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Everything posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. We're currently out of pink ones....not sure when/if we'll make more.
  2. The Mossberg has superior ergonomics to the Remington, but I've had better luck with Remingtons lasting and the actions feel smoother to me.
  3. The safety selector can be removed if the spring is trimmed per the build instructions. Put the selector half way between safe and fire and tap out the selector with a punch and hammer. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, send your lowers into us with the ambi safeties you want installed with $5.00 per lower for return shipping and I can do it for you. ---------------------- We have refined the CAV-15 receiver significantly since they were first produced back in late 2000. Information/Pictures of the current MKII Lowers: http://www.cavalryarms.com/MKII.html If anyone has an older generation receiver that they want upgraded to a new MKII version, it's only $30.00 plus return shipping. MKII Upgrade program: http://www.cavalryarms.com/MKIIupgrade.html
  4. Maybe I'm nuts, but I like the spring noise....it let's me know the gun is working, when you don't hear it, it's time to reload or clear a malfunction. As someone else stated, once I start shooting I don't notice the noise. What I notice is the absence of the noise when the rifle is empty and locks back on the last shot.
  5. They're still working on stage designs and setting things up. The highest I know of currently would require 30 shells.
  6. yes, but I always bring 50% more than the listed round count to these things anyway.
  7. Benny is probably right...especially at his level. Auto's shoot softer and recover quickly. But, below the level of the best 3-gunners, I think a guy could compete nearly as well with a good pump gun. If I were on a limited budget, or had limited availability, I'd be fine going with a pump gun. The most important thing is a gun that runs. Next, would be stuffing it with shells. I agree.....if there is space between targets, and you are a skilled pump gunner, you are at no disadvantage. Where autos do have an appreciable advantage is plate racks, and closely packed target clusters.
  8. I spoke with Shawn about it today, tek-loaders are allowed in Open and Trooper class. They are not allow in Limited/Irong sight class.
  9. That is correct. Limited (all iron sights), Open (optics/anything goes), and Trooper (see rules in this thread) are the categories at this match.
  10. There is an 11% Federal Excise Tax paid by the manufacturer for every complete firearm they sell at the price it sells for that first time. This drives the price of complete guns up. Though sometimes complete guns cost less than the individual components, shopping around is key here. ----------------------------- In regards to long range/precision rifle shooting, it is often the thing I enjoy most about 3 Gun Matches, and its also one of the skills I do better at. Shooting less than 100 yards with a rifle, isn't real rifle shooting Unfortunately most ranges aren't set up to where they can handle a lot of long range stuff.
  11. The biggest problem I see with ARs is people using substandard ammunition. Is that cheap wolf or surplus ammunition really worth it when your rifle locks up on you? I don't think so. Every single 3 gun match I have gone to I have seen this problem. Find one brand of ammunition that runs with your rifle 100% and stick with it. All I've been shooting for the past year is Federal XM193 and my rifles run great. The other problem with ARs running reliably is the introduction of "match grade" components with tighter tolerances. If a component increases performance, but makes the entire system less reliable....then it really isn't increasing performance, it's hindering it.
  12. Total Sponsor List thus far: Ameetec www.ameetecarms.com Armalite www.armalite.com Brownell's www.brownells.com Cavalry Arms www.cavalryarms.com DPMS www.dpmsinc.com Falcon Industries www.ergogrips.net/ LaRue www.laruetactical.com LightFighter www.lightfighter.com Machine Gun Tours www.machineguntours.com Practical Tactical www.practicaltactical.net Spec Ops Brand www.specopsbrand.com SWAT Magazine www.swatmag.com TIGER Valley www.tigervalley.com Trijicon www.trijicon.com There are going to be some kick ass prizes at this event!
  13. Next year we'll see about getting it on par with Ironman levels of shooting
  14. The scoring system for this match will be International Multigun...1 A Zone or two hits on paper to neutralized. We decided to change from the original Tiger Valley scoring method to make things easier for everyone.
