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Everything posted by rwmagnus

  1. .40AET- Thanks those were the plans I saw.
  2. I saw a thread a long time ago on building a chronograph box and can't find it now. Does anybody have plans on building one? I would like one that houses a couple light bulbs so as not to depend on mother natures sunshine. Thanks in advance.
  3. Sounds like a deal. Let me know when your ready and I'll pack up my revo buddies and head north. I'll bring a 25-2; 6.5bbl & a 625; 5" to play with. Too bad about Area 2, your design would get some serious press their. I'm hoping there are going to be lots of revo shooters this year. I know several that are comming to the match that are so deep on the stand by list they will never get in. It sould be a fun time for all.
  4. Randy I totally agree. There are always improvements out there. Some are minor while others are major. I've not handled a Ti revolver that you talk about. I know you did a prototype and several have sung it's praise. At the estimated cost spoken earlier in another thread I don't see that as cost prohibitive. Heck I have production Les Baer and Wilson 1911's that exceed that level. I guess my point is this has to be a major improvement in performance. I believe the Ti cylinder could do it. I'm not comparing it to current production. For the reasons you state I try not to buy new models. CA is pretty restrictive but older Smiths are still out there and can be had at reasonable prices. For S&W I don't know how big the competition action shooter market is but they own it. Harley Davidson learned the hard way and it's a good thing they came back to quality. S&W maight take a moment to review the history files. I got a killer deal on a Pre17 K22 and more recently a fair deal on a 25-2 these are 1950's vintage and were safe queens. Not collector grade but certainly very fine pistols. These were the days when S&W made quality revolvers and didn't just have the bottom line in sight. I'd be happy to pack up a car full of revolver shooters and head your way if you have a demo pistol available for a test run. Any chance you're planning on being at Area 2 or have someone there with a sample gun?
  5. ... hey I'd like to play too . How well do these speed loaders work? Are they about as fast as say a Safariland Mk I speedloader? I've been looking at buying a 617 for some time now but always find something else first (my Pre-17 K22 beat out the 617 cause I can always get a 617). This 10 shot has promise with a speedloader. How is yours working out?
  6. Randy Lee, I've stayed out of the frey watching the development with interest. If Smith & Wesson is watching...all my revolvers are Smiths . As for this new Ti competition model I'd have to see the performance increase to justify the cost. To me that's what would justify it. On paper it sounds interesting I'm just not sold the average action shooter will see the benefit. The current 625 and 25-2 make for a pretty solid platform right now. It will be interesting to see what develops from all this. Personally I don't see the cost as a barrier as long as there is value to justify it. Slapping a PC name on it doesn't justify the increased cost in my book. I'd rather buy the rack model and do the needed work others have mentioned. I have no problem buying another Smith it's just hard to commit to something just in the design phase. I'll keep some cash available however.
  7. Naw say it ain't so. They are built to be a competition pistol. While not designed as an action shooter...it rules!
  8. mcb Lots of good advise here. Give the RIMZ moonclip a try order a 5 pack or call for some samples to see how you like them. Their 610 clip is one of the best in their lineup. No tools are are required to load and unload. Most all the retailers sell them. Just google RIMZ or log onto the companies website http://www.beckhamdesign.com/html/ccp51/cgi-bin/cp-app.cgi Grips,sights and holsters are a personal thing. You may find adjusting your favorite load from your XD is necessary as the revolver will loose some velocity not being an enclosed chamber. That's a great find in the longer barrell length. Looks to be plenty accurate as well. Let us know how things work out for you.
  9. Yep I'd run it dirty ans long as it functions. Let the moving parts lap a little bit then clean it up and your good to go. I need to confirm all the accessories are with the gun I'm buying, my gues s is they are. I know there are a couple upgrades already done to it. By the end of the month I should be all set. Really looking forward to it. Today I saw dome shotguns in action as we had another 3 Gun running with the IPSC match, sure looks like fun. You wouldn't think you could miss with a shotgun but I saw competitor one after another do just that. Last week I made progress then this week my head was out of it, go figure. IPSC revolver is a whole new ball game, soooo many moving parts.
