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Everything posted by Umbrarian

  1. Well it was not meant as a serious proposal for BOD to take up. I was just throwing it out there as it solved 2 problems, 1) transparency because anyone can get the 8 WR and do the calculation, 2) Since WRs do not drop as fast as PSTs, folks do not have to overcome as much each year to get to next class. But it does introduce other problems which have not even been mentioned. I do not see the lap time analogy, we are not using individual strings, but complete runs on a COF. So not fastest 50m length in 200 fly, but all all lengths combined for final score. Likewise not using best string, but all strings for given COF combined for final score. PSTs are calculated same way. One PST number for each COF, or one WR for each COF. I understand the swinging for fences issue, but looking at WR scores, they are only a few percentage points higher than winning match scores. In CO for example, WR is 71.43, and BJ best math is 75.37.
  2. There are world records per stage and per match. Since PSTs are per stage, you would use world records per stage too. It is just a different number, but everyone can easily see and understand how it is calculated. Most sports (swimming, track, etc), use the raw number for comparison.
  3. If someone actually shoots it, it cannot be artificial.
  4. YMMV. The only thing that matters to me is how I compare to the best. Comparing my score to an artificially reduced score is a participation trophy. Letting me keep a ranking I am no longer capable of is even sillier. Siller yet is how so many folks get worked up over this.
  5. Throw out PSTs, rank against World Record.
  6. I am using N320 from 2007 that runs fine. climate controlled, no UV, good new.
  7. Option A: get DQ'ed as soon as it happens. Option B: get DQ'ed as stage is over. Either way he is DQ'ed, dont see how the "inconsistency" could have worked out for him. Seemed to me he was just asking if rules require it to be immediate so they run their match correctly.
  8. You can already get classified without shooting OL/SO, so nothing would be dropped. If I read it right, he was saying requiring 6 stages (instead of the current 4) to get a classification.
  9. LOL because there are not enough matches and other things scheduled in Late September/October.
  10. If this is not current please tell me: The 2022 Area 4 Championship will return to The United States Shooting Academy in Tulsa, OK next year. The match is tentatively set for September 22nd - 25th, pending approval.
  11. Clarify that. it will not be dumbed down to 15 and you bring what you got. Never did a match in CO. Since ban. But have done in other ban states and things were dumbed down. thx
  12. No they do not have to do that. But they opened up this can of worms, so the least they could do is clarify what the rules are for this match wrt to magazines, so everybody can make an informed decision.
  13. Is breaking the law to get a competitive advantage unsportmanlike? Does law breaking bring the sport into disrepute? 10.6 Match Disqualification – Unsportsmanlike Conduct 10.6.1 Competitors will be disqualified from a match for conduct which a Range Officer deems to be unsportsmanlike. Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to, cheating, dishonesty, failing to comply with the reasonable directions of a Match Official, or any behavior likely to bring the sport into disrepute. The Range Master must be notified as soon as possible.
  14. Agreed. They really did not think through the optics of having a National shooting organization openly flaunting the law. Nor the possibility the Gov/AG could force the issue with a surprise and mass arrest. We brush off claims NRA is a terrorist organization, but when they claim USPSA is a criminal organization that does not respect the law, well that will stick. Also of interest is how sponsors and sponsored shooters will react. Often those contracts have moral contracts, and not breaking the law is part of it. Most recall when Glock flush their entire team due to underage drinking even though there were no arrests.
  15. I do not think he is the Sheriff anymore. Sheriff Home - Mesa County Sheriff's Office - Mesa County, Colorado
  16. Have not shot the 147, but have shot the 124 and 150. I chrono'd both on a PCC and several Glocks (17 & 34) and they have very similar PFs, in the 130s.
  17. 7.5 covers 7.5 inches at 100 yards. So mathematically it cannot cover any plate in SC, not even close. Maybe your RDS is out of spec or too bright and is blooming? Anyway I run a 6 on pistol and have a 12 for pcc and it works fine.
  18. For practice, pocket pro II. Just clip to belt, look down to see time, splits, etc. CED, Commander are not really hands free friendly like that. They are handheld timers.
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