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Everything posted by cliffwalsh

  1. Revolver Jerry Miculek Cliff Walsh Mike Carmoney Patrick Sweeney
  2. If Dave knew he had a miss, and I think he did, the right thing to do would be to amend the score sheet to show the miss. He chose the reshoot and try to take some free points. While perfectly within the rules, he did so to erase a miss he had earned. What if he would have reshot and burned down the stage and won the match by a few points? Would you still take your hat off??
  3. The RM said he could amend the score sheet if the shooter agreed. I am not even a RO so I am just going by what I heard and saw myself.
  4. The article by Robin had a lot of bad facts about the controversy. I think Dave knew the target was an alpha mike. He did not ask for an overlay. The RO's on the stage took it upon themselves to find the hit that was not there. I looked at the target and have no doubt it was a miss. The RO's called it 2 alpha after a few minutes overlay work. Next, Jerry asked for the target to be pulled. The article makes it sound like the squad got together and made a decision. It was Jerry who asked for the target to be pulled. I have never had one of my own targets pulled and would have never had another shooter's target pulled. Now I will. The range master came over and scored it alpha mike fairly quickly but the Dave and the RO's had already signed the score sheet. The article says the RM called a reshoot. Not True. The RM gave Dave 3 choices; keep the score as is, amend the score sheet to alpha mike on that target, or reshoot. Dave said. "I don't want the miss so I'll reshoot." The reshoot went badly for Dave as the article says.
  5. Bob Perdue of North Mountain Moonclip Holders and 4wheelguns.com is having a birthday today. Have a good one Bob, leave some scotch for us.
  6. Mike, you had me at convinced......
  7. It was a great day, thanks everyone for looking after Jesse. You don't know what you don't know until you put 12 Revo guys together at a local match. Then you find out what you don't know. He talked my ear off all the way home..... Quality bonding time, at least you were not bailing him out on New Year's day Well.. I love my boys but if I ever get that call they better call Uncle John Z, or Uncle Cliff, because they already know I am not coming to bail either of them out.... You are assuming that John & Otis are not standing next to the boys during the call . . . Linda Chico (L-2035) Columbia SC I wonder if Lee would lend me a quarter??
  8. Hope to see you both at the world shoot.
  9. I had to take them off, they chafed like a bear.
  10. You and Danny are not qualified to give anyone pointers.
  11. When I was 16, I.... better not say on here. Happy birthday buddy.
  12. Nice, but it's New Years eve I usually spend in the drunk tank. See you guys there.
  13. Welcome Jesse, No the hard part starts. long days of practice, eating right and excercise. And no beer whatsoever. Its a tough road, but if you stick to it; you can be as good as me some day. Merry Christmas buddy.
  14. Merry Christmas to all the revo shooters out there. I want to thank all of you, except the Galde's, for making my hobby so much fun. I know I would not have done it so long and traveled to so many places if it was not for the good friends I have all over. Most of the people I know around here, play golf once or twice a month on the same course and call it fun. Nothing against golf but I'd bet they never seen anyone play a hole in a thong. I have been shooting matches since 2003 and my best memories from then to now are being drunk and shooting guns with you guys. Merry Christmas to you and yours and especially your over 18 daughters, Cliff, Otis, El Conquitador, or the end of all pratical shooting the world over. Bringing the pain in 2011. ok, the Galde's too.
  15. Our good friend Doug Carden has started offering loaded ammo and other reloading services to competitive shooters and the Galde's. Check him out in the vendor area or at : DC Ammo If you need match revolver ammo, this is the place to get it. Doug is one of us and know what revo shooters need out of ammo.
  16. My brother Chris wanted me to thank Bob and Sue for his Team North Mountain Techwear Shirt. Thanks guys.
  17. You can all get a classifier at the 2011 Memphis Charity Challenge.
  18. I would love someone to explain why Josh is not going to be a GM and why Dave, Matt, Devon, and John were last year. Last year, they were only 95% of me. Surely shooting 95% of the best ever is worthy of GM status.
  19. Last year. 4 shooters made GM based on shooting 95% or higher at nationals. Matt went from A to GM.
  20. Don't tell me you're not going. Who am going to bet on with Steve?
  21. Just remember, Josh got beat by a guy in a skirt. How good can he really be???
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