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Everything posted by konkapot

  1. We are all making a lot of assumptions without much info. Their guns are NOT what they used to be and to make it worse they are trying to charge more. LE Market is dominated by Glocks/Sigs etc. I've been in the LE/Training industry for a bit now and I can count on zero fingers how many cops I've seen carrying STIs. Are there exceptions? Sure there might be a small muni team that buys some, or a group of cops is doing a small group buy, but there's no way for STI to sell enough guns to cops to "put food on the table." I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall at STI when they made some of the decisions that put them here. I do not accept that they said "Hey let's make crappy guns!" Maybe it was cut a corner on this widget, buy this thingy from Nigeria, spend zero time fitting anything, etc. Maybe a bunch of little things. They should start from scratch and go back to what they do well. Make an Eagle in 9/40, make an Edge in 9/40. Make one good single stack in 9/40/45. That's it. No more gold/Ti barrels, no more John Wick stuff.
  2. Regardless of how much/little I eat there's still the long time-related break between stages. Whether you eat BBQ or PB+J or bean sprouts and tofu it's still like having a second "first stage."
  3. If I shoot with legit Open shooters that audible "tempo" penetrates my brain and messes with my timing. Shooting with struggling/newer shooters also screws me up; sometimes they make a stage or an array look waaaaaay harder than it really is.
  4. To me this is what makes this sport so frustrating/challenging/discouraging. If I'm improving x% per year, but everyone else is also improving x% per year, then it's a wash. No net improvement. I remember when I first started; practiced a LOT and shot a LOT of matches. I rapidly moved up and was pretty quickly beating more experienced guys. I thought maybe I might Be Somebody. I thought that for about five seconds, until some other newer guy zipped past me. I picture a race like out of Mad Max or Star Wars; we're all driving across the desert in various post apocalyptic contraptions. Some guys do good, some run out of gas, some are faster than others, some crash, etc.
  5. I've found that people complain about anything they perceive as "too hard." I've put "too many" no shoots in a stage. People "don't like" strong hand only shooting when I've put it into stages. When you feel comfortable, starting running a match and designing stages with incrementally more physicality. Then you'll have to decide how to respond to shooter complaints, or low turnout, or or or or...……. I do think there's a middle ground. I personally don't think Texas stars are legal, but a 15 yd texas star to me is not unreasonable...….just because I don't like it doesn't make it "wrong." A stage with 3 30 yard Texas stars? Too much. Some physicality...maybe an old school Rhodesian wall, or a little further distance of movement? I don't think you'll have complaints about that. A pretend Walter Mitty "Shoot out in Mogadishu" stage might be too much for most. I think most shooters want to have "fun." There's a pretty wide range of "fun" where the recreational guys can shoot a match without hurting themselves or zeroing every stage, but where guys that are more serious can use matches to track individual progress and tweak their training programs.
  6. Delegate. Start training your replacement. Do not try to make every stage a Nationals level stage. I've made great stages in the past with 5 targets, some barrels, and some black spraypaint.
  7. I had something similar happen with a stomp pad. Stepping on it did not detonate the mover...……..removing my foot DID. CRO was vehemently against a no-shoot. If "it" doesn't work like it's supposed to no doubt it's a re-shoot.
  8. Salient point to me is that this problem just started. If no variable has been changed, then the only possibility is a "wear and tear" issue on the magazines...…...or the gun. Maybe something with the gun itself changed; mag release worn so mags sit lower (or something equally crackpot.)
  9. There's probably plenty of ranges with the acreage/bays, but probably 15 that have the footprint and reasonable logistical stuff.
  10. He sure did; hadn't seen his response. Eric I've moved from SC so won't be making any of those deep Area 6 matches. I'll explore options locally.
  11. 5000 rounds a year, to me, is nowhere near the threshold to justify reloading. Many of us shoot or have shot that much...…………...in a month. What typically happens is people reload to "save money" and then find that they just shoot more. If that's true for you then shooting 10k a year might also help you out re: match performance.
  12. Cory unfortunately I don't live in CHS anymore. Sauza I saw Bob's article, but there are several challenges for me in his instructions. Things like "go slowly" and "be careful" are red lights for me. I'm also lacking some of the tools needed. I think I'm going to suck it up and buy an Allchin mount and a Slide Ride. Still trying to confirm whether my current set up (plastic mount with only one side screwed in) will or wont' work.
  13. scooterj what will happen? It is the plastic mount, with the legs molded onto the sight. HIpowerjack-Is your mount plastic or metal?
  14. I can get 3 screws on the left side; there are no holes on the frame on the right side
  15. Had a DDP take a dump on me at a match today. In a tough spot re: guns, training, and match prep. I have a spare C-more; I if remove the DPP and replace it with the Cmore, only the left side of the cmore is actually mounted to the frame. There are no screw holes on the right side. Will this work at all? Will it hold zero? Still new to all the Joys of Shooting Open, and trying to keep training.
  16. Old news. If you shoot into your class at the Nationals, you are a true, no kiddin' stud. You used to hear the phrase "Paper GM" a lot; someone who earned a GM card by shooting classifiers rather than match placement. Normally a phrase only used by people who weren't any kind of GM..... paper or otherwise. Like an income distribution graph, there are GMs...………...and then way at the top of the food chain are the guys who shoot top 4-6 at Nationals. As a paper GM I never, ever, got treated poorly by the top top top GMs. I made GM super quickly, like 30 months. Then, after about 10 years of struggling to be competitive at the GM level I petitioned USPSA to be re-classified downward. I had the data to support this and USPSA got me reclassified within about 72 hours. So you can get yourself moved down but given that this was your first Nats I would not go that route.
  17. I've been high before, and if I remember correctly the "half life" was 30 days. So if you were a 30, after a month we no exposure you should be a 15 or so. If I recall correctly that math was applicable in my case.
  18. Rich Dettelhouser used to make awesome steel frame Limited guns out of Springfield armory frames; used para mags.
  19. I would not change it; shoot it and check brass for signs of overpressure.
  20. My ejector is broken, specifically the front prong. I do not have a spare ejector in my pockets or in my couch cushions. I do have matches (club and major) coming up. If I put the ejector back in the gun as is will it run? What about loctiting it in there just as a temporary fix?
  21. This is an really old discussion. To me the underlying theme is "I want a division that makes MY life easier and caters to ME." I want to shoot a revolver but hate picking up moonclips and only having 6-8 rounds and a long trigger pull and I don't like getting beat by people who practice more than I. So change the division to something it's not. For me. A variation is when somebody knows somebody who would shoot his P220 or 4506 if only it was allowed in Singlestack.
  22. konkapot

    Query 2

    Looking at various options; if I were to shoot 9Major through an STI Steelmaster or a DVC-S what's gonna happen? Is it going to run or explode in my face or divide by zero or...…?
  23. konkapot

    9 Major

    I've got a 38Sc gu nthat runs great. I hate foraging for very expensive brass. I want to put a 9mm barrel in this gun. Can I stick with the scope/mount I'm currently using, which is a standard Cmore mount. Not the sideways type. Will 9major run with ta standard Cmore mount? If not what cryptic spells do I have to cast to get it to run?
  24. Dealt with this intermittently for years and years and years. If you have a tight grip....like a gorilla grip....that might be enough to cause the hammer follow issues. When I switched to a metal grip the issue went away forever.
  25. Looking for a gunsmith in the NOVA/Baltimore area.
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