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Everything posted by cliffwalsh

  1. I met her and shot a match with her on my squad without knowing she had even been on Top Shot (looked different with dark shooting glasses on all day). I liked her. She was aggressive on every CoF. She didn't always score well but she attacked every stage with a vengeance. You can learn shooting but it's harder to learn speed, so I think she'll do well once she gets a handle on calling her shots. Even after a couple of crash-and-burns she didn't let them drag her down and she stayed at it. That's hot. She's very cool. Amanda was a lot of fun. She is every new to shooting. Give her a few more years and she'll be somebody. Her biggest problem, in my opinion, was the weight of the rifle and not being able to bench it. She must weigh 100 lbs herself. I know she had a hard time holding the gun up, after a few misses, I bet it got real heavy and the wind was pretty stiff that day too.
  2. Remember that the people on that show have been eliminated. Maybe everything that is said is not exactly correct. One example, We did not put Amanda last because she was the best shooter on the rifle.
  3. Pull out of the match then sign up again.
  4. Absolutely. There is not enough time to show everything. Each show is filmed over 3 days. Day 1: team practice. One team goes in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Day 2: Team challenge in the morning then nomination range in the afternoon. Day 3: elimination practice and then the challenge in the afternoon. A show is about 45 minutes long so all that had to be cut down to fit. Taran was making his usual jokes but they didn't show much of practice. I am surprised at some things they did not show. During the cannonball run, I fumbled a reload and launched a mag into the air right about the middle of the shoot. It landed on the ground in front of the platform. I grabbed another mag, got the gun running, and went back to work but I lost 3 or 4 balls before I was back on track. I would think that would have made it more dramatic to see me fumble and then try to catch back up but there was no sign of it. When I fall off the log in the 1st show, Gary is standing behind the log. He tries to help me and gives me a push but nobody is on the other side and he throws me off balance and I roll off the log. In out meeting, the first thing we discuss is me falling off the log, Gary says that it was not my fault he pushed me and this is not a lumberjack competition and we move on. It would have been nice to include that 30 seconds in the show so I don't have to take so much crap about it. The first time, I did fall all by myself though. In the second show, there were some misfires with AK47 that were cut out. I would really like to see uncut footage of all the challenges form start to finish. Maybe they will put in the DVDs.
  5. I wish I had a range in my yard. I might be good too.
  6. Ha David, you can't get me this year. I have adult supervision.
  7. It was Phil who missed the scoring rings and hit the wood border of the elimination target on the first show. We gave him a lot of crap about that. It's funny. Everyone was worried about being the guy who missed. I think more so that they worried about the real challenges. I tried to get them to shoot one handed at the eliminations, it was not that far (10 yards or so) but nobody wanted to risk it. Chickens.
  8. You can ask Taran. I think he got them. They were nice and worked well.
  9. I don't know how it changes, it just seems to happen from time to time.
  10. It's like that scene in Armagedon when they come back from space, Rockhound says, ""So, that incident with me and the gun on the asteroid, let's just keep that under wraps, alright?" You will know it when you see it.
  11. Thanks everyone. Have no fear; my balls are fine and where they belong. (In California) I was a little surprised to here all the talk. All that stuff is secret while we are in the house. They didn't show any of my interviews during elimination because I only said nice things about Drew and that he had a very good chance to send me home. I would never throw a bucket of water on a guy who was walking the plank. (Almost never, I think I do it once.) I was surprised that Gary was against me. I never got a hint from him to my face. Part of the problem was that Mark and I were in a different room from the rest of the red team. The other 5 spent more time together and I'm sure that has an effect. They were quick to jump on Drew though. Not sure how that happened. I didn't have any idea who did what so I was taking their word for it. It is hard to argue with the results though. He turned out to be a weak shooter, maybe not as weak as Mike but still weak. Thanks for the kind words, glad to carry the flag for everyone here. I'll do my best going forward. ps. There may be a slight incident on the next show. No need to discuss it here or at all. Just saying.
  12. I'm sorry I didn't look here for a thread until now. I'll try to answer questions and let you know what I know about the show going forward. Thanks again for the kind words. Cliff
  13. Thanks guys. That was a lot of fun. The mags had like 23 rounds or so in them and we had about 15. They made sure no matter how much you missed you could not run out of rounds. They didn't show it but I had one reload where I launched the mad into the air. I think I lost 3 or 4 balls before I got back on track. I think it is kind of strange they didn't show it. I wanted to see what it looked like on TV. I think it came down to nerves. I don't think I get nervous anymore while shooting. One cannon ball dropped every 8 seconds so you had to shoot 5 plates in that time. The order changed so you had to pay attention but 5 plates in 8 seconds is not super hard. Just ask anyone at the steel challenge last weekend. I'd bet there were not many strings of 8 secs in Piru. I think Drew missed a few and got behind and panicked. That challenge had a lot of things you had to keep track of and it was easy to get lost. It looked like he lost track of what was going on and you can see him turn the gun at an angle and start blasting. Obviously, that was not the way to get back in control. I didn't get to see Drew shoot until tonight so I saw as much as you all did. I did not how everyone did with the shotgun until tonight. I was told I hit 3 by the producers but they said I only got 2 tonight. Colby was standing about 5 feet from where the red team was shooting. He is yelling things like, "and Cliff misses again." It was very distracting but funny. I was trying hard to get my head out of my a$$ during the competition so I did not watch the other shooters much. I had a feeling Mike did not hit what he said he did. It clearly should have been he and I at the elimination and it would not have been as close as it was with Drew. Drew should have stayed a while longer. Sorry buddy.
  14. Matt, Todd Jarret is organizing a US ammo shipment. You might be able to get in on that.
  15. You will be missed Mike. I was looking forward to this trip. Had all my money separated in $7 piles.
  16. Today is the day Darren Garrity and David Surgi were born, many many years ago. Raise a cold one for them.
  17. With the 8 round array rule, an 8 shot revo can run very close to a production gun or L-10. Much closer than an 6 round gun can run with the 8's. The production rules now allow revos to wear their ammo in the front too. I don't see what is stopping anyone who wants to shoot their 8 shooters. From 8 to 10 is a 20% increase, 6 to 8 is a 33% increase. Just saying.
  18. Mike hit all A's with his 8 shot so his score would be the same in minor. My 6 shot score is less than 80% of Mikes 8 shot score. Since I am 15% better than Mike, simple math would suggest that 8 shooters are 35% better than 6 shooters.
  19. If you guys want a change, show up and shoot your guns in L-10, production, and open. Sitting here typing about it is easy, show the board that you have the numbers. There has been a lot of talk about this over the years but I have only seen a few people do it at majors. Mike Sousa shot production at the nationals a few years back with and 8 shot but who else has? There will nor be a change until there is evidence that a change is warranted. I'll be looking for you out on the range.
  20. Thanks everyone. Just got back in town from the Relay for Life. I walked over 20 miles, they kept pulling the beer around the the track on a string. I had a good bithday up in Oregon, they took good care of me. Mostly due to the people right here on the Enos forum, I raised more money than anyone else there. We even got some suckers to pay $300 to come and shoot with Lisa and I. The event was a bid success and I plan to go back next year. Give yourselves a pat on the back.
  21. Well Damn. If I would have known it was nice, I would have bought it myself. Enjoy the gun buddy. Glad to help.
  22. Junior revolver shooter and teen heart throb, Jesse Wills, made B class this month. Lets give him a big hand.
  23. Thanks Jon. You are the man.
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