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Everything posted by EaZeNuTZ33

  1. Soooo, are the people who DID get through going to have to try again? Popcorn is in the microwave
  2. Not sure what the problem is, I registered for the RockCastle match 3 times!
  3. Registration FINALLY Complete......hope the wife didn't start without me. I DID get a confirmation page btw.....snapped can iPhone pic of it because I didn't think it was real.
  4. My wife keeps asking how long I'm going to mess with this after talking her ear off for two weeks about shooting the Midwest regional or the ProAm. Last time she came downstairs in lingerie and said I should shoot the ProAm. Thinking I may go upstairs and call it a night....surely it won't be fixed in the next 10 minutes right?
  5. My iPhone has an m16 burst for its email notification sound..........I swear that guy is gonna have to stop and reload eventually!
  6. You have to register for the match on healthcare.gov Super duper pinky promise it will work!
  7. Me too.....but the Dillon and other stuff in my Chiropractic clinic cause enough noise as is!
  8. I've quad loaded both strong hand and weak hand....I personally don't see much difference in learning curves, but I'm a Chiropractor and work with both hands all day so YMMV. What I've noticed is that your belt level shells are close when loading weakhand, but if you run a chest rig the shells are actually closer with stronghand loading. When strong hand loading with my chest rig, I don't feel the loading will lose me a match against anyone, the shooting and stage planning will. With that said, it may be a good idea to learn any and every technique you can with at least some proficiency. At MarkCO's match last April we had to shoot shotgun arrays of buck, slugs, and shot from a single position that was either seated in an SUV through the windsheild or standing in an uncomfortable position through the back window. Strong hand loading was simple for me, even being relatively new to it at that time, and all I had to do was roll the gun a little, chuck a different type of shell in, and continue onto the next array with the correct ammo after burning a shot. I keep weakhand caddies in my range bag, because other positions and situations are better used there. I think I'm going to continue practicing stronghand, traditional weakhand loading, and start practicing weakhand quad loading for an additional skill. This was around a year ago, or at least uploaded about that time....traditional weakhand loading This is was uploaded back in May, but I believe I took the video at home before the Noveske match in April. This is more recent in my office after opening up the loading port at Jesse's suggestion... Same person, three different loading techniques that have all been used in matches. Why not have more tools for your toolbelt?
  9. Well......we've all gotta have some non-gun toys! :-)
  10. Short "VS" portion on the two shotguns. Both have full length 10rd RCI XRail tubes, or module for the SuperVinci. I wanted another boomstick to play with and see if I was any faster. Right now, my splits are faster with the SuperVinci and the recoil is lighter.....but I'm taking more shots due to having more misses. I seem to be pushing low and right past the target and think it's because I'm still trying to compensate for the recoil of the M2 being stronger. Loading is faster and smoother with the M2, which I have practiced with more...so thats expected. The carrier caught my thumb 10-15 times when practicing quad loading so it's being delivered to C-Rums today. Triggers are unmodified/unaltered on both guns, but neither seems to bother me when the buzzer goes off. Both guns have the same HiViz TriComp sight that I really like, but the SuperVinci has a tiny midrib bead that is just there enough that I notice it, but haven't figured out if I should take it off or leave it. Slug impact at 50 and 100 yards with my M2 is dead on with Winchester Ranger low recoil, in the SuperVinci is doesn't quite have enough "oomph" to cycle the gun 100%. 1145fps ammo runs flawlessly in the M2 and is about 50% in the SuperVinci while 1200fps ammo is 100% in both. M2 has several thousand rounds down the pipe, SuperVinci likely had it's first 500 number met at the end of practice with maybe 150 of that being in the last 3 years I've owned it. The SuperVinci is a lot of fun to shoot, I love the modularity of having a hunting mag tube module and the one from RCI, and I love the lower recoil. The M2 is still king for now unless I can get slugs to shoot as well AND load it as fast AND get enough rounds down the pipe to see it cycling the 1145fps stuff as reliably as the M2.... And here are the pics. I shot a pic of the Xray of the shotguns with hammers cocked and hammers down for fun. Enjoy. SuperVinci is on the bottom on both pictures. hammers cocked: Uploaded with ImageShack.us hammers down: Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. So, Heavy Metal Optics is not limited to 20rds? I could put my new Taccom 5rd extensions to use at a match, and even moreso if the 25rd LR-PMags make it out.
