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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Odd, I don't get them. I mean I get some crap, most likely from retailers mailing lists, but I don't think it has anything to do with USPSA
  2. I think almost everyone has one or two of these experiences. The first I can remember ... I must have been 12. I grew up in Bucharest, Romania and the section in which my family lived was basically miles and miles of high rises with some roads, paths, and playgrounds between the buildings. My grandparents lived about 3 or 4 miles away so it was not unusual for me to bike back and forth at least once a day, weaving between all the high rises using back roads and lawns. I've never been a great cyclist, but a childs mountain bike sure beats walking. One night I was rushing home trying to beat the street lights coming on (the par time for my days at the time) and I crossed a medium sized playground using the cement path which snaked through it. At one point this path made two 90 degree turns one after the other, one left, one right ... and I completely forgat they where there. I was going as fast as I could as I entered those turns and I became an spectator to my bike and my body leaning left to the point that I could feel the air channel between the ground an my knee, then leaning just as far right and then leveling off and continuing. I almost fell of my bike 10 yards later. I had to stop, look back, and I must have had the biggest grin ever on my face. There was no one else to see it, but I remember it to this day.
  3. Actually .. it is the best reason. This is a hobbie not a job. It is PLAY. It makes little sense for me to play with Lego's if I like Erector sets. I've never seen one and I agree with you, it might be a step to far. I do like the Star though, and I do think it represents a practical target.
  4. Because most USPSA shooters I know don't like them, want them, or care about them? Here is a thought ... how about we admit that there is a reason for a head on a target and if we really want more of a challange shrink the main A zone. You can even make it the same shape as the one on the turtle if you want.
  5. .. and then there are my stages with head shots at 18 yards next to no shoots .. weak hand only ...
  6. I grabed one on a super sale. Ive attached to a baseball cap and so far took it out only once. The camera seems to work fine during dryfire (if a bit low on framerate). During my only live fire trial the sound got WAY unsync'ed with the video. I want to try covering the mic and see if I can shock it less with gunfire. I think it COULD work fine as a tool for personal improvment, but don't expect high quality anything. Also, you will need a bigger memory card, so count for about $30 more in your cost.
  7. CZ75, 4.2TG with 124 Deltas, or 3.3TG with 147 Zero's.
  8. Damn, sorry to hear that. It also serves as a reminder of why we wear glasses. Flesh heals, eyeballs not so much. First George, now you. I really hope you guys don't start a trend.
  9. I guess .. so you gain about 2 feet. Its not like the NS is high enough to do anything even if you are behind it unless the shooter is really short. Personally I would avoid the extra risk of fumble, but I guess it adds a bit of freestyle. I do concur that USPSA should have read the damn thing first and make sure that it was correctly written. I've been saying for a while that they really need to get the biggest gamers on a mailing list and send to them all the new rules and classifiers a couple of weeks ahead of final votes. I find it really amusing that they took out Barrel of Fun because people were shooting it in funny ways and added stages with the same damn problems.
  10. Does anyone think it will make ANY difference if you leave the box? The targets are 8 yards away, maybe 9 to the closer steel. How far do you want to go before you are too close to the steel, and why would you? The time spent doing that is better spent shooting, I think.
  11. Seriously dude ... if you are such an expert and the advice of others is to be followed by you putting them in their place ... why do you bother asking. Just in case you are not familiar with the gentlemen you chose to offend, I'm ready to wager cold hard cash that guns built by either of them work. For cheapstake like me, that says a lot. You may wish to do some research on these two gentlemen, and listen to their experience.
  12. I wonder why all the steel only stages? The HF curves on those won't match the rest very well and thus not very usefull as classifiers. I'm really liking most new comstock stages though, specially the Barricades and the Fluffy's.
  13. Having seen the "thing" in the trigger spring on Raz-0's gun, I'm pretty sure that is not wool. It looks like a short polymer rod which keeps the spring from bending sideways, it looks fairly solid.
