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Everything posted by Giant81

  1. I bought 1000 rounds of .45ACP from online to get into shooting my Ruger more. Got the boxes, got it unpacked and found that blazer brass is all SP 45. I've been thinking it would be a pain to reload but since I also shoot 9mm, I can just use the same primers for both so that could be a good thing.
  2. I'm from Montfort, WI and work in Middleton. There really aren't any ranges out in SW WI and that was the closest one I found with a comptition. I plan to be there next month on 3/17 to shoot again. I've been reading up on the rules and I hope to really do better. I'm still going to be shooting my bone stock G26, but knowing things like keeping away from NS's and misses should help. My goal is really to slow down and shoot Double Alpha on everything as quickly as I can without hitting a NS.
  3. I'm nowhere near the point I'd ever have a chance at a sponsorship, I just don't shoot that well yet. But, if I ever did make it to that point I'd be looking more for help on stuff then a full ride. I'd hope to have a reloading company maybe help me out with a deep discount on a press, or a hearing protection company throw me headset to show off at a shoot, etc.. I can't see me getting greedy because I'm going to go shoot it anyway, any help is just gravy on the potatoes.
  4. The match that I shot was an indoor match with 40 shooters in a range just big enough to setup 2x stages at a time. One shooter of group A would shoot one state, and a shooter from group B would shoot the other. As soon as the range went secure, it was a mob. People pasting, people setting up steel, older guys with nut cages grabbing brass, some younger guys gathering mags. Typically by the time the scoring was done, all brass was picked up and piled with their mags on a table. If they wanted it, they could have it, if they didn't, they just dropped it in the bucket next to the table. Went pretty smooth and since we were shooting indoors, kept from having lots of brass under foot while moving which keeps it safer. Brass on concrete I'm sure is about as graceful to walk on as marbles.
  5. I'd shoot it naked just to be the odd man out. Hell, might even get a couple of the ladies that shot the last match I was at to try it, though I really doubt it.
  6. I just wanted to say HI and introduce myself. I just started shooting USPSA and I just shot my first match on Sat. I had a blast doing it and I don't think I did too bad. I showed up running a bone stock glock 26 that only had 10 rounds through it before that day. I got a little ribbing for being the biggest guy (6'9" 300lb) and running the smallest gun. She ran like a champ. I wasn't even sure what division I wanted to shoot in when I got there so I asked the girl at the sign up sheet. She put me in Limited. Not sure why, I think I'll shoot production next time. Anyway, here are the results. If you go to the USPSA match results and search for WI19 club it was the match on 2/18/2012. (I tried to put the link in but wasn't able to since I'm a new member) I was competitor number 17 if you run the report for that. I need to sit down and find out how the hit factor works and also spend some time at the range so I don't end up with so many misses. If I'm reading that right I had 5 misses and 1 NS from hitting a black part. WOW I didn't think I missed that many times. The biggest thing was that I can't always see if I hit it so I take my sight alignment and site picture and hope for the best. After one day of shooting I do know one thing. I'm hooked.
  7. I'm glad to say I shot my first match on Sat. I had a GREAT time and had fun doing it. I did mess up a couple times though. 1) I followed the wrong clipboard and ended up with the wrong group by accident. Since we were shooting in an indoor range, the groups were pretty close and I was quickly tracked down when it was my turn to shoot, but still embarrassing non the less. and 2) I need to do a better job of getting the terms down. My time in the military hardwired me to believe that someone 'on deck' was the man of the hour. i.e. "Officer on deck" etc... So twice (sadly, yes TWICE out of 4 stages) I stepped up to the shooting box when only called 'on deck'. In my defense though the actual shooter wasn't up on line yet either time. All in all though I think I did pretty good. Mostly I tried to just keep it as safe as I could and speed will come later.
  8. I shot my first match on Sat and the only reason I did not help tape or reset was that I didn't not know what to tape and did not want to tape anything that hadn't been scored yet. I did however help tear down afterwards and as the day went on, I got more comfortable taping. Mostly I helped to pickup brass and mags. We were shooting at an indoor range and we kept it pretty well policed up. I figured that was something I could to still help, but not get in the way of people scoring targets. After reading this thread I'll certainly make sure I step up and volunteer to help do anything needed.
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