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Everything posted by MikeFoley

  1. The stages were really fun and well mixed. The RO's did a great job. Glad to shoot anywhere it wasn't raining after TN last weekend. My first Area match after getting my A card, and I was 6th A, 20th Limited, and 67.5%. It is a little like starting over after moving up, but I was pleased to have no mikes, no no-shoots, no procedurals, and only fired 3 extra rounds all day. I never shot a clean match before. Congrats to Tewlman on his Open B Class win. He is shooting great this year, and poised to strike at the Nationals. BTW, he has targets hung everywhere: home, work, vehicle, and inside his eyelids. Mrs. Fomeister saw her first match yesterday. It was nice to have her along. Looking forward to seeing everyone next week in Barry. DVC
  2. Hold the boat, the saga continues and seems to get more wierd by th malfunction. but we may be on to something. I just took the gun I borrowed and shot A5 with yesterday down to the club. I cleaned it and put 6 rounds in a mag and started to shoot 3 sets of doubles. After the first shot, the hammer stopped at the half notch. This gun is a stock Edge that has been hardchromed and grip textured, that's all, no trigger work. The serial number begins with CM58xx and mine is CM69xx. I fear that this is a sear pin hole in the frame that is out of spec based mainly on the fact that a local gunsmith just put an oversized sear pin in another STI (an open gun this time) without reaming the hole, but only on one side. He discovered this after seeing a sear wear uneven twice in this gun. Tewlman's Edge, BDogs Edge, SmittyFL's Edge, and my Edge are all having this malfunction. The local gunsmith is checking the pin holes in my gun and will let you know what he finds. The only common denominator I see is that all of the guns are STI frames, and all have been hardchromed. BTW, the chroming was done by at least three different shops, Tripp, Metaloy, and Checkmate. They all have different parts, different gunsmiths, and different fired round counts. Three different shooters are making this happen, SmittyFL a GM in FL, Fomeister an A in KY, and Tewlman a B in KY. I am going to order 4 sets of oversized pins tomorrow and get them shipped NDA so that we can address this before Nationals, gulp. Thanks to all.
  3. I was hoping he would consider that. I don't mind getting all new stuff if that's what he recommends, but I hope it is not necessay.
  4. Find me, I'll give you some of my ammo for her to try as an example of 170PF. Mrs. Fomeister is coming to watch me shoot for the first time. I am excited about the match and about her being there. I have been having gun problems and will be shooting BW's Edge. How did you do today? What about Jack? Lots of B class wheelgunners scheduled to shoot. It just occurred to me how that we could try some different loads for Mrs. Airedale. I have some new Starline here that I could put in the 650 and prime, remove it so to skip the powder die and hand load the powder one round at a time, then put it back in at the seat and crimp station. We could play with lots of different loads this way.
  5. That is awesome. I guess the good exposure to our fine squad over the weekend was an overwhelming lure to the game despite the rain. I have a 646, as you may know, and I think the question is "Does it matter whether she shoots major or minor?". You have already indicated minor, but maybe you should let her try a few different recipes just to make sure. I use 180 grain Zero TCFMJ and 4.8 grains of Vita Vhouri 320 and get over 170 power factor. The load is not as harsh as factory, but still substantial. I will be happy to bring you some of my loads to try in Jean's revolver if you like. I will be at A5 tomorrow and on to Nats next week, so first time I see you may be at KAPS. Maybe if you load something marginally close to 165 PF she will be OK with it and still make major.
  6. Well I'm just in from the range with my second borrowed gun, and I'm happy to report that I cannot force it to follow. I did have a little trigger freeze, but I feel confident about tomorrows Area 5. At least as confident as a new A- shooter can. This time the borrowed gun is also a hardchromed STI, but with all factory internals that have no modifications. IT breaks around two pounds and has a positive reset. It has about 10000 rounds on it since chrome, and I cleaned it and shot 30 rounds through it for good measure. Thanks to all who posted, and if the thread lives for while, I'll update you on what happens with my blaster in the weeks to come.
  7. The stats speak for themselves. I am calling Benny this week. I would guess no less than 20 guys who have Benny Hill guns have told me the same thing. I under-estimated the things I was hearing because my gun ran back then. Now that I, and others, are having trouble with lesser knowns, I am going to have a little faith.
