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Everything posted by buzzworm

  1. Thanks to Andy, Tammi, Mike, Sabre, Barrett, Rockcastle, the ROs and everyone else for such a good match. Looked like I wouldn't be able to make the match for a while, then it worked out. Then my rifle started giving me fits. Decided to swap divisions on Wednesday with no time to prep with the mouse gun, or clean the shotgun (that bit me in the butt!). All the great folks, and super stages made it a great trip/match. Good to see old friends and new. Thanks to all for such a great weekend. Super match.
  2. Hey Hop. Just printed out the forms. Should be in the mail soon. Later, BW
  3. We shoot in a big gravel pit far (miles) from any houses, businesses, etc. During daylight savings time we run night HG once a month, with HG/rifle twice, and HG/SG once during those months. We have used flashlights, ambient light, (on a full moon, you would be surprised how well you can see) weapon mounted lights, headlights, flashing lights, even strobe fireworks thrown out in front of the shooter just before the buzzer. I set up a HG stage with four spot lights shining in the shooter's face, run by a generator off in the woods. The targets were behind the wall the lights were mounted on. When the shooter flipped off the switch for the lights, it went dark, and the buzzer was hit. (the RO faced him until that point to make sure he didn't close his eyes to get accustomed to the dark) He then had to engage his targets in the dark. This was to simulate running into a dark building from out in the bright sunshine. Just a hint, good night sights are your friend in the dark. We do dark rifle at close up out to 90 yds. On some targets we mount a flashing red LED on the targets rt. shoulder to show "muzzle blast" and the shooter has to figure over and down from there to get his hits. Some times folks fixate on the LEDs, so keep some spares. ETA: Also, rifle steel at around 60-70 yds with some type of low lighting on them (I use a lantern a few yds away) is lots of fun, esp. when hit with mild steel jacket ammo such as wolf. Can you say SPARKS?!!) Iron sights on rifles work OK if you have ambient light to see them. Optics work well, esp. if you have some light to see your reticule. Dots work best, but you need one that can be turned WAY down. Many will "bleed" into the entire screen even on the lowest setting, so you need to play with them to see which work best. This can only be done in a remote place that has secured access. It is also done with high walls, and the shooter is watched very carefully, by ALL on hand, not just the RO. Extreme care must be used. This is for information purpose only, to tell folks what we do, and not meant to encourage anyone else to do so. Good luck.
  4. What a match! My thanks to all who worked so hard to make it work. What professionalism! The stages were great. Challenging while fun. (I think my favorite was "the trench" with 6 running a close second) It was obvious that a LOT of thought went into each and every one. The coin will be cherished. What a cool idea. Thanks to all the sponsors! Your support for Aaron, Robbie, and their team show us how much respect and trust you have in them. And, a special THANK YOU! to each and every service man or woman serving this great country that we all love so much. It brought a tear of pride to look at all those young faces that have been or could be put at great risk to protect OUR freedoms. THANK YOU !!!!
  5. I have a late ? about the weapons disclosure form. (I know it's very late) The form has 8 slots for "number of weapons" Do I put a total # in one slot, or # of each type, such as "2" if I am bringing 2 ARs and "2" for 2 shotguns etc? (back ups) Thanks for any (late) help. BW