  10. DHart I agree break it in with 300-500 rounds to see what if anything needs changing. All I've heard is that the gas ports might need opening up a little for it to run everything. I would never think about choping the barrell either. Since you bought yours new did the side saddle, extra chokes and front sights come with it? I hear the Remington side saddle is pretty nice to reload from just woundering what your opinion is. The good news is the used one I'm getting looks new and should be broken in but I'll still run it through the paces before changing anything.
  11. Not yet but I have a deal working on one by the end of the month. I think this would be a very good gun. I've had 870's and 1100's in the past. Right now I'm down to a 12ga Winchester 1400 and a 20ga over and under. Revolvers have been my THING for the past two years but I'd like to do some shotgun matches or pistol/shotgun. I've never shot 3 Gun although at my last IPSC match they ran one simutaneously with ours. CA is a tough state for 3 Gun matches due to magazine and firearm restrictions. I'd suggest looking into Matt Burkett's videos. He is working on a shotgun one now. His instructional and video quality is very good. At Front Sight we did a man on man pistol to pistol then witnessed a MoM pistol vs shotgun. The shotgun smoked the pistol shooter. The only hard shot was the first hostage shot and the shotgunner held off enough to smoke the plate then dust the final two at 20 yards. I agree the shotgun has some awesome power. Id be interested if you feel opening up the gas port is necessary once it's broken in.
  12. DHart why am I not supprised you found a NIB 1100 CM ? You always come up with the greatest finds, not to mention awesome pictures!
  13. codyb does that mean you have since replaced the 1100CM or is it still in action?
  14. Okay I've read as much stuff as I could find on the Rem Comp Mstr shotgun. I'd like to hear from those who use it .... 1 How happy are you with it? 2. How dissatisfied are you with it? 3. What features do you like / dislike on it? 4. What did you change on it from the factory configuration? 5. Using hind sight, would you stick with this gun if you had it to do over again (assuming it was still in production)? If not what would you use? I'm looking for a shotgun to shoot in 3 Gun and shotgun/pistol matches. I have no intention of shooting anything Open Class.
  15. BE & Steve Anderson thanks. I appreciate all the help offered here from you uys and the others. Sometimes you never know what sticks. I've been told over and over not to be concerned with the score. In golf (something I have more expierence with, 2 index) it's EXACTLY the same thing. If you need a par and your focused on the score rather than the process you're guaranteed a boggie or worse. It's the same in shooting. Changing the things that lead to success. BINGO. I cut back on dry and live fire practice. Don't know why I thought maintaining the skill set didn't require practice. Same thing occured several years ago in golf. I stopped practicing my short game, 100 yards and in to teach my daughter the game. LOL, I couldn't break 80 for the longest time after that. I figured that one out on my own! Steve, you and a few others said basically to change the pace and try something different. I did and it also helped, shot a .22 Bullseye match. The feeling of focusing only on the front sight was really good for me. After the match I did some practice focusing on the feel and recoil of the gun, then did some Bill Drills (that Pre-17 K-22 sure is fun) all helped the cause. I feel now I'm back on track again, the results will follow in time. It's the journey not the destination! I'm outta here.....gone shooting!
  16. Well I can't say the slump is over but todays match went very well. I didn't drop many points but I'll have to see where the time falls. I know my times were slower than what I would have liked but I got my points. I shot a bulleseye match last night then just did some target practice. I got use to really focusing on the front sight again. In todays IPSC match I went for points first, then time. At times I felt it was taking me all day to complete the course of fire but in reality I know it was just a extra fraction of a second to get the right sight alignment and trigger control. I got hit with one procedural over a reloading misunderstanding so I'm not really concerned about it (like I didn't do enough reloading!). I guess the bottom line is my confidence is restored. I felt good about cleaning the Texas Star from 20 yards! I think cutting back on the training hurt my over all performance. I know stepping it up will get me back to where I want to be.
