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Posts posted by Jerome

  1. Same thing here. My message said something like I have been registered and would get squadding info later. Nothing about being able to pay the entry fee. So I'm wondering, am I registered or am I waitlisted...

  2. The video is on Facebook. Couldn't find it on YouTube.

    I want to see Jeff Blackmon throwing the mag at the window video...What's funny is the gator classic has the "Blake rule" where you can not throw a mag at an activator. Now they are going to have to make a "Blackmon rule" lol

    I want to Thank the Match Director, who did an awesome job with this match. Gary and Barbara Thibodeaux, the RO's and staff that made everything happen! You couldn't have asked for anything better,Great Stages, great food, great weather,great people and a Great Match. That is just a few reason this match gets sold out every year.

  3. OMG! Having your gun go into full auto might take you a bit by surprise (I know it does me) and you might not think it's acceptable. Seriously, the problem should be corrected. Do you have a link to this posting? Probably a misunderstanding.

  4. This thread is becoming a pretty good resource of pluses and minuses for future Nationals.

    I attended the Limited National and really liked the St George area. I've been to LV many times so having the match there does not appeal to me - especially when I hear about the range conditions there. If I want to gamble, Mesquite is close by and 1.5 hour drive to LV is not that far.

    There are plenty of hotels and restaurants in St George. It's a bit of a tourist area so I don't think the influx of 1,000 or so shooters & match support personal will have a big impact. At the match, I didn't hear anyone complain about it being hard to get there. They have a small airport that we could have flown into with 1 stop from Texas but we drove. The price of flying into St George vs LV is quite a bit higher though. You could probably fly into LV AND rent a car for the week for the same price as flying into St George. At least that was the case when I shopped for a flight.

    I liked the format of 3 - 1/2 days. 2 Days would have been fine too but 5 days I think is a bit long for me. I think they were hoping for more shooters in Limited breaking it up like that. So, that was a bit disappointing.

    One of the great benefits of playing this sport is that you can compete with and shoot side by side (same match, same stages) with some of the greatest shooters in the world. You can't do that with say golf. If you wanted, you could just make it an invitational type match with just the top shooters but I would not be for that at all. I don't think that would better promote or expand the sport.

  5. Nice job Donovan. Great to use when developing a training plan for the year or several months.

    For myself, I would probably take it break it down a bit more like:
    "Props" - stationary targets (paper, steel, hardcover, no shoots) , moving targets (swingers, clamshells, drop turners, etc), around walls, through port holes

    Maybe add Shooting Positions as in leaning, squatting, kneeling, prone?

  6. I know some prefer the hard copy in the mail version but I could live with an e-version. It's got to save printing and mailing costs.

    Shooting Sports USA does a good job of it:


    If you have story ideas you'd like to pitch, please send them to us at frontsight@uspsa.org. We've got staff who can help with editing if you're interested in writing for us.

    We're also working on an e-version of the mag as well, so stay tuned!


  7. I was thinking about getting a Laserlyte LT Pro. The draw back to using it by itself is that you are looking over the gun to see your hits. My plan is to set up a video camera pointed at the 2/3 Metric Targets to capture the laser shots. Basically I would run a drill then go back and score hits from the video.

    Has anyone tried this? Does the laser light show up well enough to score hits?
  8. I went from a 9mm Para to a .45 Kimber to a .40 STI. I hated the STI recoil the most and couldn't believe it was the most popular competition gun for Limited. However, I got used to it after a few thousand rounds. Would not recommend shooting Limited with a 9mm (Minor Scoring) or a .45 (Mag Capacity).

    Now I do know a couple of M level shooters that shoot Limited Minor plastic guns and they don't seem to skip a beat (they torch me all day long) so..., there's that.

  9. Sounds like you have a good list of things for them to fix when your customer sends it back. I purchased an Executive slightly used here. Lots of issues with it causing abnormal barrel wear. I guess the previous owner just accepted it as I'm sure most will do. I sent it to STI and they did a pretty good job repairing it including replacing the barrel and slide. Sear spring would shift and get under the sear. Had a tough time getting the sear and hammer to fit well. Finally found a bur inside the trigger pin hole. Lots of little stuff like that. Once we cleared those things up, no issues since then. It's why many pay that $3500 then a few thousand dollars more having a good builder re build it and customize it.

    Quality control? Pumping them out too fast? Part shortages? Hopefully not a trend.

    Good guys at STI but sometimes...

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