  14. Fixed... My fat fingers where at fault there.... And who accused you of sandbagging? All they have to do is ask me and I will assure them you are nothing but a D class shooter
  15. I wish some of the "real" rule experts chime in, because it is my understanding that this is pretty much NOT a DQ'ble offence even with 10.5. In fact, if I remember correctly, Troy used pretty much this exact scenario during the RO class for the portion where he tries to mess with all the class members heads. Unless my mind is failing, he pulled his gun went "bang" jumped and pretended to be very surprised and when the RO in training told him he was DQ'ed, he asked "What for?". If I'm misremembering this then fine, but if I'm not that tells me that NROI doesnt believe that 10.5 applies to this very case. It's not that I don't think that shooter MAY have been unsafe, but how do you write a rule that makes that shot a DQ'ble offence but doesn't send you home for taking a point shooting shot from a low grip at a target at muzzle burn distance?
  16. Meh .. EWS makes it easy enough to do. I almost wish there was a button that just saved all the combinations of results at once. ... Then I would be only one step away from having the published straight to our website by mounting the directory localy via some ftp hack .. Ah ... to dream .. maybe I can get some trained monkey to type the results too
  17. Build a couple of short 90degree angles of 2x4 (sort of a triangle) and screw them to the base of your uprights (think the base of the old fashioned x-mas tree stands). At the end of the little braces drill a hole wide enough to take a 10inch nail. That way you can take you uprights, put them where you want and then hammer the 10 nails through the braces and into the ground. That should keep them down. At the end of the day pull the nails, pack up the uprights, and you are done. Make sure you save the nails, they are not cheap
  18. I don't really know about the one year thing. What exactly is the purpose? If Glock starts selling model 99 tomorow, which is perfect for USPSA, they make 1 million this year and sell them for $80, and everyone now has one .... Why wait for 1 year before the can be used? And if they sell out the million guns in 6 months? Does that make them not "legal"? What's the sense in that? I think a minimal count has it covered.
  19. Not legal in what division? I'd be hard press to see how it wouldn't be legal in open, so it would be legal in USPSA as a whole.
  20. Actually it does say non-race, but it doesn't say conceled carry. Even though I'm sure some people have used them as such, I'd admit that the DOH is not a concealable holster. But it would make a dandy holster for open carry. It also rocks for 3gun type things where I want a secure holster that rides a bit lower so I can put crap on my belt, but I don't want a leg holster. In all honesty I think the DOH is a superior holster, but I wouldn't think the earth stood still if I had to move it an inch or two, or if I went back to my belt Cen-Dex holster. I do think it would be a very bad idea to tell all the DOH owners "bugger off, we changed our minds, nevermind the fact that the rules allow for it, we just don't like it".
  21. I've been using the Lee die for 9mm on my Dillon press for some time now. It sure makes the case tapered (in fact a bit more then it needs to) and it works like a charm.
  22. I think LED's have gotten much better. specially with lithium batteries, and I have a couple of LED lights, but they tend to be my glove compartment lights. My EDC pocket light is incandecent. Personally I use a Streamlight Scorpion (my second) because it is one of the smallest 2cell CR123 powered lights, and they've given me good life. Thats not much wrong with any of the surefires, just pick the feature combo you like with a incandecent bulb over 60lumens.
  23. I guess its time we wrote some letters. BTW, when did it become logical to ban things which are successfull? I can try to imagine how these conversations go ... "Hey X made a widget which is perfect for our game, and it matches all our rules. Whats more .. everyone seems to like it. We can't have that! Ban it! Ban it!" Lets see ... S&W debacle, SP-01, H&K with their jetfunnel, and now the DOH. Not all those are indentical issues, but it seems like a trend. Heck, with the DOH they could at least say we are trying to be more like IPSC, .. oh wait, no they can't. Jeez! stop dicking around with the rules because someone's superhero underwear are in a bunch over some percieved "tactical" issue on which you couldn't get any 5 people to agree on.
  24. The 2000 thing is back on? Woot!!!
  25. Vlad

    Auto Makers

    I just checked my rented Malibu (GM) today and the gas intake is on the passager side, like my Jetta. The gas gauge does have an arrow indicating this.
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