, mostly hanging in the mags..

    As for the cold.. hmm, can't really say i've fired it when it's really cold out. But in Virginia unless it's February it don't get real cold out.. :) well not very often anyway...

    I use slide glide on mine, little bit on the rails, tad bit on the barrel and a little around the guide rod..


  6. Thanks for the replies guys.. No this is not for an Open gun.. :) although i would like to try that at some point :)

    This is for the M&P ... I think i'll buy some at 135 and see how they shoot. I have W231 here also at the house so i can use that. Gun most definetley gets a tad warm when shooting TG.. ;)

    Figure seeing as i'm not doing much .45acp loading i'll use the W231 for something..

    I saw the Keads but had thought more along the line of the National Bullet, maybe even Copperized http://nationalbullet.com/index.php?name=9mm_Cal_Bullets

    So i think ill order a 1000 of the Precisions and 500 of the Nationals and see which works best.

    Any starting loads with the W231 ? figure it would be close to 3.2-3 maybe a tad more depending on length of load ?.

    Thanks again.


  7. Hey folks, running out of jacketed bullets and have been thinking of shooting Lead out of my M&P 9mm.. also thinking on using Precisions also.

    I've been using 147gr bullets over TG at 3.4 gr 1.150..

    Has anyone used the 135 gr hard cast bullets? success ? soft? little more snappy? accuracy?. Would TG be a decent powder for the hard cast lead bullet?.

    I've seen quite a few suggestions for Lead bullets on here.. not sure which way i want to try.

    Not pushing these hard, just enough to make about 130pf.. my load above goes around 129..

    Have not used much lead.. have either stuck with Plated, jacketed or Moly..

    Cheaper though it seems to shoot the lead.

    Thanks for any information.


  8. Well missed last years match, which i found out might not have been such a bad thing due to weather issues :)

    this years match was fun.. and the weather, although a tad hot for me, was great for the match in general..

    Hats off to all the RO's and the folks that put this together, no small feat to setup some of those stages..

    Had a few moments of brilliance surrounded by long periods of mediocrity and a couple of seconds of yuck..

    Overall though had a great Time..

    Thanks Linda and all those who setup and Staffed the match...

    Jeff B.

  9. Mouse, quit guessing and wondering. Put a comparator on them and KNOW where the variation is coming in.

    Truth be told, just shoot them. Load short enough where the longest one fits in the mag fine and go with it. Now you know why the price is what it is. The variation you are getting won't make one BIT of difference on the targets in practice or in a match. I know full well where you are coming from and I expect to see low variations as well, but if you segregate them and shoot groups you will see that the difference just isn't a problem. Shoot groups with them all at EXACTLY the same OAL, the put together 10 with the widest spread in OAL you can find and shoot them. It isn't going to make a difference at 25 yards or less.

    LOL.. HSMITH Your right, it's has something to do with "a***l retentivness".. lol.. :blink:

    Carlos..thanks but no need, i'm going to order the competition seating die.. or maybe even the entire Redding pro set.. I really like the quality of those dies much better.

    Well.. shooting in South Carolina on Saturday and I'll see how they perform.. doubt i'll have any issue's.


    PS: Carlos, was good seeing you and the other guys also.

  10. Dillon's answer was a short one :) "sounds like ogive variations"

    LX i did the same thing tonight and had my son look at them, unbiased opinion and welll his eyes are better then mine :).. he said the same thing, some of them were "fatter" at the point then others and some were pretty skinny..

    i loaded 200 tonight and had to resize 22 in the first 100 and 21 in the second 100, these were ones measuring over 1.153.. Nothing smaller then 1.145 though..

    So .. well i think i'll just "deal" with it.. still may get the Redding pro dies though.. :)

    Thanks for all your input..


  11. Well seeing as i have 2k of the Precision Delta's i may just have to wade through them and deal with it.

    My loads consist of 3.3 Gr's Titegroup OAL 1.150, WSR primers, mixed brass and .380 crimp. Although last night i pushed it down to 1.145.. AT 1.150 this load made 130pf out of my M&P.. so at 1.145 i think it will get just a tad hotter.. i'll play with it more once i come up with a "answer"..

    I don't think it compresses the powder, hardly looks like there is any in there when putting it in.

    JThompson, I don't think your assumptions are wrong, although i don't consider myself and "expert".. novice more likely..

    LX95 i think i'm going to do that, i don't really want to mess with the die.. although i may try a different make, i'm partial really to Redding pro's.. anyone know of a die with a seating stem for RN ?

