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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Dawn rocks, and now that she has her own gun, we are all screwed. Its just a matter of time before we all have to watch her kick our asses.
  2. Hmm, maybe we need to split these threads, but I don't see how an RO can check whatever ammo he wants from your bag. What if you have 3 different loads in the bag because you are shooting USPSA in the morning, steel in the afternoon, and testing a third load in between? I'm with Nik on this one, you can make me chrono the ammo on my belt at every friking stage, but there is no rule on the books that allows you to go in my range bag. I personally make a point of knowing that the boxed ammo in my bag is ALL fine for the match I'm at because I wouldn't want to grab the wrong thing, but I can't swear that there are no loose rounds of strange vintages rolling around the bottom. Unless you can point to me the rule in the book which says you can search my bag, you can't. If you insist, I leave, and I would hope anyone with a shred of self respect would too. If you don't trust me, chrono me at every stage or ask me to leave, but keep your hands of my personal property.
  3. Actually lead has been taking a dive lately (http://www.lme.co.uk/lead_graphs.asp). Copper on the other hand ...
  4. One of the guys I shoot with "had" to get a tatoo with the rest of his buddies upon university graduation. He was completly out of ideas end ended up with a tatoo of Stewie (from Family Guy) pointing a 1911. Good stuff.
  5. Vlad


    Bacon! ... oh wait. I'm not a TV golden retriever.
  6. "No trigger jobs" is also unenforceble. What are yo going to tell a shooter "Your trigger is too nice, you must have had a trigger job"? "Sorry sir, my gun is just broken in, or maybe the factory got one right". I have no problem with trigger jobs, real people get real trigger jobs for their real world carry guns. I do have a concern with the 2lb or less trigger jobs on guns with no safeties. This is why I think minimum trigger pulls are a good idea. But I do understand that lots of people get upset by that. I would be fine with leaving that one alone if we drop the current list, add 2000 limits, and don't let people remove chunks of their slides to make them lighter. I'm ok with the sight cuts, just so we don't make people buy new slides, plus I dont think it makes that much of a difference.
  7. Hmm .. that is not the USPSA webpage, that is the 1911 Society webpage. There was some disconnect about the DOH and the joined match this year. For more details read: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...e+stack+classic
  8. Your best bet is to chrono the same loads over two or three different chrono's at the same time so you get an idea how your chrono's measurments compare to other ones. And what someone lists on a webpage as velocity is not what you should expect from your gun. Barrels make a big difference.
  9. Actually if I remember correctly this was part of a series that made the rounds a while ago, and from what I remember it was not stage. This kid had a one shot handgun made in some absurd caliber, the kind of thing used in large bore african doubles. The rest of the videos showed him having some decent control of the gun, in the sense that it didn't fly from his hands. I just think the older gent had NO idea what he was getting himself into. The guy that owned the gun had posted the videos and a bunch of stats and explanations about the gun on one of the big gun forums a couple of years back.
  10. I'd say drop 17.1.1 because if the first batch of guns is 2000, why should the gun not be legal to use? I think once it hits 2000 it is pretty much good to go. Drop 17.1.2 or change its wording or you just banned guns out of production no matter how popular it was or how many were made. Lets say that Glock drops the 17 from their lineup for next year (absurd I know). Does that mean that next year no one can use any of the 4 gajilion glock 17s? I think 17.1.3 is enough. Maybe modify 17.1.3 to be 2000 build over some short period of time (ie a couple of years) to keep the factory customs in check? 17.2 concerns me on the magwell issue. It would make gigantic magwells ok as long as they where factory options. Yes you require them to be standard on some 2000 guns, but if the factory a batch for a military or police contract, now they are usable on the rest of all their guns. Heck, how much does a glock cost to make ... $80? They could make 2000 guns with magwells and never care if they sell them, just to make the magwells legal for all the rest of their guns. Unlikely, but pointing out a pitfall. I haven't made up my mind about magwells in production yet, specially huge limited/open type magwells. See bellow about a box. I would drop 21.5.1, potential room for abuse, and I think mostly not necessary. I do not feel very strongly about it either way. Maybe a box for production should be considered. The box dimensions may constrain absurd magwells. I personally think that IPSC production needs one too to constrain gigantic factory mags, but that is a different story. Otherwise, I think Flex's modifications are a giant step in the right direction. I would like to see a minimum trigger pull but I would gladly drop that if the rest of the those changes would come to be.
  11. Dude!! We need more details not to mention pictures! I hate the US Postal Services for more reasons then Brian's forum has storage space to hold.
