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Everything posted by mulrick

  1. First, thank you, I have so much respect for those who served in Nam... it was a different era... I know, I hear you... I went off to college, watched the towers fall, joined the military and left CA for 8 years only to come back to a state I loved but couldn't recognize. Now I see the idiocracy spreading... Time to look for career paths in texas
  2. Man I love hearing this, so much more than "I got screwed on the LR targets"
  3. Yep, it is pretty sad, I live where people vacation, surrounded by beautiful people and great weather, great jobs... just a bunch of ass backwards law and politicians. I still dream about moving to a free state, one day
  4. Nope, using the little removal tool in the box allows you to remove and replace. Instructions were included in the box. I don't remember if it was this gun, but the F/O tube was a little tight. The removal tool slips under the F/O tube to depress the little metal retainer clip that keeps the tube from backing out. It takes a little pull to get it out, but it will. Mine came installed with the green tube, but I like the way the red lights up with my ignitor (rose) shooting glasses so I switched mine.
  5. Well, it is a little more complicated than that. They are legal to own and use but they have to have been bought and legally owned since before 1999. You CANNOT use them in a bullet button or "fixed" magazine gun. So the only way to use them is on your own lower from before the ban that is a registered assault rifle with the state of california, or have a "featureless" rifle. You are not allowed to import, sell or buy any magazines over 10rds, even if they are pre-ban. Meaning if you move here, either sell them or disassemble and keep as parts in hopes that califonia changes (not likely)
  6. In the Box of stuff that Came with your comp, there should have been a little package that includes a little tab that you stick under the F/O tube. This allows you to remove it... it also should have come with a spare white tube as well as a red tub (if the green was installed, or vice versa if the red was one there.) Check the box, its a tiny little bag... as you know the box is a nightmare, so call Remington if your's didn't come with this stuff, they are pretty good about getting replacement parts out. Mine was missing the 2 shot extension, after a call, I had mine within the week.
  7. This^ While Remington tried to market the VMax Comp as a race ready "out of the box" we all know that there is no such thing. As it stands buying a vmax tactical and making the mods puts you within a few dollars of the Comp model. Benelli guys are buying a similarly priced shotguns and still sending them off to "work out the bugs." The simple facts are that the Vmax Comp is a fantastic shotgun... yes it still needs a few things, but for less than $300 you can have the Hills or another shop tune it and have a real race ready boomstick. If you are unsure, you need to shoot a few and make a decision. I brought mine out to a local match recently (bone stock) and after the match a bunch of guys shot it side by side the new 1301 and a MK3000. Every guy walked away saying that having shot the Comp, that is what they would spend their money on. To say that the Vmax is a soft shooter is and understatement. For me this means crazy fast splits, I can almost outrun the bolt on a texas star. It also shoots slugs better than any shotgun I have ever had, I was one of only a handful of guys that spun our slug spinner at 65 yards at our last match... I did it in 4 shots offhand. In closing, do I wish Remington had done a little more to the gun, yes. Do I regret my purchase, absolutely not.
  8. Im a fan of the semi-disposable surefire ear plugs they are about $10 a pair and last 20 to 30 times before I toss them... at least for shotgun, everything else I use electronic ear-pro. I bet if you cleaned them and kept them in the cases they would last a bit longer, but I just buy the bulk pack for $200 and toss them after a few weeks at the range. The Mediums seem to fit everyone comfortably
  9. Like others have stated, I am no expert, I'm am not a lawyer, nor do I work for the ATF... so please don't take what I say as fact, this is only how I have interpreted the law, and what I have done... I have probably put together 50-60 uppers for friends and family over the last 2 years. Some were pistol uppers and one left my bench as a full on NFA MK18 upper for my next door neighbor who is a sherriff. (I am not an FFL btw) Also I live in CA where things are much different since AR pistols need to be built from 80% lowers. From what I have heard, there are no documented cases of anyone being charged with constructive intent for owning a the parts for an SBR upper. would I want to be the guinea pig... no... but as of yet there is no precedence. This is of course with AR's. I know there is at least one case of a guy getting arrested during a traffic stop who had a glock and the glock buttstock ( not assembled but both in the car) and did not own a tax stamp for a glock and did not have one pending. I am searching for the case now to reference but it is proving to be harder than I thought. Depending on the state the pistol lower might need to be actually dedicated as a pistol. Here in CA, we can't just go buy a strpped lower and make a pistol due to the approved "safe" handgun roster here. All in all it would be very hard to prosecute a person for owning the parts without them first breaking the law in such a way that gun seizures and a warrant to search the premises are needed. At that point, Constructive Intent is probably the least of your concerns. So planning is needed, remember once you weld the comp/brake/FH there is no swapping gas blocks without drilling the weld out (if you pin and weld.) Buy the parts, put the washer, brake, gas block and bolt face on. Measure and make sure you are >16" and then assemble as others have stated above. I only pin and weld as heating the barrel up to >600 scares me a little. I would not attach the Upper receiver to the barrel until it has been welded and pinned without an SBR or pistol lower. However the parts in their total, are not illegal items, even together. The key legal term is "intent" and the prosecution would have to prove that you intended to not only build the parts into an upper, but also have the intent to put said upper on a non SBR lower. So basically what I am saying is that without a SBR or pistol lower, don't keep a built SBR upper kicking around in the safe. Again, don't take my words as legal advice or fact, I am not an expert. This is only my interpretation of the law and what I am comfortable doing.