  15. personally I don't view it as any different than tek-loaders, ready mags, or jungle clipping your mags. As I posted in the linked thread, for the matches we are sponsoring we are a major match sponsor at we are starting a class called "Trooper". Firearms and accessories are unlimited, you just have to carry all the stuff with you from stage to stage and the amount of ammunition you start with is what you finish with. Read more about Trooper Class here: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16821 We will most likely have this class at Ironman 2005 too.
  16. If you shoot Trooper class at any of the matches we are sponsoring, you can use whatever guns you want to, magazine capacity is unlimited. Read my post here: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16821 Ironman 2005 will most likely have this class too.
  17. 1) most of the things people putting on their guns were allready available for use on pre-ban guns the past 10 years 2) It takes time to tool up to produce things and a substantial amount of money. Few companies risked this before it was certain the ban would go away. 3) Now that people can have specific types of products again, its going to take some good market research before companies start making new ones, to see what people are actually interested in buying. The buying trends I see are people stocking up on high cap mags, after that market was starved for the past 10 years. Where the market will be in a year is anyone's guess at this point. I think we might see some interesting new things at SHOT show in January.
  18. We are adding a new class to this match: Trooper Class The goals of this class are to encourage shooters to use field practical equipment that is reliable in adverse conditions and add an element of physical endurance to the competition not found in other classes. Rules: 1) The shooter must transport all their firearms, ammunition, equipment, and cleaning supplies with them for the duration of the match from the moment they sign in the first day of shooting. 2) The amount of ammunition the shooter begins the match with, is all they are allowed to use for the duration of the match. The shooter may have as much ammunition in their pack, vest, or ammunition carriers as he/she wishes. 3) Any back up guns the shooter may wish to use should their primary firearm become inoperable during the course of the match must be carried with them for the duration of the match 4) The equipment must be carried via any man portable means and in a safe manner. No wagons, wheel barrows, carts, sleds, etc allowed. 5) The shooter does not need to carry all this equipment during the course of fire, they may ground their rucksack and use only the equipment on their person if they wish. 6) Trooper class shooters must start with at least one liter of water on their person or in their rucksack. Additional Water will be provided at all stages. The shooter must carry any beverages other than water themselves. 7) Lunch will be provided for all Trooper Class shooters on the range. Any food a Trooper Class shooter wishes to eat must be carried on them other than the food served at lunch time. 8) Any time a Trooper class shooter leaves the range, he/she must check his/her gear at the stat house where it will be secured to prevent tampering and/or adding or removing of equipment. Failure to follow these rules or voluntarily choosing to drop out of Trooper Class will place the shooter in any of the other classes determined by the firearms and accessories they are using Medical assistance for cuts, scrapes, insect/snake bites, or any other foreseeable physical ailment can be treated by another individual without bumping the shooter out of Trooper Class. Firearms: 1) Trooper Class shooters may use firearms from any of the other specified classes. A Trooper class shooter may use all iron-sighted guns, or open class guns, however they must be able to transport any firearms (and spares) without assistance from stage to stage by themselves. 2) There is no limit on magazine capacity, bipods, scopes, etc in Trooper Class. 3) If a shooter decides to carry more than one firearm, spare upper receiver, optics, etc they may elect to use them on a stage as they see fit. Sniper Rifles may only be used on rifle targets, sub machine guns may only be used on rifle and pistol targets. Changing long guns in the middle of the stage is disallowed. If the shooter elects to use a sniper rifle they must use it for the full course of fire, if they elect to use a subgun they must use it for the full course of fire, if they elect to use a .223 carbine and 9mm pistol they must use it for the full course of fire. 4) Firearms are the only items the shooter may remove from the range at the end of the day.