  17. SmittyFL You raise some valid points. I've been action shooting for 2+ years mostly IDPA. IPSC is a new competition for me. My background is based in Bullseye shooting. Generally speaking I'm pretty accurate. I don't expect to drop very many points. Usually my speed is slower than I like. To me that is a weakness although many say they would rather be blessed with accuracy. All the fast accurate shooters tell me speed will come, LOL. Don't get me wrong I've come a long way and made some very good progress. As far as the slump vs slower progress... it's a slump. I've seen it in both IDPA and IPSC. I also think I've paid too much attention to the speed element in my recent IPSC matches, IDPA doesn't stress this element as much. This weekend I'll focus more on getting the hits and let the speed fall where it may and see how that pans out. I'm still learning this IPSC thing, it looks easier than it is! Recently I've noticed more dropped points, even a few Mikes and in my last match I shot no-shoots twice on one target! I know I need to step up the practice sessions and dry fire. I'm just wondering what others work on when they see a slip in performance. Tonight I'm going to do a postal .22 Bullseye match. It doesn't get any more BASIC than BULLSEYE . Those 22 targets look awfully smaaaaall. It's still really fun and I look forward to the matches, burn out is far off. I'm sold on IPSC and wonder why it took me so long to try it . Anyway leave it to "The Shark" to say Lay off for six months.........then quit totally. That's not in the cards as I need to be on my game by Nov for Area 2.
  18. Any chance I can get my thread back? Highjackers use the New Thread button ! Okay vent over... Originally I posted... My slump isn't burn out, just not delivering the results I'm use too. Looking for specifics on what you do to break out of a rut or slump. Any particular drills, excercises etc. that have helped you. Thanks for the recommendations so far.
  19. I'd like to see more photos. Are you planning to make them for sale?
  20. LMAO yea I know "Be the Sight". That's why I said, specifically what do you do to get out of a slump?
  21. Okay recently I've been in a shooting slump. I'm not seeing the sights like I use to. My trigger work isn't very good either as I'm getting a horizontal spread in my groups where as before they were more vertical but tighter. Last night I fumbled a reload coming into a port then made two no shoot hits on a target that had about 1/3rd of the A zone and 100% of the head available . I tried to remember the shots and had a sight picture to start then my focus shifted to the targets. Still when I broke the shot I thought they were good hits, scoring them proved a different story. This is just one example of my recent slump. In short recently I've been dropping more points than I usually do. I know more practice live and dry fire is necessary. My slump isn't burn out, just not delivering the results I'm use too. Specifically what do you do to get out of a slump?
  22. slflr, interesting post. I've seen the trend swing 360 degrees from talking to and seeing what others are using. Couple years ago it was the grande champher job then it went to more of just breaking the edge and seems like we are back to the aggressive cutting again. I prefer more of a moderate champhering job myself. Excess champhering is just harder on the moonclips as there is less area to support the case. I don't have a good close up capability with my camera but the attached image should help.
  23. Prepping the trigger and keeping the cylinder moving is easier said than done. It all makes sense but in reality it depends somewhat on the target distance and no shoot difficulty. I'll admit blasting more than one tight no shoot prepping the trigger on the transition (preped alittle too much, LOL). Those penalty points add up fast. My preference is gold bead front sight, white outlined rear sight and a smooth surface trigger. Oh yea and Jerry Miculeks speed!
  24. carmoney thanks for the posting instructions, never noticed that "Attachment" box before. Yep I 100% agree with a 12 pound trigger but that's what the factory provided...lawyers you know I've done trigger jobs on everything but this revolver maybe this weekend I'll get around to it. Heck I think I'll even set it up with a C-More. I'm guessing you take off the single action knotch in your bob-job.? Guess if you're getting rid of weight this is weight. Some how I cringe at cutting the spur of my 25-2. The traditionalist in me is hard to beat back for these modifications. Are you going to Area 2?
  25. Does it do a ful length sizing and crimping too boot?
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