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Posts posted by JesseM

  1. I've been thinking about picking up an old Smith like a model 64 or something or maybe a used Ruger Gp100 and sending it off to a smith to get converted to shoot 9mm from moon clips so I can have an ESR gun that isn't the 625.

    I mean I know I can get a 38 special gun to use moon clips but I would like to keep my caliber selection down and also I kind of like the idea of being different.

    So I guess my quesiton is how hard is it to take a gun in 38/357 and have it rebarreled and re chambered for 9mm? Do people make 6 shot 9mm moon clips? And more importantly assuming any of this is doable who would do it? Who is the go to guy for revolver work?

  2. I'm bringing this thread back. I replaced the springs and still get stove pipes. I'm only at 7170 rounds now because I've been taking a bit of a break from the Glock and was shooting my CZ for a while and them an XD in 45.

    This is a bit frusterating. What happened to Glocks being stupid reliable?

    I am considering sending it off to a smith and having him just turn it into a full blown custom limited gun and call it a day.

  3. Well I plunked down some money to reserve the CZ 97. Long story but Maryland sucks and I'm like 2 weeks away from owning it but whatevers. I have a disease and the cure was more CZ.

  4. Look at mag pouches for Tanfoglio large frame .

    We can do safeties, sights, action work, accu bushing for the 97. Makes a neat gun.

    Awesome. How about a reversable mag release?

    Do the mecgar mags for Tanfoglio 45s work? I found a website saying they will work in the 97 which would be awesome.

  5. So I was at the local gun shop today window shoping when I saw a CZ 97 for the first time in person. It was a newer BD model with night sights and thin aluminium grips. I fondled it and it was nice. I kind of want an excuse to buy it so I'm wondering can I get gear to shoot it in IDPA CDP and USPSa L-10? I found a holster for it but so far no mag pouches. Anyone make a magwell or any other parts for it?

  6. I tend to agree about the stock but I think it would be easier to buy the practical and then replace it with the ATI Akita stock then to buy the model with that already on it and try to get the right barrel and mag extension, etc that come on th e Practical out of the box.

  7. Use the mags. Don't just load them and store them. My G30 would not take 10 rounds until I started using the mags. Now 10 is no problem. They need exercise. lol

    Listen to SilverBolt. Leaving the mags loaded isn't really going to do anything to the springs up. You need to load and unload that spring repeatedly, that will break them in.

  8. When springs get loose you can sometimes stuff an extra round in there, some of my CZ mags are marked 18 but I can get a 19 in there now that I've been using them a bit. I'm willing to bet Glock made them tight like that to avoid any possible chance that you could get an 11th at the behest of the Glock legal department. Doesn't help you any but just an observation.

  9. I've been using Warren Tactical sights on the Glock 17 I use for competition for a good 3 years now. I put a set of 10-8 sights with the tritium front on my Glock 19 HD/carry gun and I like them a lot so far. I've been thinking about swapping my competition gun to 10-8 sights and I was going to order their fiber front sight when I noticed they have an option for a brass bead. I googled and found someone that has a set installed on a PPQ and int he pics it looks snazzy but I'm wondering if anyone out there uses a setup for competition? I don't expect it will be as bright as the fiber but It seems like it might be a good compromise between fiber and tritum; ie brighter than tritum in daylight but brighter than fiber indoors.

  10. Here's the real question ... Has this happened before with other hobbies or interests or yours? If so, then it's likely that 'expectations' thing is rearing it's ugly head and this has nothing to do wth shooting and won't be fixed by 'shooting solutions' .... Use another gun, try a different gun sport, etc, etc. however, if this really is the first time you have lost interest in an activity you used to love then it probably is just that you've lost interest in shooting and it's time to move on .... No big deal ...

