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Everything posted by ChuckS

  1. Let me add a bit to this scenario. The guy who did this nasty thing is Shooter A. This is a major match with prizes. Shooter B is a competitor that is neck and neck with shooter A. We give a reshoot based on uncertainty or a grease ring. Shooter A re-shoots the course but does not have the nasty 5 second gun jam that he had near the end of his first run. Shooter B drops $100 and arbs the call. The shooter says there is no rule book justification for the reshoot. How does the Arb committee respond?
  2. Like I posted a minute before this post, it is totally obvious that the competitor made all the hits in this case.
  3. From 9.1.4: If there are extra scoring hits or questionable penalty hits thereon, and it is not obvious which hits were made by the competitor being scored, the affected competitor must be ordered to reshoot the course of fire. In this scenario, it is totally obvious which hits were made by the competitor.
  4. I don't disagree but what rule are you using?
  5. sorry. The no-shoot is in front of the scoring target... eta: pic showing shooters POV for this scenario. The RO did not positively see the hits.
  6. 9.1.4 is for unrestored targets. This is clearly not the case in my scenario. In my scenario the RO knows all targets are new and that the shooter only shot 2 shots in the direction of the no-shoot and scoring target. I would say in my scenario the shooter would have to re-shoot the course of fire since it can't be determined if the A or the C is a scoring hit. My question is what rule covers this?
  7. Here is the scenario: 2 shots were fired at a scoring target with a no-shoot possibly in the path. None of target hits were positively observed by the ROs. During scoring, a hit within the scoring border on the no-shoot was observed and there are A/C hits on the scoring target. The NS and the scoring target are separated in such a way the shot geometry can not be absolutely be determined as to which shot , A or C, passed through the NS. The targets had just been replaced so the holes all had to come from the shooter being scored. What rule or rules would cover this scoring issue? It was suggested (in another thread) that the hit with a grease ring would be the scoring hit. What rule would cover this? What if the grease ring is not obvious or there is a trace of a ring on both hits? What rule tells us how to deal with this? I have been looking for a while and have come up dry. I really don't want to discuss what we think the call is, I just want to know what rules would come into play here.
  8. I asked that when I didn't understand the original scenario. I will clarify my question in another thread.
  9. I don't disagree but what rule covers this?
  10. 9.1.4 is for unrestored targets. This is not the case as 2 shots were fired and 2 holes are observed on the scoring target. I have been trying to find a rule that covers this specific case, especially if there were not both A hits. Any suggestions?
  11. last October, I emptied a N320 jug from 2011. Worked fine. I had that powder in my stash that I was protecting from hoarders...
  12. This topic was moved to the Dillon forum because it is pretty much about Dillon gear ETA: here is the link to the 750 thread:
  13. Here is a copy of the 2004 USPSA rulebook. The next one was published in 2008. "Slide forward" isn't in there. Nor is "Shooter Ready". ETA: This was the last combined USPSA-IPSC rulebook 2004_USPSA_IPSC_Handgun.pdf
  14. To quote our admin from one of the previously closed election threads: " When it starts targeting candidates, positively or negatively. . . .it's done. " Closed
  15. What rule set/organization are you working with? There are many.
  16. For USPSA Pistol, the ongoing classification is best 6 out of the most recent unique 8 valid classifiers.
  17. Closed in favor of the existing thread:
  18. Now that most revo shooters are shooing minor, watching the walkthrough is not a bad thing. Watching a Revo major walkthrough, was mind numbing...
  19. Nothing weird at all. A company would normally want formal product announcements (like at SHOT). And to control information until formal decisions are made by the appropriate people. With the speed of bulls#!t on the internet, something inferred on a forum can easily come back to bite you. Give our friend(s) here a break. He (they) may be under orders to remain silent until a formal announcement.
  20. l like ~ 140 PF also. (Short stroked, Blitzkrieg buffer, carbine spring and wave spring)
  21. Thanks for the post, Paul! L-39 sans tip tanks. Interesting...
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