  6. Hey David. Planning to be there. Just keep "spoon" seperated from all tools.
  7. Well, I don't know if it was my post to JJ about the choice targets, but I definately think about my weak/strong points when I look at a stage. I used to shoot revlover, so I had so split every array by six, manage my reloads, and which targets could be engaged at which position with the greatest likyhood of good hits/speed. I guess it just carries over. I shoot HMO, and reloading a SG sux, so IF I can ditch it and go to a HG that can be loaded in .5 seconds as opposed to 8 seconds works for me. No brainer. I watched several shooters stand there and reload their shotgun, while they had a HG on their belt, and targets well within reach of a HG. I didn't care for that plan. If I have an array that I can shoot right to left, that's the way I shoot it, just works better for me. I have had folks say, "if you're right handed, you need to go left to right, as that is the natural way the gun recoils" Well, I feel like I'm fighting it when I go left to right. I do practice left to right in local matches, but only for the times I don't have a choice. I also decide which gun I can keep shooting the longest, but also get the hits fastest with. At RM3G, on 5, I took the HG/rifle choice targets with my rifle. I had already popped in a fresh mag after the two sets of steel, and the small rifle papers, and the choice targets were easily done with the rifle just before dumping it in the barrel, as oppose to the back targets being a little bit long for a HG (read slower). On 7, I dumped the SH as soon as I could, used the HG for all the steel choice targets, and the paper choice targets, except the two furthest ones. Dumped the HG in the bucket, then used the rifle for the two left (or planned to, before I forgot the one in the shadow) then still had an almost full mag for steal. I also decided on that plan based on the fact that there wasn't a lot of rifle steel there. If I had more steel to shoot, I may have used the HG for all the paper, so my rifle would have more ammo to start out with on steel. A very wise person once told me to listen to what everyone says, take what sounds good and try it, IF you think it will help you. If it works better, great, if not, drop it and move on, but you need to decide which is helpfull, and which is not. Otherwise you can spend an awfull lot of time trying everything, and not getting better at what you already have. What works well for one person, doesn't always work well for another. I watch everyone that is in line before me shoot the stage. If I have a plan, and someone has something better, then I decide if I can alter my plan and not screw it up. I have had times when I had a plan, changed at the last minute, then blew it when the buzzer went off, because of confusion between the two plans. I try to stick with my original plan, but will alter it if I see something much better. I have seen brand new shooters look at a stage from a totally different view than veteran shooters, and walk away with a great run that all the know it alls overlooked. As far as which target to shoot first, that changes with the stage, but usually hardest first. If there is a nice easy, wide open target that I can get first, nice and fast, get going, then pick up the harder one, fine, but if it is going to be a slow start to the stage anyway, I like to get the harder one, then relax and speed up (IF I can) for the easier ones. So, yes, when I can, I try to shoot a stage based on strength/weakness. What works best for me. I think most folks do it, even if they have never though about it. By the way, it was good seeing you at Raton, hope to see you at FB3G.
  8. A little late, but, I liked the 500- 600 yd targets. It's a rifle stage, shoot 'em. They were challenging, but as you like to say, "it's a big boy match" (the one on 6 wouldn't have been nearly as challenging if I had remembered to turn up my magnificatin ) And I also liked the stages with shooter's choice targets. Shotgun is my weakest point, (all three weapons are my weak points ) so on 7, as soon as I was done with shotgun targets, I could dump it in the barrel and switch over to HG. I liked that.
  9. I wonder what would happen if we took this approach to NASCAR or the NFL. The guy that wins gets the trophy, but the water boy or the driver that hit turn three in the first lap gets all the prizes and big $$$$ because he had the winning ticket. "badchad" for president!
  10. I like the way the prizes were done at RM3G this year. A table for each division that is scored on it's own. If I shoot HM-O, then I think I should walk the prize table set out based on entries into my division. Based on the % of prizes/$$$ brought into the match by shooters in MY division. My division match score is not mixed up with open/tac-o/.22rf/single shot/muzzle loader/girlyman division, so why should I walk a table that is mixed up with it. I'm not going to cry because someone that shot in a division that has seven times as many shooters in it, brings home a better prize than I got from the table I walked. I decide that before I choose which division to enter. (In USPSA I shot Revo for quite some time, so I guess I'm used to it ) There is no one answer that everyone will agree on, and the prize table lay out will not affect which division I enjoy shooting in.