  12. Production is the fastest growing because the entry price in the other divisions is $2K and the guns look like nothing a new shooter might own. Around here, production IS the biggest class, but for the most part the shooters do not stay in production. Most end up buying a limited or open gun and change divisions or stop shooting. We also end up with experienced shooters moving to production as an alternative to whatever they were shooting before and got boring. The people who shoot production all the time are a lot fewer then the shooters who might be shooting production at any one time. I've only been shooting these games for about 4 years but I can state that when I started everyone though of production as the place for "stock" DA/striker guns. Now there is more debate about which mods are "important" for your production gun then there are for Limited or Open, or at least it seems that way. I do agree with Flex that changing sights and some amount trigger cleanup should be allowed. Grip tape is a safety measure as far as I'm concerned. Lets face it, even IPSC allows trigger jobs with a nod and a wink with that 5lb trigger pull limit. But lightening the slide .. Jeez .. I used to pick on high power shooters about their "issue" AR with hidden float tubes.
  13. The 11 rounds aproach has the danger of you grabing the wrong mag and finding yourself with 11 rounds in a mag in the belt after the beep. Not really worth it.
  14. I can't really blame them from not using floor space for something that doesnt turn enough of a profit. They have no obligation to do so. What I do not like is that the news makes it sound like somehow there is a decline in firearm interest and ownership, which happens not to be the case.
  15. Personally, I carry 4 mags on my belt and one in my front pocket. I load one round from the last mag on the belt and put it back. I take the one from my pocket and load it in the magwell. When I finish the course of fire I take the round I just ejected and use it top off my last mag. Yes, I have "only" 9 rounds in my last mag during the course of fire, but if I can't finish the course of fire with 50 rounds, I dont think the 51st is going to save me.
  16. I disagree. If that is our main concern we might just well throw out the division. It took 5 years to notice that we screwed up. That sucks, and someone is going to get bit if we make any changes but I maintain that the folks who will get the shaft are those who should have stoped and given some thought to where their were they pushing the division. It seems that the BOD knows the Production is broken. FIX IT, dont just let it get worse and worse until it becomes L10 minor with equipment location rules. The truth is that even people that made "large" investments into their production guns proabably didnt put all that much money into them, compared with a Limited gun.
  17. Not only could you see the mag in the gun, in the video you HEAR the round chamber. We all know what a slide sounds like when it drops on an empty chamber and what it sounds like when it chambers a round. That he couldn't hear from 10 freaking inches away is beyond retarded, nevermind the preceding 10 mistakes he made that day. Raz-0 and I where talking about this moron, and he maintain that from the guy's behaviour in the video he MUST have been sampling from the DEA evidence room. I can't say I disagree.
  18. Soo .. what does it mean? A Trubore is a "production" gun. So is a Springfield Mil-Spec. Yet neither are "Production Division" guns. What does production division mean? Double action first shot? Not really, given the XD and Glock trigger jobs. Limited with holster location requierments? What does it mean?
  19. I'm confused. Am I to understand that making every division a racegun division is just the way it is? I understand people pushing the envelope, both in the tech direction and rule direction. What I dont get is people milling off chunks of their slide and replacing their entire trigger group and being proud that they shoot "production". I get that someone is always going to want to try different sights or change the length of their mag button between a couple of factory versions, but removing chunks of slide? And when someone figure out that they might be able to do that, why doesn't the BOD and NROI step in and either deny such a request or fix the friking rules not to allow for it? Just because someone might loose some of their "investment"?
  20. And people keep on yelling at me when I keep on saying we need to tighten up the rules for production. No one seems to want to let go of their super wiz bang additions, and no one wants to explain to me why they want to shoot production if all they want it do modify their gun. I'm thinking I might start shooting revolver. Sure as hell less of a mess. Only one competitive gun and no one can beat Jerry so we would all just shoot for fun.
  21. It seems to me that the original CZ75B's came with the mag break but at some point might have switched to the drop free. Or maybe its just random. Who knows?
  22. Yeah, I reload them 'till I lose them or until they get stepped on and are two deformed to resize, thought it is amazing how deformed a case needs to be before the dies can't beat it back into shape.
  23. Jeez .. I like the TX* just fine but that stage is insane. In my opinion, you might build a stage like that at "fun" match, or as a side match at some other event, but everyone shooting 10 round mags would be screwed.
  24. The 2011's are also more modular, a steel/plastic frame, and doesnt fit in most 1911 holsters. But the operating system is basically the same, if you do not count the fact that some parts are different dimensions to account for the double stack form factor.
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