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Posts posted by Retread1911

  1. Great Gun and welcome. I ran a P16 limited for years and still have it as my backup gun. If you really want to stick with Para Mags, which I do not recommend, then shop for the Canadain made tubes. Since Para moved to the US and outsourced mag production their components do not work as well as when they were in Canada.

    I have no personal experience running STI or SVI mags in my Para but if you can get them to run you will be that much closer to a setup that will run after your conversion to a 2011 platform. It is inevitable for almost every Para shooter so why not spend the $$ on good mags and a little more to make them run in the Para.


  2. Good morning Benoverse,

    Even though I have been around for years I wanted to let folks know that I have moved back home to Texas. I am still settling in but should be reloading and shooting again shortly.

    Anyone Know any great Steel matches around the West Side of DFW?



  3. What is your budget?

    I picked up a great infinity 5 inch bull barrel gun by just asking around my local IPSC club. Got a screaming GREAT deal on it as well

    Look for the older open guys at your local club. Chances are good one of them will have a line on a used limited gun previously owned by someone who is now shooting open. Happens a lot when guys age and move to bifocals

    No idea where you are but if you start talking to your local shooting partners I bet you will find someone willing to let you run their backup gun for a few matches to see if you like it. I know I would let you run the old para P16 I keep for a backup gun.

    A WTB add is also a great place to start.

  4. You will be looking at 200$ for a certified finisher to do the job assuming you do the disassembly and reassembly.

    And I would recommend you have them do the reassembly for whatever they charge. It is worth it for them to warren toy the finish in the reassembly process.

    After having one gun done with a certified guy here in St. Paul I do not think 200$ is spendy. It is a LOT of work and for finishes to look good.

    Good luck.


  5. I wear a golf glove on my weak hand and use talc on my strong hand. The talcum powder allows for easier adjustment during draws and the glove allows a solid grip on the gun.

    Friends laughing. Sure there is always good natured ribbing but that is always better than the sad looks after a DQ for dropping a loaded gun. Give the golf glove a try on your weak hand and let us know what you think.


  6. What does the manufacturer say about the issue? Poor storage?

    When I started loading 9mm major I had a batch of 2500 that we though had 1/2 a grain too much powder in them so we pulled them all. I got three bullet pullers and me and my two boys sat Dow one afternoon and pulled them all. Only took an hour with all of us pulling.

    So buy some pullers and have a party.

    After I bet you can get some of your money back selling the primed brass and the projectiles.


  7. When you buy a new gun for $5,000 you don't have an expense of $5,000, you merely converted one asset (cash) into another (guns); consumables and depreciation are the only real expenses.

    Spoken like a true accountant. I would argue that any asset that will never be sold is an expense. In your statement on that is depreciated but most everyone (me included) thinks of their personal accounting on a cash basis.

    Me I spend about 10K a year on guns and shooting. If I buy more guns one year then I travel to fewer matches.


  8. Since you have access to a machine shop and a machinest one thing I did to my P16 was to install a trigger take up screw to eliminate the pretravel in my factory trigger. I will dig up a picture of where I put mine if you are interested.

    Got to shoot the gun yet?

  9. The cheapest and is easily pure lanolin / 94%+alcohol in a spray bottle mixed four parts alcohol to one part lanolin ,or you can mix it leaner or heavier if you want . two shots over a gal tub with 100 cases ,let it flash off and your good to go

    This is what I use with 99% alcohol. Honestly it isn't that much cheaper than the dillon bottles new but it stocks longer in my shop.

  10. I have loaded and shot about 100 pounds of the stuff over the years using minimum H 335 loads to start. The powder appears to have a slightly faster burn rate as in my experience it produces less velocity with higher pressure signs then H335.

    The other poster that reported variance is accurate in my experience as well. I have always taken all the jugs I had and mixed one large batch to help get it consistent for how many ever pounds I have on hand. Make sure it is all WCC 844 before mixing.

    Accuracy has been acceptable for me

    If you are uncomfortable loading this old powder I am sure there are many people local to where ever you are that will take it off your hands.

    Good luck with the powder.

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