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Everything posted by GregJ

  1. GregJ

    Phantom for CO

    Wanted to play in CO, my Phantom was the best candidate that didnt already have a "job". This should be fun. ? SP-01 plate from Springer, Burris FF3 8MOA dot.
  2. How do these feed with a MBF die? I have my 1050 set up using Zero 124, but will need to be ordering a bunch soon.
  3. Awesome. This is what I was wanting to build in the first place. On my list for the next HD trip.
  4. Try spraying some Kroil into the barrel behind the brass jacket, and pound it out towards the lube. The Kroil should penetrate the jacket and barrel surfaces, and provide lubrication making it easier to remove. Good luck.
  5. Thanks. Will have to check out Inline, they make some good stuff.
  6. Here is my 1050 toolhead stand that probably cost $5. The ID of the toolhead is about 1.35". I found a piece of 2" PVC at HD, a dowl that fit inside the PVC pretty snugly. Drilled the dowl and used threaded bar to secure the dowl to the board. A couple of zip ties to keep the toolhead in place.
  7. I recently got a BCG upgrade from Sig for my Gen2 MPX. The upgrade now includes a FP spring.
  8. GregJ

    Ready for CO!!

    Nice. I just ordered a plate from Springer for my SP-01 Phantom. Hope to be able to play in CO by summer time.
  9. It was recommended to me as a must have for my new press. Helps to ensure more consistent primer seating depth by taking shell plate flex out of the equation.
  10. I have about 6K through my new 1050 with AB, and I have had adn EGA primer hold down die in since almost day one. I did have one primer wipe that went Pfffft, but it was due more to just getting the kinks of a new setup worked out and learning the ways of the 1050. If everything is setup right, I dont see how it could be the cause. But stuff can happen, which is why you should always wear eye and ear pro when reloading.
  11. That's interesting, seems they have removed all powder from their web site.
  12. Dang. I looked there this aft and swore it was not in stock. Will order tomorrow. Tks.
  13. Hmmm, the Viper wont be shipped until about 4/7. Is it worth waiting for? Or is there something comparable at that price point? Like maybe the 8MOA FF3?
  14. Thinking about playing in CO. I have an XD 4" Service that would be a viable candidate. Is this platform worth it? If so besides a Springer plate, what else should be upgraded - which trigger kit, etc.
  15. I had hell getting my new 1050 to Load rounds that consistently gaged. After I sharpied the failures, I saw the bullet was interfering. Loaded shorter fixed it. Discovered EGW was tighter than Barstow chamber, or Wilson gage, and Shockbottle was "looser" than all nor does it check OAL. Just a thought for you.
  16. Freedom seems to get a bad rep from a lot of folks. I have had relatively good luck running it in my 1911 for minor. My Sig MPX PCC carbine does not like it though. If I had to do it over, I would buy elsewhere.
  17. Dont know about EGW for 300B, but for 9mm they are pretty tight, about the same as my wilson. Suggest you take a magic marker and paint the bullet and case to see where the interference is. I had a heck of a time working up loads with 124 gr Zeros. They would plunk fine, pass the Shockbottle gage, fail on either the EGW and/or the Wilson. Marker was getting rubbed off the bullet above the case mouth. Turns out they needed to be seated shorter to reliably pass the EGW and Wilson. Hope this helps some.
  18. Agreed. I like to see a slight ring around the case mouth, like the top round. This way I know the taper crimp die is working. Plus I am very anal about measuring my rounds, OAL, crimp, and primer seating. The bottom round doesnt look like the TC die even touched the case mouth.
  19. That is interesting because I called them about the same thing and bulging cases. They sent an upgraded BCG, new carrier, firing pin, and fp spring. You might call them back and ask for the upgrade
  20. ^^^ This!!! I use a 100 round tray and dump all my recovered brass into a large plastic pan. Makes it very easy to spot the odd balls. I do this each time I return from range. This way all brass has been inspected prior to getting into my process flow. One or two out of several thousand may sneak by due to my old eyes, but this is an acceptable rate.
  21. I've started loading E3 for my 9 minor, 124 Zeros, 3.6gr give 131PF out of my 5" 1911 SS. So far I really like it. It is a large flaked powder, reminds me of WST. It seems to meter pretty well, though the first throw might be a little heavy as it has time to settle between reloading sessions. I also like the large flakes, in that if somehow a case doesnt get a primer, the flakes are too large to dribble out the primer hole.
  22. Agreed. I think what I am seeing is just primer flow. I am wondering if the hammer strike is a little heavy, causing the primer flow, as I am also running a Geissele SSA trigger. I will be putting the stock trigger back in this week end and see if that makes any diff.
  23. Got it. So the E3 loads should be GTG. tks
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