    I'm waiting on an answer from Dillon, although like i said to them i really don't think it has anything to do with the press.. i'm also considering calling Preciscion Delta.. i'd probably end up sending what i have back ... not sure i want to do that.

    Last night i loaded 100 rds.. i went from 1.141 to 1.162.. I was trying for 1.145.. figuring if i had it a little shorter it would not be to bad and then it would keep the longer ones reasonable.. worked fairly well i only resized anything above 1.150.. and that was probably 15-20 rds out of the 100.. The Rest were between 1.142 and 1.150 which i could live with if all of them were like that.. It's the upper end that tends to bother me more.. not fitting in the mag, lower velocity over the chrono..

    Any one know if PD's Lighter bullets are more consistent, shape wise..

    My friend uses MG's and PD"s for his 40 and he's never had a problem with the PD bullets.. that's pretty much why i bought them.. decent price to :)

    oh well.. nothing catastrophic, just more of an annoyance..

    Any way to measure the Ogive consistently ?.


    PS. Miranda if i figure it out at least you may have more information on fixing your problem.. :)

  12. I had this problem a while back after many thousands of very consistent OAL rounds. Gave Dillon a call, they gave you a list of things to check. I don't remember what my problem was, but OAL is consistent again. It can be a a lot of different things or multiple things "stacking" to cause the problem.

    Think i'll give them a shout also.. just to see what they have to say..


  13. I use "one shot" on all my cases.. makes it easier to use the press..

    These dies are the Lee Carbide 4 die set, do any of the die sets or seating dies have a more forgiving seating stem ?..

    I took this one apart and it seems pretty narrow..

    I'm not looking for 50yd groups, althoug i have fired this ammo at 50yds at a popper, hit it a couple of times.. :o

    I know there will be slop, but i'd like to keep it to a minimum, around .003 per case if i can. I don't speed reload and see how many i can crank out in an hour, i'm more methodical then that.

    Any other seating dies that work well ?


  14. Thanks folks..

    I knew i'd have some slop, but it just seems like it was excessive.. maybe what i'll do is shorten my load some and that way when i have longer seated bullets it won't matter, as it is with some of these they won't fit in the mag..

    I really think it's the ogive of the bullet though, just looking at them some look pointier, lol.. more pointed ?.. then others.. also the actual bullet length is inconsistent.. Delta Precisions are supposed to be USPSA's "Bullet" .. so i hope others are fairing better then i am, and the case lenghts are, well.. a very mixed lot..

    I've never really had this problem with my .40 loads though.. maybe the seating die is more forgiving on the actual shape of the bullets, plus i was using more truncated cone / flat point stuff..

    hmm.. i may try different dies.. just for the heck of it.

    Thanks again.. just trying to make consistent bullets..


    PS: My arm on the press never comes close to the bench. :) but thanks for the suggestion.

  15. I've got a Dillon 550b and am loading 9mm on it currently. using Precision delta 147gr rn bullets. Mixed Brass. Lee Carbide 4 die set.

    For the life of me tonight I could not get a consistant OAL, I load to 1.150. I was getting anywhere from 1.144 to 1.173 was the longest. of the 100 i loaded about 25+ of them i had to reseat to get to 1.150 as they were between 1.154 & 1.173 i left anything that was 1.148 to 1.152 go.

    I even have the unique tech locking package that holds the tool head.

    I'd get one bullet that was ok then three that were long, then one that wasn't then one that was long again. it was interemittent as all get out.

    I thought maybe not enough Bell on the case, so i gave it a tad more, no change.

    I was very purposeful in my strokes on the handle trying very hard to be consistant and i was definitley not rushing, i measured every bullet as it came out of the press.

    I've got probably 10k rounds through the press in 40 and 45 .. Just really started loading 9mm though.

    Could it be the dies ? I normally use Redding pro's. I measured some of the bullet lengths and they were not all that consistent..

    Any suggestions ? I clean the press regularly.

    arrg, can't keep doing this, it takes to friggin long to load bullets.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  16. I really don't mind the brass as it seems to be pretty nice actually, just does not seem to be as soft as some of the others and i'm sure that's probably what is the biggest difference..

    If it would load .001-2 long i'd not mind so much, but at .005 + it could start making issues with the bullets in the magazine etc..

    Maybe i'm just to finicky ? how much is .005 in OAL going to change velocity ?


  17. I'm loading berry's RN 147's in mixed brass.. to 1.150.. no biggy but it seems like every time i hit a head stamp brass thats marked CBC the bullets don't seat to the proper OAL they are generally .005+ off.. never short always long..

