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Everything posted by chp5

  1. My new avatar. Samson and my wife.
  2. Very cute. I can see those sharp little puppy teeth!
  3. Thanks guys. Sounds like I will just stick with a blade.
  4. Are electric razors any good? If so, what kind Thx.
  5. We have two dogs - a Welsh Corgie (Molly) and a Great Dane (Samson). Molly has pretty thick fur and is very quick. I could not find her belly button. Samson has a short, thin coat, so I thought this would be a snap. Samson thought it was a game and is strong enough to put his paws on me and push me away and jump to his feet while I tried to find the button. The move is similar to an escape in wrestling. I did not find his belly button . . . I'll wait until they're asleep and try again.
  6. So do you actually have to cut the umbilical cord when they're born?
  7. My inquisitive 9 year old daughter asked me - why don't dogs have belly buttons? I don't know. The puppies must get nutiants from the mother somehow . . . Anyone know?
  8. Guy is correct. The new SD HC stuff is not backwards compatible. -ld Yep - correct (as I found out). Funny - it does work with my son's newer Sanyo dig cam.
  9. Thx - it's not locked and not format option. Cannon Powershot. Depending on the model of Powershot you have, download the manual from Canon's website. Here is the manual for the Powershot A75. Directions to format the new card are on page 21 http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/1/0900001261/01/PSA75CUG-EN.pdf Thx.
  10. Thx - it's not locked and not format option. Cannon Powershot.
  11. Picked up an HD SD memory card (4gb) for my camera. It doesn't work. Bad card or do HD cards not work with some hardware? Thx.
  12. Well done JT! Remember - you cannot have even ONE drag. Take it from me - I quit smoking 17 times Smoke free since '90 - still have dreams I'm smoking . . .
  13. It doesn't work well over some cable modems - like mine. I would do it for home/personal use, but not for business. Just my $0.02.
  14. Well put - this is the same with OJ. That being said, I don't agree that the potential punishment fits the crime. The law is repugnant - I really don't care about Plaxico but I do feel for him at some level because the punishment doesn't fit the act. Has anyone here been arrested before? I have. Nothing that hurt my future as a gun owner or an attorney (thank the good Lord). If you've never been arrested - thank your lucky stars because I can almost guarantee that all of us have done stupid things for which we COULD have been arrested. I'm careful about casting stones . . .
  15. chp5


    I am praying for your mom and family, Benny.
  16. Here's a suggestion for the BE Forum * We take up a small collection - I'll donate $10 to the cause * We find his attorney's mailing address. * We send Plaxico a BE T-shirt, an inexpensive IWB Glock holster, a one hour class by a NY BE member on safe gun handling, and an NRA membership.
  17. Good post Flex. If NY and Plexico can't come to a deal on the charges, then at least he has the financial ability to fight the charges on all fronts. Time will tell. If he does, I wonder if the NRA will help in the defense. They might - or might think he is not a good public figure to get behind. It could be an opportunity to increase NRA exposure and minority membership - which could be a very good thing. It think many minorities view the NRA as the National Redneck Association. That would be a good thing to change - especially given the history of laws that unfairly target minorities and gun ownership.
  18. Well, there are facts and relevant facts. His public behavior on multiple occasions demonstrate the behavior of a self-absorbed jerk. He and many pro athletes are overpaid IMO. I don't have to personally know him to have a valid opinion on that. However, IMO those are not relevant facts to his arrest. What matters to me is that the NY law he is charged with breaking [without any intent to threaten or hurt anyone else] is punitive, over-reaching and possibly unconstitutional. It bothers me that - like him or not (which I don't) - the government can take away a man's freedom, livelihood and career when he had no intent to and did not hurt another man. Those are the relevant facts IMO. YMMV.
  19. +1. Worth reading again fellas . . . The most important part being " All for an act of stupidity that was committed with no intent to cause harm to anybody. Meanwhile, true criminal behavior is ignored by various authorities all over the place." This is the NY [or substitute _______] gov't at work . . . FLEX - The 2A applies to the Fed Govt and DC. There is not yet a case applying it against the states. The SCOTUS has ruled that some of the other rights set forth in the Bill of Rights do apply to the states, but no 2A case yet. Side notes: 1. The NY mandatory sentencing and felony status of a victimless crime is cruel and unusual IMO. My opinion and $0.25 will only get you a lollipop, however. 2. Some states, like my beloved Georgia, have the 2A language in the state constitution. As a practical matter, the Heller decision and the 2A will then apply in those states without the need for a Fed court ruling that the 2A applies to the states at large. This is an over-simplification, but still valid at a high level IMO. 3. Plexico is a coddled, over-paid, ego-maniac pimp who is hardly a sympathetic character or a poster-boy for civil rights. However, that is less important than the issue - that a man who did not threaten anyone and is only guilty of stupidity may be convicted of a felony with excessive mandatory sentencing - while, [as Carmoney writes] "true criminal behavior is ignored by various authorities all over the place." Ernesto Miranda (who's name is used in the well-know Miranda Warning ("you have the right to remain silent . . . )) was a complete piece of sh*t - a vagrant, drunk, and multiple time loser who was arrested for robbery and rape. Plexico ain't that bad . . . While I am a member of the Bar, I'm a corporate attorney representing software companies in business transactions. I don't even know where the courthouse is . . . Maybe some of the real attorneys here will chime in.
  20. No it doesn't. I'll bet we all know plenty of (good) people that carry in places that might not be legal to do so. He is guilty of breaking a law on paper...yet he has an inherent right to self defense. And, he is likely at a greater risk than most any person on this forum (that doesn't put themselves on the line by choice of job). Sure, he could stay home and not go places that were risky. Then again, we could all live in isolation from others and hide out all our lives. (lives?) I can't speak to his level of intelligence, but I won't make that judgment based on the fact that he choose to bear arms. FLEX - great post! I agree 100%. No knock on you HV, I just think Flex's statements are spot on.
  21. Looks good. Do you carry it IWB? If so, does the stippling rub you raw? That's the only downside I see in it for a carry pistol.
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