  11. Congrat to all the winners, and to J.J. and Denise for another great match. I too really enjoyed the rifle stages. (my favorites) Lots of shooting(if I didn't miss so much, I couldn't shoot as much ), including three stages with 300-400+yd targets. After reading about 2, I was concerned about the sporting clays aspect in a 3gun match, but figured, shotgun is part of 3gun, why not? The blend of birds and steel was great, and turned out to be one of my favorite stages. Loved it. I worked a stage on Thursday and Saturday. Had a great partneer to RO with, and the squads were fantastic. 3gunners are the best folks around to work with. I got to watch some of the best shooters in the world shoot a stage, and had the honor of running Mr. Horner on 6 when he make that 77.? second run. WOW! Thanks to JP, Nordic, Sabre, and all the other sponsors. Without them putting out the $$$$, this match would not come close to what it is. Thanks to all, shooters, ROs, staff, and sponsors for making this old man from Mississippi feel so welcome. Looking forward to next year's match.
  12. Hi Linda. I am very sorry for your loss. Take care, and may God bless. BW
  13. As scoring goes, like someone said a while back "any way you score it, it all amounts to shots/hits per second" That may be a little over simplified, but fairly accurate. Equipment, as so many others have said, read the rules. (just ask Denise about the ??? I had before driving out to RM3G) Now that Tim has sturred the pot, let me go a step further, but in a different direction. In my opinion, USPSA will NEVER play by anyone elses rules. Not a slam, just my feelings on it. If correct, then just for discussion, say we play by those rules. Now, do all the folks that want standardized rules also want "classes"? How about classifier stages? More divisions, so we can bring in all the --fill in the blank--- shooters? I don't believe rules for equipment or scoring make a difference to NEW shooters, (our local clubs don't enforce equipment rules for first time shooters except for safety) so I don't think standardizing will bring in any more shooters. Like said earlier, new shooters are there having fun, and it takes most some time to get the hang of scoring, but which is easier for the shooter to get the hang of, IMGA or USPSA? I like having different rules in different matches. It helps the MD to get the most out of his or her match, and in the end that is good for the folks shooting it.
  14. Choice targets? Does that mean they are "really choice"? Just kidding. Sounds great. As I said a while back, letting the shooter choose which weapon, when possible, can add a whole new perspective to the stage. Sounds like "ya'll done good" at Johnson 3gun. Sorry I missed it. Maybe next year.
  15. The magnet is the only way that I know of to tell, and I have been surprised by some. I have a box of Winchester 147 fmjbt projectiles that will hold a magnet to them. I was checking some ammo one day just to see what did and did not attract the magnet. Of course, the Barnaul and Wolf did, as well as some SS109, and AP stuff, Port. 308 did, can't remember if Hirt. did, S.A. was good, no magnet, but I was surprised when I grabbed some Wins. bullets out of the box to check. Magnet stuck to them. I have been told that some Win. projectiles were made by IMI. Don't know for sure, but the ones I have sure like magnets.
  16. Have you tried it without the sidesaddle? I have seen the screws on sidesaddles tightened up enough to put a bind on the reciever and jamb up the works. You may also want to try without the tube. Alignment (or missalignment) can cause feed issues. And of course, as Trapr said, good ammo. Have you tried any other? One of my 870s absolutely hates Winchester.
  17. I guess I'll be labeled a heritic, but I for one do not want to see USPSA rules applied to all 3gun matches. I don't want to see USPSA take over all shooting sports, and I don't have a problem with different rules for different matches. Like someone earlier said, I learn the rules for each match, and go play. If I don't like the rules, I don't play. What is so hard about that? As for the Horner scoring system, it looks good to me. While I would prefer that one hit in the A, or A/B head still count as a neutralized target, I do want to see hits win a match, not missed shots thrown downrange. I was at Steel City and saw the SKS episode Stefan refered to. When a shooter can just throw rounds downrange with no attempt to hit the target, just so he has "engaged" them, and come away with an outragously low time, and win, that just goes against what I thought a shooting match was about. As for major/minor differences in rifle, some matches also call one hit in the C zone neutralized for HM. Think about it, a hit anywhere close to the bolier room with .308 or .06 would have the BG down for the count, and with .308 costing .50/rd and up, it helps to keep heavy metal shooters in the sport. (same thing for .223 shootes with .223 at .40/rd if one A or A/B still counts) I had to choose between Ft. Benning and the 3Gun Nats. I'm #15 on the FB3G waiting list.