  8. Actually, it is what I want to hear. I have been thinking about calling Benny all day. He seems to have more experience with these race blasters than anyone. I talked with him and 12 of his disciples at 3G Nats in Reno. Everyone touts his praises. I am still afraid that new hammer, sear, disconnect, spring, oversize pins, and trigger bow will solve my problem for a few thousand rounds then it will come back. I know that's extreme, but it sucks to lose faith in your gat. On the subject of .12 to .15 splits, I never saw them until recent, but I three .12s and two .13s out of six, all A's once in practice last week. Yes, I finally broke down and did the practice thing this past few weeks. I now know not to get extractor, hammer, and other internals chromed, but it was my first. I shot those plastic guns before, you know the zero maintenance variety. I have secured an unaltered gun for Area 5 and Nationals. I hope that BH will be in Barry next week. I would love to talk to him in person and hand him my blaster and list of what I want, then he can tell me what I need, and inevitably, how bad it is going to hurt. I have always told others "This sport is not for the faint of heart or light of wallet."
  9. I'm not alone, in addition to SmittyFL, Tewlman also has the problem. I went to his shop today, and we each shot our respective Limited guns and then swapped. Both shooters got both guns to go to half cock and double. Even worse, Tewlman's gun was one of my backups for Area 5 and the Nationals. I have arranged for another gun to use, so the heat is off for now, and I can shoot Production, Revolver, or my single stack after Nats while my gun is being repaired. I am still perplexed. It looks like SmittyFL's idea for a focus group is growing in potential members. I did check out Kingman's theory on the firing pin stop, and what-do-you-know, it will pivot behind the ejector. Shame on me. Someone else will be fitting the next one. Thanks Kingman. How many guns out there can do this, and how many shooters can do this?
  10. Not a lot, but I have adjusted the screw both ways with no change in symptom.
  11. I rented a paragraph machine, sorry for the run-on, but it was late and I was mentally bankrupt and emotionally exhausted.
  12. or... #1 With the proper mindset, a lot of travel money, a lot of bullets, and a lot of dryfire... #2 Remember above all else, you are here to have fun... #3 Can you believe this guy wants his copy autographed?
  13. #1 Look how much I made selling books like this to guys like you. #2 The ROs can't touch me here in this bar. #3 You talkin' to me?
  14. Bear with me while I give you a history of my Limited gun, as I feel it is necessary to get the proper direction. October 2003 I purchased a factory new STI EDGE. I shot it about 3000 rounds, and had it hardchromed. I hand cycled it about 800 times and began shooting it immediately, putting about 1000 rounds a month through it with no malfunctions. In February 2004 I sent it to have the grip reduced and textured, and while the gunsmith (a custom builder with a good reputation) had it, I asked about getting a crisp 2lb trigger job done. He agreed to do so. After realizing that the hammer had been chromed, he suggested a new hammer, sear, and disconnect. I agreed and he put C&S components in it. It was an absolute dream and just got better over the next few months (until I got my A card then it got pissed at me and started breaking). Early this summer, the extractor, which had also been hardchromed broke. I got a new AFTEC and followed the instructions to fit it myself. It worked flawlessly, and still does. About 45-60 days ago I was firing real fast doubles at a close target and found my hammer at the half notch. This started to show up about every 100 rounds, but always while "hammering" out doubles, never with two sight pictures. I attempted to put a little more pressure on the sear by bending my spring a little. After screwing that up a few times (either hard trigger or hammer follow) I put a new SV triglide titanium spring in. My trigger was now 1 7/8 lbs and the following stopped for 400-500 rounds when it occurred again in a match, same scenario, fast shots. I took it this time to a local smith who has built a few guns and repaired thousands. He recut my sear and hammer and I took it out to test it. Within 20 rounds I had the same failure. I took it back to him, and he put the hammer and sear out of his personal SV in it and told me to try that. I did, and this time, I got another one in the first 20 rounds, and a 5 shot burst in the second. I read Rob Leatham's material on long hammer to sear engagement and this same malfunction. My smith, and my shooting buddies cannot produce this in my gun, but I can every time. Consequently, I can't do it with any of their guns. My smith is now telling me to order hammer, sear, and oversize pins (and maybe a trigger). Problem #2 is that my firing pin stop (also hardchromed) cracked in the corner all the way to the hole. I fit a new one myself, filing ever so lightly until it fit, and it has now broken in the same fashion within 1000 rounds. What should I do? I don't mind spending a little money to fix it, but I am really scared about it all happening again in a few thousand rounds. I cannot buy a new custom gun without selling this one, and don't feel right selling this one without fixing it. Any advice besides "begin drinking heavily, throw it away, or keep ten each of all the parts prefitted" would be appreciated. I know someone is going to tell me to send it to BH, but WWBD? Thanks in advance. I will be shooting Area 5 and Nationals with a borrowed gun, so please be gentle.