    Anyone know anything about this brass ? inherent problem? stiffer or thicker then most brass ? I didn't see any particular differences.. And who makes CBC? tried a search this forum and it would not let me search for some reason.

    All the other brass i have no problems with..

    Using a dillon 550b with lee dies.

    Anyone know what *I* brass headstamp is ?. can't say i've seen that before.

    AND holy boly has Win White box 115gr stuff gone up.. $14.50 for 100 rds at Walmart.. last time i bought any it was 9.99.. :o thank goodness i reload.

    Thanks for any info folks.

  18. Thanks for the information and links.

    Jeff, What load were those numbers for and what did you price the brass at?

    That load was for 147 Berry's RN , Mixed brass bought once fired 3k of it shipped bought on ebay 46.00 shipped, Winchester small pistol primers and Titegroup powder bought in an 8 lb jug.

    And which i chrono'd yesterday and they made 130pf.. about 870 avg fps...

    3.3 gr TG @ 1.150 oal .379 crimp.

    However the Win 231 rounds i loaded didn't make minor... :) but that was probably my fault i was not belling the case properly and was having seating difficulties and they were mostly longer then 1.150.. and some crimped tighter and some were looser.. so not very consistant.

    I do think though that the TG gives a slightly sharper recoils pulse then the win 231.. but got to compare apples to apples so i have to get the 231 load up to 130pf..


  19. I use the redding "pro" sets for both my .40 and .45.. I just bought the Lee 4 die set for 9mm..

    I like the reddings for ease of setup and i used thier locking rings..

    I just put the lee dies on a tool head for the 550 tonight and loaded 100 rounds.. worked just fine..

    Sorry i don't load .223 but i imaging Redding dies would work very well.

    They are a bit more expensive but they are very well made.


  20. I have been using Winchester SRPs with my .40 cal. I use 180 gr over 3.5 gr of TG.

    These were flawless for quite a while. I have run into some problems with my last 1000. I am getting quite a few faulty primers. They have all required double hits to get them to fire.

    I have run about 15K rounds through my HK this year so I don't know if I need to replace my firing pin spring or not.

    I have also recently heard that these primers are a harder metal than Federal or others which could also be causing the problem.

    That's very close to my major load for my G35.. Yeah i'd say i'd change your springs in your H&K before i'd say it's the primers. Yes i've been told the Winchester primers are harder then federal but not as hard as CCI.. Federal are the softest but i have used Winchester since i started loading and have not had any problems, i only go through about 3k rounds a year though.. so..


  21. Jeff - FWIW, they work fine in my Beretta 92 and CZ-75B, and the Beretta has a slightly weaker-than-stock mainspring.

    3.2 grains of TG with the WSR under a 147 grain lead bullet loaded to 1.14" went 966 fps from the CZ.

    That's to good to know. I"m gonna work up a couple of loads with TG and W231 147's at 1.150.. The wwb's feed good and they are just a tad longer then that.

    I may try shorter to see if there is any accuarcy improvement, stuff like that..

    Thanks for the info.. means i really don't need to buy more then one primer.


  22. Hey Barry

    I would like about 25 K of the free 9 mm brass you refer too. :D

    Reloading Cost.

    Yeah ME TO ! free brass.. don't I wish.

    Well according to the calculator.. it cost me $109 and change for 1000 fully loaded 9mm bullets..

    Hmm.. @ 13.85 x 10 = $138.50 I think i'm saving some money on the bullets..

    Please keep in mind though that does NOT include the initial cost of the reloading equipment, and your time, which even if your doing this for fun has a value.

    Personally i enjoy the reloading process gives me some "me" time and i find it relaxing..

    Good luck


  23. Thanks for the replies.. I think i'll try some out.. and then get some of the SP and see if it makes any difference.. specially over the chrono.

    Thanks again.. one less thing i have to go get now for a bit.. :)


  24. I have a fair amount of WSR primers that i use in my .40.. Is there some reason why i could not use these in 9mm ?

    I like the Winchester primers and have had zero problems with them, and i'll go get the Small pistol primers, but if i can use what i have i'll do that first.. :)

    Thoughts ?.

    I am also going to work up loads with both TG and 231... 147gr bullets.. 1.150.

    Thanks for any info.


  25. Thanks folks.. i have tried that page 20 times.. and nothing.. lol.. oh well.. i'll call him.

    Thanks for the info.. i have a bid in on ebay at the moment for some brass.. 3k worth.. see how that turns out.

    Appreciate it folks.


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