  18. I got mine at a consignment baby stuff store for $49. They tell me it was $300 new. I got mine out of a pile of trash, er, uh, 3gun gear, at the road side leaning up against some garbage cans. Very good shape. Didn't need the playpen, er, large brass catcher. Used Oly 20"A2 450.00 GI mags 7.00 ea GI mag pouches 3.00 ea Used Miculek break 30.00 money saved spent on ammo/reloading supplies no longer my primary rifle, but has been through many local matches from 3gun to CMP
  19. Hi, I have an Armalite AR10A2 that I have been using for HM. It has a very good barrel, but I want to go to a flattop/freefloat upper. It is an early ban rifle, with the permanent 3 chamber brake. I had thought about just swapping to a flat top, but that involves removal of the break, threading, crowning, another comp, so on. At that point I decided to go with one complete. I thought about an AR10T upper cut back to 20", cut down under the HG for weight, and Benny's "Rolling Thunder" break. I also am thinking about the JP light weight profile 18" barrel, and hand guard setup on my flat top. My question is, do you prefer the light weight shorter barrel, or the heavier longer barrel? (I contacted Benny a few weeks back to talk to him about a build, and he talked about the Armalite being heavy, which is what made me start to question my plans. I also talked to JP and they spent alot of time with me on the phone about options also. Even called back to place the order, but that was put on hold till I get the reciever in hand. Many thanks to both for all the help.) So, heavier to cut down felt recoil, or lighter to swing/handle better? Thanks in advance for any help. BW
  20. Congrats to all the winners. Congrats to John and all his crew. Another great job. It was a very good match.
  21. Hop, you gonna RO, or just shoot with the rest of us? If ROing, what stage? Hope to see ya there. ETA: John, the stages look good. Ought to be a good match.
  22. Thanks guys. Just wanted to see if it was "normal" before calling. I'll contact the folks I got it from. I feel confident that they'll take care of it. Thanks again, BW
  23. Hi, after reading some of the posts about the Weaver 1-3, I ordered one. Last night I sighted it in at 100 yds using 3X. After I was satisfied that it would work at 100, I set up three IPSC targets @ 25 yds, dropped the power down to 1, and did some head shots. When I walked out to check my hits, all the shots were about 5" low, just below the B/C perf. I tried again with same results. I then moved the power back to 3X, and all the hits were in the A/B head. I tried one at 3x, and another back down to 1X, and the results were the same, right on the money with 3X, but way low with 1X. Has anyone seen this much POI shift with theirs? I have 2 Loopy VXIII 1.5-5s that have never done this, but wanted to try a 1X out for shorter games. Any input would be helpfull. Thanks, BW
  24. Hi folks. Well, yesterday SMPSA shot our first match without our friend. The match went well, but it was very difficult, as it was impossible not to notice the huge void created by the loss of Tim. He was THE driving force behind SMPSA, a great competitor, mentor, gentleman, and my friend. He will be sorely missed. Next month's match, April 13, will be our anniversary 3 gun match. We have decided to dedicate that match to Tim's memory. We will have a 21 (or more) gun salute, and there is talk of placing a marker/monument, and possibly a perpetual trophy given in Tim's honor. We will record the event, and hope to give a copy to Tim's mother and father. We want to invite all shooters, and especially everyone that knew Tim to join us. You can get details on the club website SMSPS.com. Thanks to Hop for the link, and to all for the prayers and comments. We all have fond memories of Tim, and I hope you can join us in this. Take care, BW
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