  19. All you should need to do is pop off your existing handguards and snap the new ones on. You may need to get a friend to help you hold back the delta ring while you pop off the handguards. If you're not used to doing it, it can be a job for 3 or 4 hands. ---Russell Phagan Cavalry Arms Staff
  20. I was recently at a BATFE seminar on ther National Firearms Act. I tried to get a straight answer out of them regarding why the USAS-12, striker-12, etc were declared destructive devices. They basically said they were declared DDs because they were non-sporting shotguns and led me to believe that BATFE can declare any shotgun to be non-sporting at any time (this is part of the Gun Control Act of 1968) I am under the impression that now that the Assault Weapons Ban is dead and manufacturers can begin to make "assault shotguns" again, that BATFE will declare them to be destructive devices if they so choose. Magazine fed semi-auto shotguns with magazine capacities above 5 rounds seem to be what they consider "non-sporting". The issue is confusing, and the questions I asked at the seminar just left me with more questions BATFE didn't really want to answer.
  21. The problem with mounting optics on shotguns is the cheek weld is often too low to get the appropriate sight picture. I had this problem when I tried to mount an OKO sight on my 870 3 years ago. I eventually developed an AR15 stock adapter for the 870 that mirrors the dimensions of an AR15 identically including rail height, so you can mount an optic and use it effectively, as well as have the familiar feel of the same stock and grip you use on your rifle. Its not for everyone, but if you want to use optics on your 870 I think its the best way to go. Just my $0.02, your mileage may vary.
  22. Thanks. Who makes 16" mid-lengths? Just Armalite and RRA? I believe all of Armalite's 16" barrels are mid length, aren't they? Armalite, Rock River, M&A Parts....we (Cavalry Arms) will have them at some point in the future too. We've had mid-length uppers on order for almost 9 months now with the subcontractor we use, they also do work for the government so our orders get bumped regularly. The main difference between all of them is the barrel profiles offered, type of steel used, chrome lined/not chrome lined, and rifle twist rate. Any one of the manufacturers should work fine for you depending on your personal preferences and intended purpose.
  23. I had one, the feed towers cracked on it a couple times. Shooting full auto with it, I needed a heavier buffer to slow the action down so the magazine could keep up with feeding as it fed slower than a USGI magazine. They can be fun toys, but I sold mine. Hopefully now that the ban is dead, the manufacturer will benefit from end user feed back it did not previously have as well as have substantial financial motivation to improve the product.
  24. A mid-length gas system feels closer to shooting a 20" than shooting a carbine. There is less long term wear on parts with a mid-length gas system too.
  25. Location: TIGER VALLEY Shooting Facility South (L.T. Dillon) at Prairie Hill, Texas (15 miles east of Waco on HWY 84). Time: Firing will begin at 09:30 a.m. on both days. Squad assignments and match briefing begin at 9:00 a.m. Rules: Tiger Valley Tactical 3 Gun rules Registration: Registration Form (Adobe Acrobat PDF) Download Adobe Acrobat Reader Entry Fees: $150.00 Ammunition: Competitors must furnish their own ammunition. No tracers, steel core or armor piercing ammunition will be allowed. Ammunition not meeting this requirement will be removed from the firing line. A recommended minimum 400 rounds of pistol, 150 rounds of bird or buck shot for shotgun, and 450 rounds for rifle. Additional ammunition may be required for last-minute stage additions or re-shoots. Targets: IDPA paper, reactive and static steel plates and pepper-poppers. Distances to targets, range from 0 to 100 yards. Course of Fire: Consisting of rifle, pistol, shotgun, and combinations of all weapons. Competitors should be prepared to utilize basic tactical engagement principles; shooting from cover, tactical reloads, etc. Scoring: Combination of shot placement (points) and time. Prizes: Various prizes will be awarded to competitors according to final standings upon completion of the match. General: Competitors will be required to pull and tape/set targets and score. There will be no lunch break. Food and drinks are not available at the range. There are five RV hook-ups, showers, and restrooms available at the range. The fee is $15.00 per day. more details here: http://www.tigervalley.com/3gun_2day.htm This event is limited to 150 shooters. Everyone that shows up and completes the match will get a CAV-15 MKII stripped lower receiver. http://www.cavalryarms.com/MKII.html Please direct any specific questions to the TIGER Valley staff via e-mail listed on their website. ---Russell Phagan Cavalry Arms Staff
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