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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Woah there stranger ... I'm far from a past worshiper, check out my objections to the SS division rules in other threads. Let me ask you this ... Would you carry a gun daily in a Guga Ribas, at the store, in the woods, at work? Note I said the primary reason has to do with practical considerations. Also ... what happens if you forget to lock your holster and you bumb it? I didn't say that race holster would drop guns by looking funny at them or if used as designed, but people forget to lock their holsters every now and then. Not as much of a consideration with a DOH for example.
  2. That what I currently use, mostly 124's. They work well.
  3. USPSA has these production rules to make a division which will appeal to those who want to shoot with realistic gear. I think that the holster rules for production and SS are a great idea on that alone, plus I've never seen anyone ever drop a gun out of a production holster while bending over to pick up brass or knocking it out against a table, but I've seen EVERY type of race holster drop a gun on the ground at some point or another. And I haven't even been at this game to long. In my opinion, race holsters should only be allowed in open (and I guess modified). Production, SS, L10, and Limited would use production type holsters in my world. Of course, this isn't my world, so I'll be happy and content with the real holsters being used in production and SS. Lets face it, a good shooter should not see more then one or two tens of a second from a DOH vs a race holster. I think that is a worthy loss to avoid droped guns and to stay closer to the practical origins of the game. But I'm odd that way.
  4. So just come on down this friday
  5. Bob, depending where you live in NJ your best bet is to join us at one of our matches. Old Bridge runs two indoor matches every month (besides our regular outdoor) where we introduce new shooters to the game. They are every first and third friday of the month, around 6:30 pm. For directions and more info check out http://obcats.com. Come on down and we'll give an intro to the game, about 1 hour verbal introduction usually by Dave Marques, then we pair you up with one of the regulars for your first 4 stage indoor match.
  6. If it carries jail time of more than 12 months it is a felony not a misdemeanor. Again, I'm don't recommend anyone depend on my nonexistent legal knowledge, nor do I recommend anyone break the law in any way. Now lets leave the realm of sane and address NJ law ... That being said, NJ has a screwed up crime system where we don't really have a felony definition. We have crimes of first, second, third, and fourth degrees. The first 3 are considered high misdemeanors, fourth degree crimes are misdemeanors. For the purposes of common understanding, NJ defines felony as including all high misdemeanors, but not misdemeanors. This however can lead to strange situations where the federal statues define felony as a crime which results in more then one year incarceration. Third Circuit court however decided that in cases where a overlap happens, the state's interpretation takes precedence, which would make NJ fourth degree crimes not a federal felony (Francis v. Reno). To make things more stupid, The Fourth Circuit Court held that NJ fourth degree is a federal felony, without actually addressing that it is defined as misdemeanors. New Jersey is in the Third Court area. As Vince used to say ... Are we having fun yet? This should explain to everyone why I only shoot Production and L10
  7. I'm no lawyer, so keep that in mind. I also dont advise anyone to break the law, assuming anyone can figure out what it means. That being said, hi-cap (more then 15 in NJ) possession is a misdemeanor, and as such unlikely to end you up in jail, unless your lawyer hates you. Also, in NJ not only is it illegal for a police officer to search your car without probable cause, it is illegal for him to search your car without cause EVEN IF YOU GIVE YOUR CONSENT. They are not allowed to even ask you for your permission to search your car. This came from the NJ Superme Court because a number of officers were doing the following: Can I search your car? No. No? then you must have something to hide, thats probable cause!
  8. Well smokeless powder always has SOME smoke. JHP rounds will seem to smoke less, as you are not heating up any lead. I think as long as you shoot lead you are always going to get some smoke. In my experience the Masterblaster rounds smoke less then lead but more FMJ, with JHP's and Copper Plated being the best performers from that standpoints. In my limited experience powders make a lot less difference to smoke then the bullet design.
  9. Vlad

