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About Ausman

  • Birthday 06/16/1952

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Interests
    Hiking, Cycling, Overlanding, Photography and of course shooting!
  • Real Name
    William E. Enos

Ausman's Achievements

Looks for Range

Looks for Range (1/11)

  1. Not having any luck anywhere.. so I must be a little late to the party. Kinda scary since I am down to my last 2k primers!
  2. Ausman

    Sig 226

    So I can buy the X-Change kit for the P226 in .357Sig and use it on my 9mm P226 without any other modifications?
  3. Bruce put in what appears to be the extractor that he is showing on the Sig forum this past May. I knew it was not just another version of X5 stock extractor. In fact I was convinced it was from a P220ST and apparently I may be right. Bottom line this seriously solves the problem. I have shot around 15 matches and countless practices since he performed the surgery and I have had not ONE failure to eject! If his new one is an improvement on what he did to my X5.. all I can say is that it will be REALLY awesome!
  4. Thanks for the note. My sister has been looking for 18rd mags for her SP01 for quite sometime. Great news her looking has stopped as I received 6 in the mail for her last week!!
  5. Ausman


    My wife has been shooting a CTS all year in USPSA and it has been faultless. She feels it is the best Limited pistol that she has ever used.
  6. I think I have tried just about every type and brand of 9mm bullet manufactured. Plated.. lead.. and jacketed. For me it is hands down MG 124g JHP.. No feed issues... sizing is absolutely consistent and they are just darn accurate if I do my job!
  7. Mmmm.. your thread gave my wife some ideas for her CZ Limited pistol!
  8. Ausman

    Sig owner

    Welcome to the Sig side of the Brian Enos forum. Count me in as a Sig-Fan. I shoot an X5 L1 in USPSA Limited.. somebody always says something positive about it at matches.. even just sitting in my holster. They are great looking pistols.. all of them!
  9. Ausman

    Sig 226

    Sure wish you could run all 3 calibers in one frame and slide.. that would be totally awesome. I would be even more of a Sig fan if that were the case!!
  10. Ausman

    Lube for X5

    I have used Shooter's Choice on my X5 L1 for the last year and on my All Around for 2 years prior to that and I cannot see any wear. In addition winter or summer I have not had ANY problems... none. That is shooting one heck of a lot of rounds in USPSA / IPSC.
  11. Absolutely love my magwell on my X5 L1.. Thanks Staudacher.. sure makes for much quicker reloads!
  12. Ausman

    147GR or 124GR

    For my wife's CTS I load MG 124g JHP.. 4.4 N320 at an OAL of 1.142. Accuracy is great.. PF right at 130 and the recoil is very light. Never a problem with tumbling or anything. They are just nice and consistent. The barrel has been throated the get the OAL out a ways.
  13. JWeber.. yes that is grip tape on the sides of my grips. In fact I have quite a bit strategically placed in different spots. I LOVE a real sticky grip! In fact the first time I used the X5 L1 with the new tape on it.. I got some minor amounts of epidermis removed on my fingers. But now the pistol is like it is littered with suction cups.
  14. That is my plan.. install the standard 226 release. Rest assured I will do it before I shoot my next match in January!
  15. Discovered on my X5 L1 that when you start from a tabletop.. just the weight of the pistol will release the mag. I have been thinking all along it was me pushing down on the X5 when I picked it up. Tried rolling it up and the mag still fell out. Time to shorten it a tad!
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