  10. Kevin Pratt is one of the most stand up guys in the industry right now... his Customer service is bar none the best... he is still a one man show, but he takes pride in what he does and makes one hell of a product. Email him with questions, he will get right back. I ordered a set of the 2.8's on monday of last week and had them at my door a day and a half later.
  11. Good luck Iowa! I wish I was joining you guys, but I couldn't swing the long weekend it required to fly out. I get to test mine out as well at a local all shotgun match. 6 stages, 15 buck, 15 slug, 150 bird... should be a nice little sunday match...
  12. Yeah play with a few different places. I haven't put one on my VM yet, but I have one I put on a pump gun. I made the mistake of installing it permanently before using it extensively in matches. Turns out where I mounted it is bad if you have to sling the gun... live and learn I guess, luckily it was a $20 forearm and not something more expensive.
  13. I believe Mark from Carbon ARMS has some pictures. I know it is a little more involved on the VMax due to the shape. It should have come with velcro to experiment with, and that would be my suggestion
  14. I have a couple PA red dots. I have one on a Sig Sauer 522 and the other is on a .22 upper. Fantastic red dot for the money, especially with the kick ass AD mount, but I wouldn't shoot a major with one... thats just me, everyone else's opinions may vary. But if I have anywhere from 500-1500 tied up in travel, fees and ammo... I wouldn't use that red dot, I would probably just use a set of really solid irons like the Daniel Defense fixed irons. If you want a red dot you can trust that wont break the bank, I would look at the aimpoint PRO. It is heavier, but built like a tank, trust your life on it dependable, comes with a fantastic mount, and can be found all day long for under $400. my .02
  15. How right you are Denise! Mainly on that fact that he will soon be mopping me off the floor
  16. Is this new? I don't see any info on the website about an mtac 1-5. Would like to check it out Wrong line. XTR II 1-5 is the new scope, and yes, it is a great optic, feature rich and won't break the bank at all. Oops yeah mark is right, it is the XTR, thats what I meant, I just had MTAC on the brain...
  17. In my family we were raised to "pay it forward.' I squaded randomly with a kid (13yrs old) at my last local pistol match. We have pretty good prize tables for local matches as there are actually some awesome companies that help sponsor the range since they use it for R&D. Anyway, it was his first match, his parents are not competitors (best cheering crew ever, haha) so I kinda helped him out, showing him the ropes. Kid has great natural talent but obviously didn't rank great. I ended up walking away with a Trijicon RMR, and as much as I kinda wanted it, I gave it to the kid. You should have seen his eyes light up, made my day to make his. He is already emailing me about the match next month.
  18. While I agree philosophically, this is a terrible way to grow this and any other sport/game.If you want to grow you need to attract new players. You don't attract new players by clearly illutrating to them that they're money is 100% going into the hands of those above them; they need to walk with something and have a positive experience that encourges them to stick with it and to get their friends into it Maybe everyone should get blue ribbons for participating?I plink at the range for fun. I compete for bragging rights/prizes/fun. Its a competition. There's money involved. Its expensive. If I shoot 3x faster than someone else my stuffed animal prize should be bigger, right? Otherwise, whats the point of them striving to get better? Id assume the vast maiority of the type A personalities that travel to big shoots and spend $500-1500 in a weekend on entry fees and associated shooting costs dont want random prizes. Its fine at the zombie match which is geared towards beginners but...not at big matches. I think you're missing my point. If you want to grow the game, you need to make new shooters feel like they got something. Maybe, but how many new shooters are traveling to major matches? I think the cost alone would keep most new competitors away... Random draws work for local matches where there are new shooters... But i think they have no place at a major... I don't mind seeing a 50% winner, top lady, top junior, etc. however.
  19. MTAC II 1-5 and don't look back. Very fine reticle for precision stuff, daylight visible, phenomenal glass for the money the horseshoe is nice for the close up stuff too... makes for a fast 1x
  20. So I have called around for most of this stuff... The lifter, port and other work will run you about 150-250 depending on who you send it to. If you can still return the Nordic mag, I would suggest the one piece tube from carbon arms... its a little more expensive, but not having a barrel clamp, and shooting POA/POI for sugs is a breeze once installed.
  21. Good news is that CZUSA normally over quotes on their turn around. So you will probably have it sooner, don't hold me to it, but they quoted me the same and I had my gun back in under 2 weeks. I sent them my CZ Redhead target, and it came back with an extra set of extended chokes... I don't know if that was a mistake or not, but it sure made me a believer, and a happy customer.
  22. Wow that lifter sure came out nice... Makes me reconsider doing it myself.... PM inbound
  23. Here you go, you can see ever so slightly where there is still a very small rise, but it is mostly gone.
  24. So I took almost the entire "hump" or "bulge" off. I just took a file to it making sure I didn't take too much. Now it unloads without cycling the bolt as the gun was intended to... I'll take a pic here in a sec. It is definitely easier to load now, I haven't even begun to shave the forend as I still mostly weak hand load4, sometime use my pinwheels for twins. I have new IP 2.8's in route so that might change.
  25. Yeah, and also take the 12-14" as a guideline... I know shotguns that run reliably with less and those that need more. I tend to buy a few for every shotgun and play with a few lengths to get optimal feeding/reliability
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