  15. These guys and gals are a class act. They set the example on match flow, design, and what a great prize table, every year. Their RO's are the best anywhere. This may be the best things any Kentucky Wildcat ever said about a Tennessee Volunteer, but I mean them. Hospitality like no other club in the country. Thanks NTPS for another great year. Wish I could say the same for my scores, but still smiling. Oh, I guess the rain deserves mention, I saw some four wheeling, a stuck government vehicle, and some nasty gear, but not once was there an attempted mudwrestling.
  16. Thats's the beauty of it, the inner bag. I gear up from the outer bag at the vehicle, then take the inner bag to the safe area and holster the gun. Then all that's remaining in the inner is ammo, mags, water, pen, etc. If you need the heavy duty stuff, then go back to the truck. The inner has d-rings for the strap if you like, and brass bags can be attached to this as well. The Shooter's bag gives you flexibility in how much gear you need vs. how far/long you have to carry it. No matter which bag you use, it should be a few pounds lighter at the end of the day. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Gross over-apostrophe usage intentional.
  17. This is a great bag (Shooter's Connection). The smallest outside pocket holds a can of insect repellent and a spray bottle of sunscreen. I am told it is also perfect for a timer. The large end pocket will hold eyeware hardcases, hearing protection, and a lot of other stuff. In one of the two side pockets, I put an empty brass bag, gloves (for 3gun hot shotgun or steel handling), and a gun cover. In the other, I put a staple gun, pasters, rulebook, applications to my club, a trash bag, and staples. In the largest side pocket, I put pens and pencils, small tools, a calculator, a pistol ramrod, labels for scoresheets, lubricant, parts (fiber optic rods, springs, recoilmaster takedown tool, etc.), and the shoulder strap when not in use. If you sew velcro onto nylon mag carriers, you can put mags down both sides of the velcro in the stage bag. One of the dividers can be put at one end of the stage bag for keeping a bottle of water. This still leaves room for two guns in the zipper pockets and up to 4-100 round ammo boxes in the cavity. I also put a watch around one of the d-rings. This thing will hold way more than you need if you get carried away, but if you need it, or want it, at a match, it will go in there neatly.
  18. I did a 2.60 with a Glock 26 once, but followed it with several that were disgusting. I thought that was good until I saw David Sevigny start at each end alternating toward the middle in 2.20. I can't seem to get a good run with my STI because I start out well and blow it by the last plate because of momentum in acceleration.
  19. New to reloading in the last year, but lots of practice so far. AMERC-every time my STI malfed it was an AMERC case. S&B-when a round would not case guage, it was S&B. I shoot only a few types of brass since the first 2K, and they all work 100%. They are new Starline, once fired Federal, Winchester, Speer. I like once fired nickel a lot. I only pick it up and load it again if it has been fired in my gun at a practice session where I am the only one shooting .40. If you get a full length resizing die, Glock and Sig brass are no problem. I shoot the same load in an STI Edge, a S&W 646 revolver, an STI Trojan, and previously a Glock 35. The first 4000 once fired Federal I got were from a police range where Glocks were 99% dominant, and I had no issues with the first 3000 rounds fired, 1000 more loaded and waiting. Once fired brass is very inexpensive and plentiful. One final note, stay away from Federal NT brass. They use a different primer pocket dimension on these to keep airborne lead in the case, and it can cause problems at the press, in the box, or in the gun.
  20. You bring up an interesting point. I travel to 4-5 local matches, some state and area matches, and nationals with a group of guys who always try to squad together, mainly because we all paste and reset, come to the line ready, help others, and maintain a close competition (friendly) within our squad. When we occasionally get teamed up with team shortbus, we "encourage them to work a little harder". We have a blast everywhere we go, and all of us are improving. Our system allows for the on deck shooter and the just finished shooter to prepare, do ammo management, or recover. Even though we are all currently certified RO's and run our local match, we don't like working other matches. We simply like to pay, shoot, and help without obligation. I would support a mandatory RO class, but not mandatory work. I don't understand them, but I appreciate the guys who just like to RO. Without them, there would be no nationals to speak of. On tearing down, a lot of the clubs we shoot ask you tear down the stage you finish on, and this works providing that the match directors announce that all squads have shot all stages, and it is safe to tear down. Designing stages can enable you to grow as a shooter, providing you forget your own equipment, abilities, and revenges. My 2 cents provided at no charge, I do not accept any liability for the misuse of my opinions that lead to accidents, disagreements, or domestic unrest.
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