    It's sort of happened before? I gave up on a few hobbies (guitar and motorcycling) so I could focus on shooting. Guitar was taking up time I could have spent dry firing and I was a fair weather rider so the only days I'd take the bike out was also the days I'd go shooting so I found that I enjoyed shooting more and wanted to focus on that and I saw the motorcycle sitting there collecting dust and sold it.

    Guitar I was never much good at but I enjoyed screwing around with it. Once I reached the age of 21 or so and realized I was never going to be a rock god there was never really any stress or pressure at playing guitar, it was just something I did sometimes when I was bored. I didn't give up on it so much as decide I would rather spend my time practicing shooting than playing guitar.

    Motorcycles... is probabaly closer to shooting when I decided to give it up. Motorcycles was a thing I was into when I was young because my father was into them, he was poor growing up so all of his bikes were pieced together and didn't really quite work so I'd spend a lot of time fixing them with him, not so much riding them. I was never big into sports or competition in general growing up, I played little league because it was "a thing everyone did" and the practice field was across from my uncle's housewhich is where my father would work on his bike and I found myself skipping baseball so I could go work on bikes. So because of that motorcycles became this object of desire. At some point I was old enough and had a good enough job that I could afford one so I bought one and rode it around like crazy for a summer and then didn't really ride it that much.

    I kept coming up with excuses not to ride it. Like I couldn't ride it to work because I didn't want to wear my riding gear over my dress work clothes and I couldn't ride it on the weekend because I was going to the store and needed the storage space of a car. Then I sort of had this moment where I realized I didn't enjoy riding anymore... I'd wanted one growing up because I spent so much time working on them with my dad but we never really rode we just twaked them so I started thinking maybe I don't so much like riding them as I like working on them or fixing them and I gave it some more thought and realized what I really wanted wasn't a motorcycle but to relive those memories of fixing busted up basket cases in my uncle's basement with my dad. I had that little ephipany right when I started getting into USPSA and IDPA so I sold the motorcycle. I've been getting the urge to get on a bike again recently though.

  11. Me, personally I decided it was just cheaper and easier to buy the Mec Gar AFC 19 round mags and call it a day that way I start with 20 in the gun. Would it be nice to have 23-24 round mags absolutely, especially on those 22 round stages but I'm coming from production so going from 3-4 mag changes a stage to 0-1 mag changes is a huge upgrade for me. If I was winning matches I might be concerned with it but I'm Class D in Limited so that ain't gonn a happen anytime soon.

    In another year or two I'll reevaluate.

  12. I've got the CZ Custom sandpaper texture grips with grip tape over top of that...I *think* that makes the grip about as big as you can get it currently. I hear VZ is coming out with a much wider grip, though...

    The CZ Custom aluminium ones? They are super thin. The largest grips CZ custom has listed on their website are actually the factory plastic or rubber grips.

  13. ...you can ride the like the ones on the Tanfoglio Limited/Limited Pro that is legal for the Production division?

    Well considering that for production you need to lower the hammer on the gun you can't use the safety anyway so for me it's sort of a moot point. Unless you are trying to build a gun that is legal for both limited and production.

    Yeah my problem is that the Shadow doesn't fill my hand up well so I never shoot it. And I have alot of trouble with recoil control with it (I don't have that problem with the Glocks...including 24 and 35 that I shoot major out of.) Then I shot a Tanfoglio Limited and the wide safety just felt right to me and the gun shot flat...so I was thinking maybe a wider safety would get my hand more comfortable on the gun. I know I've heard 1911/2011 shooters say that they like to rest their thumb on a nice wide safety...

    Sounds like you need to get larger grips to me. (just an observation)

    I was going to say the same thing. One of the benefits of a gun with detachable grips is the ability to make the gun bigger or smaller as you see fit. What grips are on the gun currently?

  14. ...you can ride the like the ones on the Tanfoglio Limited/Limited Pro that is legal for the Production division?

    Well considering that for production you need to lower the hammer on the gun you can't use the safety anyway so for me it's sort of a moot point. Unless you are trying to build a gun that is legal for both limited and production.

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