  12. Speak for yourself. I'm going to get some new shades on Black Friday. and a tan!
  13. There are tradeoffs you need to consider, and decide on your own which is more fun to shoot. odd shooting positions.....Limited seems easier to me since I don't have eye relief to contend with. distance shooting.....Tactical seems easier with a BDC reticle in my Vortex 1-6 In close......Limited seems easier to shoot fast while moving for some reason, tho many will argue that a true 1x makes it a wash, and many of those shooters smash my scores at big matches! I personally like shooting both divisions and both setups, but I plan to pick that division/gear based upon the match next year, and how much longer range rifle there usually is. As for prize tables, if you feel you are faster with a red dot than a variable scope and the prize tables in Tactical are better, AFAIK you can shoot Tactical with your Limited gear. I've only been doing this for a little under 2 years, and the prize tables have gotten slimmer at each comparable match where I don't think the division difference would matter much.
  14. used my M2 with 10rd RCI XRail tube.....piece of dowel rod in the tube limited it just fine. I'm used to how it feels, swings, and shoots so I did noticeably better this year than previous years.
  15. Who's making the best titanium forks? Are stainless ball bearings allowed in the Tactical or Limited divisions?
  16. WHOA WHOA WHOA.......I specifically remember your comments about telling your dad you were shooting IDPA! As for the rest...more matches = more better, some of us just have to pick and choose where we can spend our money to go. A little criticism isn't a bad thing. If one guys criticizes why he wants to go to a different match, and he is the only one to do so...oh well. If tons of people bring up the same point and match attendance begins to drop, then the issue may need to be addressed. The problems with match criticism, and the points made earlier, were that criticism isn't welcome....and is met with rabid opposition many times. I loved shooting Blue Ridge, even as a fat-ish guy. The paper scoring wasn't my favorite way to do things, but I had fun when I stopped caring about that....and my scores were better. As for the 3GunNation regional matches...they look to be major matches with major match prize tables. Question for working stiffs like myself would be...is it going to be better than the Pro-Am? If it isn't, is a shot at the Pro series (an afternoon's drive from me btw) worth changing my plans from one match to another that would be further away? For me, matches are fun regardless, prize tables were slim compared to last year (my only two years shooting btw, and first year shooting where I might take more than a small bottle of oil home), and I can only take so much time off work. If I had the skills to be in the Pro Series I would...they are two day matches within a short drive from home where I wouldn't have to take work off. I don't have those skills yet! I would be a little interested in visiting a match to watch and learn a little is spectators are allowed, or if they are paying RO's to come down (food/hotel). As for targets, who cares. My first targets on my range were bowling pins, a street plate stolen from a city building that was cut into 14" squares, and clay pigeons on cheap walmart clay holders. Pizza boxes would suffice fine.for me sinc eI've been known to shoot boxes for fans, pizza, tonka cars,..... My only maintained "complaint" about 3GN is that I wish the divisional series was still being run as is. I was looking forward to shooting some matches in Heavy Optics to see where I landed with more seasoned shooters.
  17. I ate a lot of pizza in college..........really wishing I would have kept all the boxes and not bought all those IPSC silhouettes!!!! I'd hate to see this thread die and have to go back to watching Netflix or playing solitaire between patients at the office!
  18. We always preferred eating Casey's pizza off the dash of the vehicle.
  19. WOW. I never thought I'd say this, but I don't think I've ever been that drunk! Of course, I always feel the fat trimmings to the dog and hate supreme pizza.
  20. I always complain that I miss the good funny stuff that happens at matches......kinda glad I missed that one!
  21. My whole point in this arguement is that it's impossible to draw a line in the sand. There are a bunch of good shooters such as yourself that choose not to participate in the Pro Series. There we a bunch of top semi professional pistol shooters that could do better than most at an amateur 3 gun event too. You simply can't have an amateur only event in a sport where like you said all but a handful are truly amateurs by definitions. Actually there is a way to draw a line or lines in the sand. It can be done at the end of a match at the stats shack by percentages. I will use AMU Team as an example - a team member finishes at 100% and the next shooter in the division has a score which is 90% then we can see a break. And so on.... And Mark, sorry about the key board! Just trying to make a dollar anyway I can to support the 3g addiction. That's how it was originally planned to be done. The problem that comes into play is determining where that cut off is in each division, what matches do you say that qualify and which ones don't? I shot the amateur match this year and never placed in the top 50% of any division last year at big matches with 200+ shooters, the exception of smaller 60-150 shooter matches that were USPSA matches where I took 2nd or 3rd. This year my best finishes put me at the top 25-35% at those same big matches...with the exception of the amateur match where I won. What determination would there be if I should be allowed to shoot the amateur match again? I've gotta admit, I don't see it being that clean cut. Part of why I really appreciated Kurt, Tim, and Trapr showing up to RO and help coach shooters when they technically could have shot the match..
  22. Looks complicated......I shall hire a man from India to do the work for me.Now where did that squirrel go?
  23. Yeah, thats a tough test of Excel skills that might take a novice a full 2 minutes... What's "Excel"?MarkCO.....this thread has my vote!
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