    I Hope

    A female friend of mine told me... If you put the batteries in backwards, the Energizer Bunny keeps coming and coming and coming Got a phone #? 867-5309
  10. O.K. I'll correct you: I've had multiple inquiries and to date we've had one shooter in Single-Stack Division in January and March....... Hmmmmm, maybe that should be a theme match in the fall...... Thanx Nik, I didn't know about the inquiries and I didn't remember anyone on the scores, but I do admit I wasn't paying that close attention. I still say that there is not all that much interest. If you want a theme match, I think it might be cool but I worry that a lot of people won't actually own a gun that matches the rules, or the rest of the gear for it. Actually thats kinda my beef with SS anyway. I have no problem with another division. I think we should have as many divisions as we can get participants for. I thinks it is just peachy to have SS, L10, and Revo, even if no one shoots at every match. My problem with SS is that it tries to match some undefined picture of what a 1911 "should" be, and that has two failures: a) Not everyone agrees, and B ) It ignores the fact that the standards have moved forward. In my view SS is kinda the cowboy action divison of USPSA, intentionaly retro. Lastly I think it should be a SS division, not a 1911 division, allowing all single stack designs to play. I don't think that the Sig220's, Taurus P945, and Glock 36's are going to take over such a division, but it would give them a place to play.
  11. Hey now .. I didnt say Open was for old guys. I'm just telling you what happens to be the status in my neck of the woods.
  12. So .. maybe they could print out a memo or something and pin it the cube walls in their phone support land? 'Cause it sure seems like that policy hasn't trickled down to those who might actually ship out a part to a customer.
  13. Amusingly USPSA seems to be proud of its recent high water mark of 15000 members. Anyone want to take some bets which way those numbers would go if L10 and R get eliminated? As another pseudo-statistical point, the matches in my area see a strange participation curve with the number of Limited, L10, and Production shooters almost equal (say about 17 shooters each on the average), Open moves between nothing and the numbers of L, L10, and Prod, most often much less then either of those. Around here, Open seems to be the "old guys" division, and I'm using that as a very broad characterization being the JJ is a regular, and so are a couple more young open shooters. Still, the big interest seems to be focused on iron sighted guns which feed from a magazine, most matches we have NO revolver shooters. Open seems to be only popular with a few very young and fast, and mostly popular with some of the shooters who have been around for a while, and are just used to shooting open, because thats what they've done for many years. Even so, a lot of them switch to iron sighted guns more and more. Again, not a single person that I know off asked to shoot SS. Since the division came to be I would say about 700 or 800 registrations sheets have been filed at local matches I participate in, plus another another 400 to 500 registrations for our "practice" indoor matches we hold twice a month. Again, as far as I know, not a single SS registration. However we must have had about 200 or more L10 registrations. I can sure see the wisdom of canceling L10, its not like we want more members or anything. Hey I know .. Do we need Production anymore?
  14. Vlad

    I Hope

    I think this is a new attack by the Ori ... Hallowed are the Ori!
  15. Just as a statistical note from New Jersey, there are two large monthly matches which I attended regularly. I do the scores for one of them and I help run the other one, and so far I don't think a single shooter asked to shoot Single Stack (Nik please correct me if I'm wrong about CJ). One did mark wrote L-8 as his division on a score sheet, and knowing his equipment, I scored him as SS, but that is about it. One match brings in about 60 to 70 shooters, the other 40 to 60. This is not to say that people do not shoot single stacks, they just use them in L10.
  16. Don't you all fret. Starbucks will stop selling coffee soon, as they enter Phase 2. Then, we'll be able to buy real coffee again, unless the NWO they will bring will outlaw coffee.
  17. Hmm .. I changed my windshield wipers once and I let the arm drop to the windshield while I had the wiper part off. Instant cracked windshield. Never again I hope.
  18. Also your state may have specific laws. To figure out what your local rules are, go to a local gun shop and ask, they will be happy to let you know. Also, find a local gun club that holds USPSA matches (the USPSA website should help you with that one) and contact the match director. Most likely there will be someone in the club who's job is to help out new shooters. If you let us know where you live, the people on this forum might even tell you who to call, because we are spread all over.
  19. Merrell. I don't like the Nike either, they seem to not have enough support for my taste. Merrells come with a few different thread patterns, and of course it seems that they just discontinued my favorite, the Reflex. No matter, I always find something I like in their lineup. Of course, for a pair of Merrells, you can but 3 or 4 pairs of Land Sharks.
  20. The good news is that copper has taken a bit of a dive recently, and lead has been falling for a while. I'm sure that it will take a while for that to be represented in bullet prices, but at least it is not still skyrocketing. The flip side is that copper stocks are still very low and getting lower all the time.
  21. My wife is 4'11 and she has TINY hands. The thing that works like a charm for her is the Sig 239, which also happens to be a very soft shooting 9mm. She loves it.
  22. I think in USPSA it might have a few problems 1) Not many, myself included, will see a real need for another open division. I think some people will gladly buy another gun for another division, but over all I doubt you will get to many people to spend the money for it. 2) At least in my area Open itself seem to be pulling back. We have a lot more shooters in Limited and Production then in Open. Heck, most matches L10 beats Open attendance. I don't know why it is, or at least not for sure, but I doubt you will get critical mass for another Open like division. 3) Lets put it in simple terms: Modified = Smaller. Americans = Bigger. Just one of those things. Overall, I don't think people will see it as suficently different from Open, but thats my opinion based on those who shoot in my state, in other places it may be different.
  23. I agree. Jerry can set down the Revolver and make GM in any division he so chooses. Here is the question I had for some fellow shooters a few weeks ago: Would it be better for the revolver division if Mr Miculek DID set down the revolver and shot a different division for a while? While I fully admire his achievments, he is so far ahead of the field, I wonder if his 10% to 30% lead at any match discourages more people from shooting revolver, or if it encourages other "top" revolver shooters to move on to other divisions just so they have a chance at winning. I'm not a revolver shooter, so I don't have a serious opinion on the subject. What do you guys think?
  24. But his % should have never made it to 66.54, I did the math on his numbers. Further, his 03-02 score are really busted, his 78.65 is entered twice but marked as not counted in both cases because a higher score is on record. His other 03-02 score is 36.85. I ran the math with with higher version of the 03-02 and his 6 HIGHEST classifiers on record and it only comes up to 62.27. I would say call USPSA, they screwed something up.
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