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Everything posted by chp5

  1. I reload in the unfinished portion of my basement. That same room also has my water heater in it - perched on a stand. The room has an exterior door. I am the proud own of two .22 suppressors. I shoot them out that exterior door into a hill (woods) at the end of my property. I stand inside the room with the door open - so the neighbors across the way don't see me shooting (it's legal and safe BTW - just don't need a hassle). Any safety considerations I should consider or worry about? Just checking BTW - my newest .22 can is a Liberty Shoofly. Good stuff: Shoofly Thanks.
  2. Thanks for all the kind words. The test for Wobblers required the vet to tap into the spinal column and take fluid. That made Samson much more clumsy and weak in the legs, but it supposedly will reverse itself in two weeks or so. He's already recovering. JKS - I know what you mean, but Wobblers surgery is "ify" at best right now. I've read it and heard it from multiple vets (including my cousin) and two GD breeders. I wish it were different, but it's not. The disease is progressive and it will take him. It may be a month, a year or three years - no way to tell. In the meanwhile, we'll enjoy him being with us and appreciate the time we have. Cy
  3. That won't keep him out of the military. Also, wanting to be a Navy Seal and becoming one are two very different things. I want to fly fighter jets for the Air Force . . . It could keep him out. I was a USAF Recruiter for four years. Any open law violations and you can't go to Basic. Wow - I guess the USMC wasn't that strict in 1984 when I went to boot I would have guessed that in times of war, those things would be loosened up . . . My nephew just enlisted. I recommended that he go AF or Navy, but he was too thick to listen. The AF is the only service that mostly sends its OFFICERS to fight.
  4. That won't keep him out of the military. Also, wanting to be a Navy Seal and becoming one are two very different things. I want to fly fighter jets for the Air Force . . .
  5. We spoke with the vet neurologist today. He said that the surgery could help Samson or it could make him worse, no good way to tell. The surgery has a relatively high chance of temporarily making him not be able to walk for 2-6 weeks after surgery. At 140 pounds, we could not pick him up to move him for bathroom breaks, eating, etc. That would require that we put him into long-term vet care for that time period. Samson HATES going to the vet or being away from his family. He is only happy with us. For all of those reasons, we've decided to keep Samson with us and not have the surgery. When his pain becomes so great or he is no longer able to walk, we will let him go . . . It's an excruciating choice, but we think it's the right thing. We'll tell the kids tonight. It's been an emotional day.
  6. 80% of Wobblers is found in the Danes and Dobs. The Dobs get it later in life, in Danes it usually rears its ugly head between 6-18 months.
  7. Gino - wishing you the best for the near future!
  8. Our Great Dane is 18 months old. He's been having trouble laying down and standing up, but can walk and run fine. Today he began screaming like he was being stabbed. After $2k in tests, the neurologist vet says he has Wobblers Disease - a malformation of the vertebrae in the neck that compresses the spinal cord. We'll find out more tomorrow, but surgery is very expensive and has a good chance of not helping. Tough decisions lie ahead . . .
  9. I bought the Caldwells and have used them twice. Good low profile design. I like them and will buy a spare set.
  10. I bought this set up and have been playing with it and shot it on the rifle yesterday (about 300 rounds). I really like it. No observable shadow from the barrel. With the optional thumbscrew, you can quickly remove the flashlight.
  11. +1 to all these comments. I had a micro-discectomy in late Nov of last year. Prior to surgery I was in so much pain - I couldn't stand or walk for very long. Try epidurals and PT. If that doesn't work, then get at least two opinions before surgery.
  12. Mark - it doesn't look like they make them in mid-length and I'd like to add a rail. PRI GenIII carbon forearms are awsome. Pricey, but you get what you pay for. I have two and a clark carbon fiber tube. I don't like the clark nearly as much. For $300 or so, they should be nice!
  13. Mark - it doesn't look like they make them in mid-length and I'd like to add a rail.
  14. +1. I shot that model and its really nice. I have the standard OA 9mm upper that uses Sten mags and love it too. OA's best stuff is its pistol caliber AR's IMO.
  15. Thanks Lynn. Does it get your hand really hot when you shoot a lot of rounds? My JP FF tube has a lot of holes, but doesn't get hot. I had a non-vented FF tube that got hot as hell!
  16. I build a lightweight mid-length upper and I'm interested in a lightweight FF tube at <$100 or so. Anyone have feedback on the Yankee Hill lightweight tube? Will it protect the shooter against heat?
  17. I carry the number of an attorney in my wallet. He is in the ATL area and does work with our grassroots 2A group, Georgia Carry Organization: GCO GCO is one of the most effective grassroots 2A groups I can imagine. They ["we" since I'm a member] litigate against unconstitutional laws and ordinances. The attorney I mentioned represents people accused of firarm-related charges. If you're in GA, I highly recommend you join!
  18. Anyone try one of these? 6 oclock FL mount Looks like a good design and it's $30!
  19. They're all great. Inside 100 yards, it's my optic of choice. I have the M2 in both 2 min dot and 4 min dot. You can decrease the brightness of the 4 min dot and it seems to get pretty small - similar to the 2 min dot. For a competition rifle, I would not pay the higher price for the smallness of the Micro. However it's a neat size that you can put on many different types of firearms - even pistols. That makes it more versatile than its bigger brothers.
  20. Savin' us Georgia taxpayers some money . . .
  21. What's the deal with the mags? Will the old mags work in the 4th Gen frame and vice versa? If they make the mags not interchangeable - that sucks.
  22. There's a beautiful red dobbie in our dog park. I'd never seen a red before. Our Great Dane loves her - but, alas, she doesn't feel the same . . . I think that a Great Dane/Dobbie mix would be pretty cool. Samson (our Great Dane) does too
  23. Mark - you need a dog! Our Great Dane's nails are thicker around than my pinky finger. The vet has to sedate him to trim his nails. Daily walks on the street keep them from getting crazy long though.
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