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Everything posted by buzzworm

  1. S.R. Thanks for the great vid. Looks like I missed a good one. Maybe I can get there next year.
  2. All of Kurt's suggestions sound good, but one stands out to me as it it a pet PITA. Running for the sake of running. We are in a shooting match, not a track meet. (yea, I know it should have some physical challenges, but some are not about shooting) At a local match last month, the MD told everyone there that he would put on his old "engage with a handgun, then run back the full 100 yds to get to your rifle" stage this month. This was just after a stage where we engaged 100 yd steel, then did a 50 yd dash to engage shotgun poppers. If the clock is running, a fast runner with so-so shooting skills can take the stage because he can clear the 100 yd dash, which has nothing to do with shooting. I have seen, as most others have, a good shooter loose a "track event" stage not because he shot poorly, but because he could not run as fast just to get to his gear/weapon. (no I'm not worried about running, as I run several times a week, but some folks just can't do it) If you have to run more than a few yards, put some targets there to engage, or a second timer at the "finish line" to time the shooting, not the running, then add the two shooting times together for a total. By the way, the MD is going to be worn out after running back 100 yds with all the shooters
  3. I'd be interested. I had to miss the last Tiger Valley shoot due to I-10 closure.
  4. I sometimes use one on a 16" for local matches. (one on a 20" is way front heavy, and very slow) A tad slower on the swing, but not bad. If you sight your rifle in with the can before hand, you don't have to worry about changing POI. Always easier on the ears, but the timer does need to be held near the port or outstretched toward the muzzle. I find it works VERY well as a comp, as my crosshairs don't move and follow up/double taps are amazingly fast. You do get the sonic crack with a rifle, but as SR said, it does take the bite out of the report. Reasons? Noise pollution, less hearing loss, fun. Also, no 5320.20 needed to transport cans (or AOWs), but make sure they are legal where you are going.
  5. I'm already figuring on spending one week of vacation with ya'll, may as well go for both. Sounds like a great match. I have always wanted to put one on around here leaving where, when, and how up to the shooter (well, as far as that can be done ) I may have to take a couple days off and come out there. Take care, BW
  6. dt1, I'm considering driving up to shoot the match but need some info. It's about a five hour drive for me and have a few ??? I can be contacted at cm16a2REMOVETHIS at yahoo dot com if you don't mind. (I tried to send an email and IM through another site, but may not have worked) Thanks for any help. BW
  7. I'm going to be the one going against the grain on this one. I don't see why He Man can't be run just as it was, HeMan/Iron and He Man/Scoped but with scoring and prize table seperate for each. Do it just as Tac/iron and Tac/scope are done. Same gear, same shotgun, same handgun, all the same, but with iron and scope. It was set up like that this year originally, and I think it was fine like that. I think more matches are beginning to do just that. No need to have "modern he man" and "classic" as the scoped guys will mostly use AR10 platforms and iron guys will mostly use M1a/m14 platform. They will seperate themselves as far as modern and classic go. I know HM was originally iron only, but USPSA was also "run what ya brung" for many years, and I prefered it like that myself. Just because it started out that way doesn't mean it can't change or grow with the sport. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, the addition of some divisions has helped that other group to grow. I don't want to see a class for everything/everyone like USPSA either, but a subclass for an already existing class such as heman is a far cry from open,limmited,limmited10,revolver,singlestack,production, etc. Heck, if you use an iron back up/close range sight on your tac rifle, (just not a second optic) just about the only difference between open and tac being a bipod, and with two 30 rd mags cinched together for support (much like a bipod) there isn't a world of difference between those two any more. By the way, I was on stage 3, and we painted each morning, and at lunch when we could, but to tell the truth, with a white target backer behind a steel IPSC target, the contrast was so distinct that to my eyes the targets looked very much the same before and after paint at that distance. My .02, for what it's worth.
  8. Open Tac/optics Tac/iron HM/optics HM/iron I love .308, and don't understand why we can subcat. Tac, but not HM. (now if we could just get rid of those pesky pump SGs )
  9. Man, where to start? I got there early and had the great fortune to be asked to shoot with the ROs and to RO a stage. I had a ball. I got to see some of the best shooters in the world shoot a really challenging stage. I got to see some of the most beautiful country anywhere. I got to meet some of the nicest folks on earth. I got to talk to folks that have been doing this game since it's inception, and before. The ladies were very classy. I laughed at the difference in shooting styles between the women and men. When the ladies engaged long range steel, they lined up the scope, squeezed the trigger, and usually hit the target. If they didn't, they would just do it all over again. When about 90% of us men missed a shot on long steel, we would almost always begin blasting away trying to pick it up. What a difference in style. The squads/shooters were a pleasure to RO. I heard NO complaining/moaning/bitching about anything, just a true joy to be there, and everyone pitched in to reset the stage. (after watching one of the best shooters in the country run an incredible stage time, I had to ask him to walk back up the hill to double check a suspected failure to neutralize. As we were walking back to the target that I had asked someone to stand next to, the shooter, in a fine show of maturity hollared "if it's not there boys, it's not there" What a class act.) ALL you folks were a pleasure to watch and run through the stage. It was an honor to do it. The generosity shown at the awards ceremony was unforgetable. You guys showed not only a lot of class, but a true love of the sport we enjoy. The match sponsors. WOW! Thanks to all of you. Without you it would not be possible. JJ and Denise did a great job. I'm still not comepletely sure what all happened in the past, but it is very clear that without JJ and Denise, this match would no longer happen, and that would be a real shame. My thanks to them. All the match staff did a great job also. A great group of folks to work with. They all made this newbee flatlander feel very welcome. My thanks to all envolved. What a great experience. I look forward to next year's match.
  10. I should find out today if I'll be able to get out there this year. (hopefully still a few open slots ) Never been, just read some articles about it. Does anyone have any pics of previous matches so I might get an idea of what might to expect. Thanks, BW
  11. Aside from having to get the bugs worked out, Congrats! It looks very cool, and I'm sure Randy will get it right for you. I've been looking for one myself.
  12. Hey, not to hi-jack the thread, but how've ya been? Missed you and the gang at the Magnolia. Hope all are well. Sent you an IM.
  13. Ken, congrats on the win! I hear area 4 is a scorcher, sounds like you were too. Hop, did I understand you couldn't make it? If so, sorry to hear it. I know you were looking forward to it. Hope everything is OK.
  14. John does an outstanding job. He and his very skilled crew make this match a pleasure to compete in, going so far as to have snacks at the stages to keep the competitors going, and even a hay ride to get from stage to stage. When asked for suggestions for next year, no one could come up with any to improve the match. My thanks to John, and all the Magnolia team. A real class act.
  15. Lee, when you shoot the wheelgun, you are competing against other revolver shooters. Makes no difference if it is "revolver friendly", what ever that is supposed to be. It doesn't matter what the semi shooters are doing. We all shoot 6 and reload. When you walk up to that 8 or 10 shot array, all the revolver guys have to reload. There is also something to be said about that feeling when you finish a stage and one of the semi guys says "he beat me, and with a $&%^ wheelgun too"
  16. Thanks for the compliment. You're a class act yourself. I had a great time at the match, screw ups and all. Watching some real rev. shooters go through the stages, great squad (one of the best I've ever been with), super stages, weather, lots of rounds, great ROs, the folks putting it on did a fine job, we even had a "sqad mom" keeping us in line and taking care of the score sheets, shooting order and such. She even had treats for those of us with a sweet tooth. A person couldn't ask for more. Thanks again Dan, John, and Dennis for trying to teach me how to cut those times down. I look forward to shooting with YA'LL again. Now it's time to start working on all the stuff you showed me, and see if I can get my PF back down to 167, instead of the 184 I had Sat. (talk about throwing off your timing!) Gotta try Clays. Take care.
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